GoPro Knockoff (Yi 4K) not such a good deal underwater.

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Like a lot of other people I also bought into the GoPro hype train. I was all set up to video in Cozumel for two weeks in Feb and had researched the best underwater setting for my new GoPro 5 Black. I had the multiple red filters, my super suit case, and my super powerful half coke can 2-3k lumen led light. The first day I used the setup I thought the footage was just ok. Then I looked at Horn34’s footage and it was a night and day difference. I gave my setup a second try the next day and got pretty much the same results. Horn34 was nice enough to let me borrow his Yi 4K and for the rest of my trip I used the Yi. The footage was amazing. Needless to say I am now looking for a Yi 4K now. I believe the GoPro is a good camera for bright outdoor conditions because I got some good footage before the trip and was able to color grade it to get really nice results. However, the GoPro seems to fall apart in low light conditions and I fear that’s the issue I was having on my dive trip.

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