Gas Switch Hand Signal?

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When I completed my Tech diving course my instructor used a hand signal for gas switch that is similar to a Shaka but facing towards your team mates. A little like the scene with the water buffalo in Croc Dundee.

I've also seen this hand signal used that could be confused with a swim or paddle kick hand signal.

So, what is the convention for hand signals ot what were you taught for:
A. Gas switch prep?
B. Complete gas switch?

Are there different hand signals used by TDI, PADI, SSI etc?
Shaka for me for gas switch (TDI), and 'ok' once completed, if required. The symbol in the video is (to me) "swap places" with a buddy. The key I guess is to agree what signals mean what, prior to the dive
I don't know anyone that does the hang loose thing for a gas switch, wasn't in my TDI class. I use that for, "effing rad cave dude." Gas switch, two fingers, like you're making scissors, and you flip them. Like the video above. I've seen people signal deco with one finger out, but looks like the thumb out too if they're lazy.

See here for switch: 2:00 minutes

"Deco": 2:45 min
I use the one in the first video. Unsure how that could be confused with "swim" since you are turning your whole hand over vs. just your fingers. It's a generic "switch" hand signal so it can mean a myriad of things, but when you start a gas procedure you wouldn't be talking about switching anything else
Yes, like in the videos. Two fingers held sideways in front of regulator and rotated.

I use this signal for "switch" generically. I normally point at my reg and then say "switch" to switch regs, or touch my computer with a "switch" signal (gas, setpoint, etc). To switch positions with a buddy, which doesn't really get used much, I either wave them ahead of me or point at them then me and then signal "switch."
index and middle fingers rotating back and forth like the video. OK signal once complete. TDI, NAUI, PADI for me and never seen anything different.
That signal is an almost universal "switch regs" signal and you wont ever get it mixed up with "swim" or "kick" (which would usually be followed up with "kick - that way".

"Switch" is applicable when someone is diving SM and there's concern about when/where to switch regs. IE we should switch here cause the upcoming tiny tunnel isn't good for switching. Or if they end up breathing their backup on doubles and forget to switch back to a working long hose. Or they have a manifold or reg failure and misdiagnose the issue and you need them to switch regs before shutting down what they are breathing. Or for switching off bottom stages. Or for switching to deco gases. It's used a lot, with experience it becomes second nature.
,We also use the two finger switch signal, but we contextualize it by pointing at a second stage.


I've never seen any use the wave the thumb and pinky "shaka" or "hang loose" signal for deco. Instead we just use the raised pinky finger. However....

I tuck the remaining fingers AND the thumb so the thumb does not protrude. Marci tucks the remaining fingers into a fist, but keeps the thumb along side the curled fingers so the tip of the thumb sticks out past the other fingers a bit.

The original hand signal manual I was taught with shows no thumb at all (viewed from the back of the hand) so that implies the thumb is tucked. It doesn't really matter that much provided you are displaying the back of the hand, as it all looks almost the same and is not going to be confused.

However from Maci's untucked version it's a small thing to display the side of the hand, which then more prominently shows the slightly protruding thumb. Form there it's a small step to move the thumb out way from the closed fist to create the shaka sign. And from there it's a small thing to associate that with the emphasized waving shaka sign and start waving your hand around like it is supposed to mean something.

I suspect that's how some divers, or chains of divers learning, passing, or teaching one to the other have evolved from the correct sign to some sort of "hang loose" **** that will prompt me to ask "what the **** was that" in the post dive de-brief. :D
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