Hello from Glendale, CA

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Glendale, CA
I have been diving for about 1 year and have about 30 dives under my (weight) belt. I have always wanted to be certified, so I don't understand why I waited until I was 33 to get my certification. I am loving every minute underwater. I look forward to learning as much as possible about diving from everyone on the board.

Welcome to ScubaBoard, SoCalDiverDog! You will enjoy it here, lots of good information and nice people. Check out the SoCal California Kelp Divers section for dives and such!


Welcome to ScubaBoard!

You'll find valuable info on the board as well as new buddies hear in So Cal.

As Jennifer mentioned, check out the So Cal section on the board.


Welcome to SB!!
:happywave Put us in your computer's favorites and check in often. This is a great place to learn, compare, argue :argue: Look around our various forums - everything from New-To-Scuba to Instructors-Only to Dive Medicine.

I am not at all a computer whiz, but I have most of these controls figured out. If I can help you learn to navigate around here, send me a PM. Click my handle in the upper left here, then click Send PM...


BTW - it would really help in future discussion if you'd complete your Profile. Click "User CP" upper left of this page, then go down to "Edit Profile."


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