Hello From England

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Scuba Jim

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In a field in Kent
Hello everyone. I am new to these forums, so please treat me gently.

I live in England. About 90 minutes south of London in a village called Cowden, in the county of Kent. It's quite near.... errr... nowhere actually. I have a wife and 2 daughters aged 3 and 2, so I am in a minority of 1 and have no say at all in anything. In fact the goldfish are higher in the pecking order than I am.

I am in the scuba business - I own a travel agency specialising in diving holidays, but I promise not to spam these forums with unsolicitous rubbish! :) Well, ony if you don't want me to, anyway!

Well, having stuck this post on at 5.30 on a Friday I see it's almost time to go home and be asked to play with Barbie dolls or something qually ghastly.

Hope ya'll have a nice weekend.

Bye for now
Welcome to the board Jim. I am fairly new here myself but everyone seems knowledgeable and supportive of each other. Hell, I am not even certified yet and I am already obsessed with dive stuff!
welcome to the Scuba Jim. I think it safer in here then at your place:D
Glad to have you aboard. Enjoy the board.

Hello m8 guess wat im from england to liverpool are quite a bit from u tho any ways welcome to the boards and try and no get into arguments as u get ganged up on lol

Welcome from Central Texas, Scuba Jim. This is really a friendly board with tons of information. Luckily I do not have to play with Barbie dolls else I'd have to actually LIVE underwater. Where do you dive locally in the UK as I know nothing of the fun places to dive there, if there are any. Welcome again.
Hi Jim! have you got your directions right? Let me see 90 minutes South of London on a good day will put you somewhere between Brighton (Sussex) and France.....

I was dragged up in Kent, boarding school in Tonbridge and then Cranbrook and my mum is from just out side Dover. I can never remember if that makes me a Kentish Man or Man of Kent!!!

Any way I escaped but welcome from another south easterner who now leave is the far east....

Thanks for the hellos, guys! It's Monday morning so I am back in the world of work again:( It's a beautiful sunny day here (makes a change) so why on earth would I want to be at my desk in front of a computer? To keep my dear wife in the lifestyle that her parents would like her to become accustomed to, I believe!

Luckily Barbie did not feautre too heavily this weekend - nice weather meant we could chuck the kids in the garden and we had friends to stay whjo have 2 boys who definitely did NOT want to play with Barbies! Spoilsports!

Jonathan - I gave then 90 minutes thing because that's what it takes from Central London. From the burbs it's about 40 minutes. Obviously now leaving (sic!) in the Far East you have not had the pleasure of negotiating our wonderfully empty roads recently! 60 million people with 30 million cars living in an area the size of Texas ain't the fun it used to be! My brother in law went to Tonbridge. And we used to live in Tenterden, just south of Cranbrook.

ScubaCRNA - I don't dive in the UK anymore! I trained here 22 years ago and di my last dive in British waters about 13 years ago. I am now a strictly warm water kinda guy. I know I could start something dangerous by saying that once you have dived the tropics the waters of the British Isles seem less attractive, but what the heck, I'll say it anyway!

Well, I suppose I better do some work now....

C U L8er

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