Feedback wanted on E-PM1 and E-P1 v P2

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90% of the time you'll be shooting with a strobe (s) in the Puget Sound. When you are shooting with available light you'd be better off using a slightly higher aperture and bumping your iso a bit. If you're shooting at f 2.0 your depth dof is severely limited, which can be a good thing if you're going for that effect but a bad thing if you want more than your primary subject in focus.........

Right. The lowest ISO in the camera is 200, so there is no way that I can go lower than that. It is something that I have never seen before and I need to get used to it, especially when shooting on land. From my understanding in a film camera the lower the ISO the sharpest the image is. In digital camera is the number of pixels that make a difference so I guess there is not such a strong connection between ISO and sharpness...or there is? At the moment I am not sure whether the sharpness produced by the E-MP3 is up to its widespread good reputation or not...Beside when an image is considered sharp? When you enlarged it to fill your computer screen and you don't see any pixels?
Reflection with the Olympus Zen Dome Port

I have just began to shoot pictures with the Olympus Zen Dome port above and below the water. I have noticed a reflection of the lens in some of the pictures. Is that normal? Can I avoid it by adding a polarizing filter to the lens?

I have just bought an E-MP1, a ZEN dome port and an ED 9-18 mm lens. I haven't tried them yet. I have just found out that the 9-18 mm lens has a max aperture of F 4. I am fairly new to digital photography and, I guess, I keep thinking about film cameras and lenses so to me this lens doesn't seem to be bright enough. Considering its cost, I would have expected to have a max aperture of F 2.0. Now I have doubts that I have made the right decision in buying it. There is an ED 12 mm F 2.0 and I am wondering if I should have got that one instead or the brightness of the lens is digital cameras is not so important like in film cameras?:confused:

Coralcruiser did you end up buying the E-MP1?

I mean an E-PM1.
E-PM1 Shutter Lag

Geez you blokes,
I'm just about sick of reading all the crap about this camera is too slow or this one is much betterer coz it's point 6 milliseconds faster. . .
I really think that it's high time for you to get off your bloody couches and get into the water and start shooting. . .
Fish tails in your pics is an age-old excuse for poor shooting techniques! Nine times out of ten if you're getting fish tails it's because you are taking too long to decide about composition, picture your image before you go racing in and scaring the fish. If you think the pic looks right then take the shot, no amount of waiting, waiting and bloody waiting is going to make the pic look any better, just take the shot! What were the excuses back in the earlier days of flash bulbs and Box Brownie cameras? As I said, get into the water and learn to use your rig. Unless you're going down with a slate and crayon, I'm sure that you will get some great pics, but just STOP the constant whinging.
Other opinions might vary, of course.

LOL! I agree to a point. Eventually the technical limitations of a camera can lead you to a dead end. The other day I tried to freeze in mid air a mom starling that frantically was rushing in and out of her nest in a fraction of a second with my Canon Powershot S90. After 20 minutes or so of taking pictures of an empty sky I gave up. Today I tried with the Olympus Pen E-PM1 in manual mode and here you go!

MomStarling_a_P5170305.jpg MomStarling_b_P5170325.jpg

The shutter lag in the E-PM1 is, by far, less frustrating than the one in the S90.
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