Hawaii's Fin Ban in Trouble - need your help

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Virginia Beach
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I'm a Fish!
Those of you lucky enough to live in Hawaii, you can have a BIG impact on passing this bill. PLEASE get involved. This bill means more than saving shark in Hawaii, it's a stepping stone to getting this type of movement going in many other areas around the world. If yoiu aren't from Hawaii please write anyway and express your opinion on saving shark as a diver and tourist.

These are the House Representatives on the conference committee that still have objections to the bill.

People should call them or write them directly at their offices.
Resistance to the bill is being led by Representative Jon Riki Karamatsu

Jon Riki Karamatsu
ph 808-586-8490

Representative Ken Ito:
ph 808 586-8470
e-mail repito@Capitol.hawaii.gov

Representative Angus McKelvey:
ph 808 586-6160
e-mail repmckelvey@Capitol.hawaii.gov

House Speaker Calvin K.Y. Say
ph 808 586-6100
e-mail repsay@Capitol.hawaii.gov
Do they realize the ecological consequences of shark finning... or do they just not care about the env9ronment, only economics? Would be really helpful if you posted a summary of their objections to the bill as it would make it easier to address the issue more effectively in any letters we send to them.
Honestly, I don't think they care.
Having spent a lot of time in HI, I think their politics are more corrupt than most. The short term financial gain is always placed ahead of what is right. While it is considered paradise by many tourists, their is no lack of disdain towards outsiders as well as political corruption. Sad.
There are some there that do care and want this bill very much. This bill is also on the side of the Hawaiians so there is a strong lobby on their side also. I lived in Hawaii, I know what it's like but this bill has a following and it is very feasible. It's opponents and those sitting on the fence just need to be shown by your correspondence that there are a lot of others who want this bill on the books and working. Yes, politicians are difficult to deal with but for now, this is all we have, so lets at least make the effort.

Dr Bill I believe the objections are stemming from the restaurants and the exporters that don't want to lose revenue. There is a large population of Chinese in Hawaii as you may know. This is basically a battle between the right to sell / serve fins and the other side that wants to preserve the sharks.
Yes, I know there are people there that are very empassioned and care greatly; such as yourself.
It is to them that I really wish all the best of luck and wish I could help somehow from the mainland. If there is anything we mainlanders can do to move the balance towards some sort of ecological sanity, please let me know. I hate to see the ne'er do wells triumph politically and financially.
The saga continues:

Hawaii is in the last stretch to have a full ban on shark fins in the State. Bill SB2169 passed Conference committee with a date of July 1, 2010 and is going back for a House vote then to be signed by the Governor. Someone get the Governor a Shark shaped pen!

This PDF is the latest version of Bill SB2169:

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