Failed OW for Breathing Too Much; How can I fix it?

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no, tis true!! balmorhea Texas in the desert, its always 75 degrees f......winter or summer
I wouldnt worry about your air consuption specifically. As someone else said, its an indicator of another problem or issue. I am a new diver. I just changed from a jacket BCD to a backplate and wing (1 dive ago), and I went from a 40-50 minute dive at ~40 feet with an AL80 tank, to a 36 minute dive with a steel 100. The problem...I have not figured out my wieght distribution yet , and had a terrible time keeping my feet from floating. This fact alone cut a HUGE amount off my dive time. Maybe see if your instructor will spend half an hour with you at the surface after a dive (500PSI tank) and just move weights around, and get yourself balanced. Just my 2 cents. Also, I see that this thread is over a month old. Update your progress and let us know how your doing. Good luck.
Breathing to much ...
Failed ... OMG

If this is for real go to another instructor thats will work with you.
38 minutes on a 51 ft dive with a tank at 2800 PSI is not bad, especially for beginning divers! Something's strange here. half or more here might have failed too......either get another instructor(2nd time around will be a breeze) or sue the instructor for being too TIGERS......... half or more here might have failed too......either get another instructor(2nd time around will be a breeze) or sue the instructor for being too TIGERS.........

Sue the instructor? For being "hard"??? For not just being a revolving door for anyone who pays? For offering his/her time to correct the concerns at a very minimal cost?

Based on the information provided, I would praise the instructor. I had a hard instructor. My buddy found it just a bit too hard and did not complete his training. I found it to be demanding, as well it should be. I think I am a better and safer diver for it.
You'll do fine!!! Buoyancy can be an issue for beginners as well as rental gear not fitting that well. You can go through some air just trying to stay neutral. Your doing something that you just aren't used to. It gets better with time. Like Nike Just do it.
I failed my O/W dives for breathing too much. When I would lay down at 25 f for 5 min I consumed 100. However when I would swim around my air consumption increased drastically so my dives could only last 35 min, my longest being 38 on a tank filled to 2800. I was able to get down to 51 ft and do all the basic skills.

The second issue (minor) was when I would swim using my leg/fins after a few mins my ankle would feel tired.

Any advice is appreciate. I have my next round of dives in two weeks. I have been working out at the gym to increase my leg strength, cardiovasicular system hoping that does something...

My instructor basically said he was worried that if I did a much deeper dive, I just wouldn't last and need to get this issue worked on.

Oh yeah, the laying down for 5 minutes skill. I remember now. :confused:

You use more air when you're moving than when you're not, I just can't believe that. :mooner:

Nice name "WantToPass". How do you plan to use it once you are certified? :dork2:

Sorry pal, but I'm not buying into any of this bunk you're trying to sell. :)
Oh yeah, the laying down for 5 minutes skill. I remember now. :confused:

We also did that one where you stand on your hands at 60' and recite the alphabet through the regulator, then when you're done you go upright, pat your belly, take the reg out of your mouth and gurgle "I love cherry pie" then check your ending pressure. That one took me a few times to pass.
Folks have offered some good suggestions (don't smoke, be in shape), etc for air consumption. There's a good article in this month's undercurrent on specific exercises you can do related to breathing. The biggest is using your entire diaphragm and slow your breathing down. Takes practice. Also want to be sure you are taking deep breaths and completely exhaling.

Now w/that out of the way - I don't know of an certifying agency around that has what your instructor used on you as a reason for not certifying. I know if you're w/PADI, you can file a protest w/them and unless (s)he can identify which skill you failed to pass (and breathing is not one of them), chances are good you'll get your cert. The testing level is can you demonstrate each skill proficiently. And air consumption isn't one of them. If I had a nickel for every new diver that consumed a bit more air and struggled to do everything as a more experienced diver can do, I'd be a very wealthy person. My recommendation is to call BS on the instructor on this one.
One other suggestion. If after the additional time the instructor still doesn’t certify you get a second opinion go to another instructor at another shop from the same agency and have them test you. It might be you need a different perspective because your current instructor isn’t teaching you in a way that you understand but a different teacher might be able to solve your problems. You shouldn’t have to pay for a full class just a referral.

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