Fiji - Village Advice?

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Pens and pencils, flip flops, READING GLASSES!!, go home with an empty clothing bag, I bring little silver necklaces for special people, go to wal-mart and pick up some cheap water resistant watches, frisbees and deflated balls (bring a ball pump and then leave it. I bring these things every year to a village in PNG and they are so gratful for any of it. This year I added bringing kids clothing. I may pay a little overweight, but it is so worth it.
Ok, to review all our suggestions, we have (and trying my best not to laugh too much at the idea of you hauling all this stuff plus gear!)

Pencils – coloured and lead
Books – to read and to write on
3 ring binders (but what about a hole punch I wonder)
Back Packs
Guitar strings – 6 string acoustic no less
Kids clothing
Flip flops (in Australia we call these thongs by the way)
Dive gear – mask, snorkels if you can afford it
Bubble mixture
Tablecloths – especially lace
Reading glasses
silver necklaces
water resistant watches
Deflated balls with pump

might be easier to just move to fiji

enjoy your visit!
I would like to bring gifts for the folks of the village but I'm at a lost of what these people really need. I was thinking school supplies and/or batteries. Any other suggestions.

Thanks in advance

uhhh, surf wax? and maybe a board or two?
On our recent trip, we took Balloons. you should of seen the kids faces light up, also balsa wood gliders, and books of 100 cute stickers from a $1 store.
WOW....this is great.
Now, how will I pack everything? Gee if that is my biggest worry, then life it truely grand.

Guess I gots lots-o-shopping to do. DARN.

thanks again everyone. :D
Great info, I as well am going to Fiji in Oct. The local LDS has said that band-aids and neosporin(sp?) are needed as well.

We spent 3 extraordinary weeks in June at 3 different resorts in Fiji. All of the above suggestions are helpful. A couple more ideas are: take the smaller size boxes of colored pencils and crayons so that you can distribute them individually to as many different children as possible.

The Air Pacific "courtesy pack" of tooth paste, socks, eye cover, etc. was just as big of a hit with the villagers as it was with us!

Also, lots of Fijians love to have their pictures taken, but ask permission prior to taking them. They appreciate seeing them in the digital camera, and appreciate receiving hard copies of the pcitures when you return, so be sure to get an address or two where you can send the pictures.

If you are invited to a village for a kava ceremony, be sure to purchase some kava ahead of time as a gift to the chief. And be sure to bone up ahead of time on the proper etiquette of the ceremony.

We were fortunate to worship in Fiji, and the gospel singing is truly heavenly. A good friend of mine from central VA sings in a gospel choir with the rest of her family, and I took 6 copies of a new CD they had just produced. That was a big hit, and I was asked to make additional copies on my computer with some blank CDs I had taken with me.

Also, I was able to burn a disc of some the incredible scuba diving we did at the Yasawa Island Resort, where we spent our first week, and Atu, the DM, was very appreciative.

In addition, we left all of our sunscreens, nasal inhalants, ear and eye drops, etc. with the dive shop of the last resort we stayed in the Mamanucas, and they were grateful for that. A sweat shirt from Virginia Beach was also a big hit. The night before, we took all of the dive staff to dinner in lieu of tipping, and we shared a delightful meal and conversation together, as well as kava and songs. It was difficult for us to say "good bye" that night.

Finally, we left all of our over the counter meds, prescription ointments, throat lozengers, tums, shampoos, toiletries, female products, etc. with a nurse who lives on one of the Mamanuca islands, and she was also grateful.

We were deeply blessed by the hospitality of the Fijian people who welcomed us as family, and we were genuinely grateful to share some of our possessions with them. We shared things, not so much as "hand outs," but rather, as expressions of gratitude to new found friends.
Oh my gosh! I almost forgot! One of the people who always joins me in PNG brings a poloroid (SP?) camera. They are only for giving pictures to the folks who come to our boat. We also sometimes remember to bring little zip-locks to put them in since the people are in outrigger canoes and the pics don't like getting wet. You just can't imagine the delight of people getting to take home a picture of themselves. We take it all so for granted.
Pencils – coloured and lead
Books – to read and to write on
3 ring binders (but what about a hole punch I wonder)
Back Packs
Guitar strings – 6 string acoustic no less
Kids clothing
Flip flops (in Australia we call these thongs by the way)
Dive gear – mask, snorkels if you can afford it
Bubble mixture
Tablecloths – especially lace
Reading glasses
silver necklaces
water resistant watches
Deflated balls with pump

THANK YOU...everybody...leaving for Fiji in a few days and will be stopping at small village...just went shopping, which has been fun...feels good to be able to give to those who open their village and way of life to us that are able to travel. Always good to show those around the world, the good side of Americans...keep the "ugly Americans" image away...again, THANK YOU all. I will post my journey when I return.

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