Going to T&C!! DAN conference.

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Hey gang!

the wife and i are headed to turks and caicos (provo) to the Beaches Resort for the DAN medical conference this friday! wahooooooo!!

this is our first time there...does anyone have any recommendations on "must-do/see" at T&C?? any thoughts on the DAN conference there? anyone else going??

the wife is pregnant, so all she will do is snorkel....is there good snorkeling at the Beaches resort?? is there anything to do in downtown? is it close by?

any and all suggestions welcomed!


We went there a few years ago and stayed at the Club Med. I believe it is just down the beach from Beaches. Turqoise beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Powder white sand with turqoise water.Your wife will enjoy just hanging on the beach if nothing else.
Most resorts offer daily snorkel boats. there is a resident dolphin named Jo Jo that frequently comes to visit both snorklers and divers.
As far as in town, I wouldn't waste your time. the island is pretty slow paced with not much else to see besides the beach and ocean.
If you are at Beaches, they should offer plenty of activities for your wife.
As far as the diving, we really enjoyed it. Lots of life and pretty healthy reefs by carribean standards.
My favorite sites were Amphitheater and crocodile. Ampitheater is the healthiest section of the wall in Grace Bay.I saw the biggest turtle I have ever seen there. We also had a up close encounter with a very large carribean reef shark on our first dive of the trip at this sight. Crocodile is a series of sand chutes. Lots of nurse sharks under the ledges. This is also a great night dive. Lots of jacks coming out of the dark using your flashlights to help them hunt. Even though the DM warned us about this, it really gets your attention the first couple of times. After that , it became a game.
Not sure about the dive operation at Beaches. If you don't care for it, the op at Club Med was fantastic. I think it is right next door to where you will be. They have two large power cats. Very fast and comfortable. They tend to bring a lot of divers, that is the only drawback. It didn't seem to effect the diving, as they separate them in groups according to skill level. If you have a computer, you have the option of buddy diving or going with a DM.
Enjoy...we sure did. we don't often repeat trips, but, we will be going back here.
How long ya gonna be there? I'm going down a week from Thursday (May 10) and am diving with Caicos Adventures (staying at RWI)... I can't say too much yet as this is my first trip but I am really looking forward to it. From what i've heard, T&C is all about the beaches and the diving (which is why I'm going). The conch farm might be worth a trip but other than that, I haven't heard too much. You could try the trip advisor web site (link below), you might find some good info there. Hope you have a good trip!

you guys are great!
thanks so very much!
i hope to post some nice pics when we get back...

we're staying there until 5/12.

stay tuned!

your wife is going to love the snorkling has the reef is verey close to shore on Beaches
i was their 2 weeks ago i scuba every day and snorkle every day.
some of the protected reef is located about 30 to 40 yard in and about a 2 min walk from the beaches resort on the beach.
we got to see young nurse sharks tons of parrot fish,big sting rays, i could not believe the amount of aquatic life so close to the shore line and in about 4 to 7 feet of water.

the dives where amazing first dive we saw reef sharks everywhere, big barracudas, tons of lobsters. but be worn the beaches scuba boats are a cattle boat my first 3 dives they had to be about 30 or so diver very crowded. but depending on your level of diving they will take that in to consideration and separate ow and aow divers.
def will go back again next year.

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