Halcyon files for "DIR" Registered Trademark

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WJL once bubbled...

I once asked a guy who wrote advertising jingles why his customers paid him to write such annoying tunes. His response was illuminating: his customers didn't care if anyone liked the jingles, they just cared if they stuck in your head. In that respect, if no other, the phrase "Doing It Right" is a complete success because it sticks in every diver's mind, like it or not.

Yes, but who will be held at fault when a diver strangles another diver with is 7' primary, then sits beside the body, drooling and muttering, 'DIR, DIR, DIR...

Hey, it thay can blame Ozzy, Motorhead, and AC/DC...:D
GQMedic once bubbled...

As I was about to proceed with a DIR-F class, the DIR instructor told me my choice of BP and wings wern't DIR. My choice was the Dive-rite trans-pac. He said the trans-pac doesn't really follow the DIR principles.. Ok, what gives? This is just hillarious.. I guess if it isn't Halcyon, it's DIW....

This was where I had seen this issue going... I called THAT one right..

I have read the book and it is quite specific about a backplate, which the transpac does not have, and about the webbing being one single piece, which the dive-rite harness is not.

BTW: I also own a transpac and really like it!

The DIR folks have a well thought out system and they are up front about being rigid with it. They give well thought out reasons for those positions. Not persuasive enough to get me to dump my transpac, which I like, but well thought out nonetheless.

I think a lot of what they recommend is good, some of it is nit-picking and wrapping stuff around your neck is, uh, . . . not something I want to adopt. :)

I am glad I read the book and I recommend it to anyone who has not read it. How much of it you want to adopt is your choice. Whatever your result is you can call it a "system", slap a slogan on it and go diving. :)
Rick Murchison once bubbled...

No problem.
It works.
Did you have a specific question on technique or procedure?
(what does this have to do with a Halcyon trademark application?)

No, no specific question other than whether or not they had prepared themselves for the possibilty of an air sharing situation.

As far as I'm concerned, I really don't care what equipment or technique someone else uses, unless I'm diving with them. In that case, I want to know everything I possibly can about it.

My question was more out of curiousity regarding how many Air2 users practice this scenario as it adds slightly more complexity to an already stressfull situation. I'm glad to see that most responders have, and that is a sufficient enough answer for me.

Oh, and it had nothing to do with the Halcyon trademark, other than the fact that it came to mind in the course of this discussion.
Cave Diver once bubbled...

My question was more out of curiousity regarding how many Air2 users practice this scenario as it adds slightly more complexity to an already stressfull situation.

The use of the Air2 is different from what is taught in OW, but it is no more complicated. In addition, since one is handing off the primary, it is in some respects similar to the DIR technique, which would also require practice as it is different from typical OW practice.

Reading the DIR book did prompt me to get a 5' hose for my primary for open water diving. I'm not sure I would have done that if I was still using a regular octo. However, since I was already handing off my primary and the logic of the long hose seemed to apply, I decided to go with it.

I'd be curious whether other Air2 divers are using, or considering using, a long hose for their primary.
Just one question...

Why are DIR divers obsessed by What If....

Do they have that many incidents beneath water that they have to completly change their way of thinking? Maybe we need to go back to the basics.

If you are so paranoid...don't go diving. You could sit on your couch with a 50 foot hose leading to out doors. Never run out of air...

DIR Response, "What if you air hose has a kink, you need an alternate duck taped to your forehead and 8 alt air tanks around each thigh...

Really, accept the risk. It is kind of what makes etreme sports, well, extreme. They have danger. If I wanted to make cave diving completly safe I would rent a Submarine.

DIR Resonse, "What if the sub gets stuck....

Just curious

DIR sounds like a good idea, but why are the enthusiast such ****'s about it...Geez...this is a recreational sport...not combat!

USMC Diver once bubbled...
Just one question...

Why are DIR divers obsessed by What If....

Do they have that many incidents beneath water that they have to completly change their way of thinking? Maybe we need to go back to the basics.

If you are so paranoid...don't go diving. You could sit on your couch with a 50 foot hose leading to out doors. Never run out of air...

DIR Response, "What if you air hose has a kink, you need an alternate duck taped to your forehead and 8 alt air tanks around each thigh...

Really, accept the risk. It is kind of what makes etreme sports, well, extreme. They have danger. If I wanted to make cave diving completly safe I would rent a Submarine.

DIR Resonse, "What if the sub gets stuck....

Just curious

DIR sounds like a good idea, but why are the enthusiast such ****'s about it...Geez...this is a recreational sport...not combat!


Hm. http://www.browniedive.com/images/halcyon/dir1.jpg

That's a DIR diver rigged up for an open water dive.

He doesn't have 8 tanks, he has one. He doesn't have any unnecessary gear. He has *less* gear than the average PADI diver.

It's all about skills, teamwork, and the ability to perform those skills. It's the basics. Buoyancy, OOA handling, trim, dealing with task loading. It doesn't get any more basic.

I have the feeling that no matter how much people explain the concept of DIR to you, you'll never get it.
USMC Diver once bubbled...
Just one question...

Why are DIR divers obsessed by What If....

Do they have that many incidents beneath water that they have to completly change their way of thinking? Maybe we need to go back to the basics.

If you are so paranoid...don't go diving. You could sit on your couch with a 50 foot hose leading to out doors. Never run out of air...

DIR Response, "What if you air hose has a kink, you need an alternate duck taped to your forehead and 8 alt air tanks around each thigh...

Really, accept the risk. It is kind of what makes etreme sports, well, extreme. They have danger. If I wanted to make cave diving completly safe I would rent a Submarine.

DIR Resonse, "What if the sub gets stuck....

Just curious

DIR sounds like a good idea, but why are the enthusiast such ****'s about it...Geez...this is a recreational sport...not combat!


From what I have gathered from trying to figure out this whole DIR thing is that a lot of the "what ifs" concerns came from the early days of the WKPP. Apparently the dive coordinators got tired of bringing up bodies so they started addressing the what ifs in order to make their environment (caves) safer.

Are these "what ifs" necessarily particularly in OW? maybe not... but it does go back to the DIR philosophy of one configuration for all environments.
This thread has exhausted it's possibilities.. I'm going to go troll another thread.
Last year I posted this response in a thread asking the question "what is DIR"

"One of my main concerns is that DIR and Halcyon happen to be so closely related. The hostile bias to any other manufacturer, other than the ones listed by the DIR advocates leaves a very cold feeling in me. My trust for the integrity of what is being promoted is overshadowed by this. I am compelled to question "is this just another very well conceived sales tool?". If it is, it is one of the most brilliant sales techniques that I have ever seen. It not only creates a need, and has a product to fill it. It does so in such a way as to create a dedicated following to it. All I can say is, if this is the case, it should be taught as "the" business model of the future."

Seems that it was and is a sales tool for Halcyon all along. Nothing wrong with that. However, they should have been a little more honest from the beginning about it.
jonnythan once bubbled...

It's all about skills, teamwork, and the ability to perform those skills. It's the basics. Buoyancy, OOA handling, trim, dealing with task loading. It doesn't get any more basic.

I have the feeling that no matter how much people explain the concept of DIR to you, you'll never get it.

How is that exclusive to DIR? I learned that way back in 1996 and teach it today. The only thing that GUE does that I have seen that is truly unique is introduce cave/technical dive techniques/gear to recreational open water divers.

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