Dork Divers Manifesto

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I played the Triangle in primary school, I was so bad they gave em a tambourine with out the bells!
I promise to spray paint my kit pink with purple trim.
I'll do anything to get to the ADD level!

Professionally Advancing Dork Initiates
I forgot to mention: You get extra points if the LDS is PADI (Professionally Advancing DorkIsm) affiliated.

Yup... LDS *IS* PADI... and NAUI... so I get extra points!!! Whoopie!!!!:)

... and, ummm... as I noted before... I can't play an instrument to save my life... BUT... I *did* sing with a choir for about 8 years... :D

... I'd also note that I got a snorkle... a cool one. Yellow. My wife loves it because if she's not diving she can spot me in a crowded quarry... ain't that sweet... :eyebrow:

Les'see... umm... got a console... :crafty:

Re: Tang... ummm... I'd like to make counter proposal for Root Beer (IBC, of course). Tastier... less fishy sounding (drinking a fish??? sump'tin really sounds wrong about that...) :rofl3:

BTW... just got back from 2 hours and 4 minutes at the bottom of a local pool... and had a ball doing it! Just floatin' there... diggin' on the junk on the bottom... watching an OW class... sweet... :snorkels:

Dork on Dudes (... and Dudettes...) :cheers:
If you want one, easy to find, $1.75.
The OP in the Orange Shovel thread wasn't being metaphorical.

A retractor has a lot of geek/dork points, but I'd guess this is positive
buoyant and a foot long and would get in the way (and then you're gonna die).

I think it would be more effective to strap it to your thigh.

When you see a shark and **** your suit, you'll have instant access.
After all, that's its designed purpose.

No way - plastic kid's pail shovel for me, that link you posted is a source of innumerable bad ending scenarios for someone who never outgrew tripping on the occasional blade of grass. Especially strapped to a thigh.

My orange shovel wuld be used for local diving activities - such as Pirogue Diver, and for jamming the jaws of local aquatic fauna open when discovering them through navigation by the method of Braille.

The Fish & Wildlife folks never made it out here this afternoon to remove the young 3 foot gator from the neighbor's pond - told them their fish must be tastier since it was in their pond instead of ours.

As if this all wasn't bad enough. My wife gets the mail today and lo and behold there's the new edition of Dive Training in there, nothing to odd about that. She proceeds to hand it to my 5 year old thinking its' for her, my daughter hands it back and says "no, it's daddy's". My wife then looks at the magazine closley, she comments that she though it was my daughter's because the cover is a parody on Dr Suess' book-Oh the Places You Will Go. Wife proceeds to read the cover heading aloud "Oh the Places Scuba Divers Go", looks at me, shakes her head and says, "Oh god, are you sgoober divers really that lame"? Yes, she did ponounce it SGOOBER, she swears it was some sort of Freudian slip but I'm not so sure, I'll have to run it by the fellas tonight when we play Dungeons and Dragons.
GREAT So we're SCOOBER DORKS :rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
You fellows have referred to playing in the band as automatic Dork Divers entry points. I dive split fins, wet suit, short hoses and air integrated computer on a retractor, so qualify for entry on these facts alone. But I never learned to play an instrument so when this thread started I bought a kazoo and have been practicing constantly for days. Will this count toward ADD points? Dork Divers Kazoo Band- kazoos, combs, washboards, tank bangers- charter membership available.
You have earned the respect from dork divers around the world.

But will this hood match your wetsuit and snorkle?

Of course. All seven of my colors are neon, so that means they match.

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