Help! Ankle problem!!!

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Coconut Creek, FL
I am new to the board, but need some help asap. I am going to a diving institute in Florida on February 20th. I was training in the gym in January and sprained my ankle. It was a level III sprain, the worst you can have. I have done well rehabing it and I am getting much better. I am trying to find an ankle brace that supports and limits the side to side movement of the ankle while still allowing for the up and down while using fins. I have done alot of snorkeling and tried a few braces on my other ankle that is bad as well. The have all fatigued the foot, ankle, or both due to the restriction they put on the top of the ankle and foot. I want desperately to become a diving professional. It has been a lifelong dream and career goal. I dont want to go down and train for months only to not be able to complete all the certifications due to this problem. Also, if anyone has any suggestions on getting my 440yd swim time down I would appreciate it. I swim everyday, but can only do it in time when I switch strokes. I would like to do it smoothly as a front crawl. I only have 10 days left in the gym so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:upset:
Hey, I did the same thing several years ago, and ended up having surgery to repair it. Have you seen an Ortho? You might benefit from some physical therapy. Otherwise, the best thing is to let it rest. You should give it about 6 weeks before trying anything serious on it.
Im so mad I did this to myself in preporation for school. :bonk:
I did see my ortho and he said he thought I would be okay, but he didnt know anything about scuba diving. Which I dont either since I never have. It is alot better and it has been 4 weeks. I was in the Bahamas snorkeling in November and remember how painful it was with a light sprain on the other ankle. When I wore a brace I got foot fatigued very quickly. :upset: I am going to a school where you go from no certs to Instructor in a few months. You have to train non-stop and I would like to find a brace that would give me support because I know without it will be painful and there will be definite fatigue which could lead to a resprain. I do exercise band exercises for strength and stretches, but Im just trying to be preventative. Especially, with what it is costing me to go. I know there are others with this problem and a solution. I just cant find them.:confused:
I think you need to give your foot more time. Then I would suggest to tape your ankle. Ask your ortho to show you how to do it, use the tape (if possible, I became allergic) directly on the skin, no bandage.
Best wishes.
I am going to address 2 issues here- first the injury.

By continually bracing in an attempt to prevent reinjury, you also run the risk of weakening the ankle further. I strongly suggest that you give the ankle more time to heal on its own. I know exactly how you feel, as I have been there. I can also tell you what's coming if you dont give it time to heal- eventually you will lack all lateral stability in the ankle,at one point I could turn my foot sideways, place the SIDE of my ankle on the floor and stand on it. It hurts. The surgery sucks, and you dont want to go there. Prior to the surgical repair, I inverted my ankle dozens of times a day, this is not a good situation.

Second: Your deisre to become an Instructor. Do you have any expiereince with Scuba at all? If not, I strongly suggest that you get certified and get some expereince before heading off to an Instructor Mill. These places do not (usually) produce a quality product, and you most likely will not be prepared to teach when you get done. You simply wont have the requisite expereince and knowledge.

Sorry to have rained on your parade so much. I am simply trying to save you pain and suffering :( . Please feel free to PM me if you would like more detail on either of these subjects.
I have also suffered a class III sprain on my left ankle. In my experience time and conditioning are the only things that will bring the ankle back.

That said, 5 problem free years after my accident, I re-sprained my ankle while walking to the gym. I twisted it on a missing interlocking brick (damn city sidewalks) and now 4 years later I am still taping the darn thing.

I have been to the doctor, surgery is an option, but I have decided that exercise and taping for support will be the best bet. Talk to a physiotherapist how to tape it in a position best suited for scuba. It is difficult to maintain support in a position where your toes are extended out.
Can you suggest anyone to talk to about taping it. I have never heard of that type of doctor. I dont know where to get ahold of someone that could tell me how to tape it for scuba diving. Anyone who knows how to tape it for scuba diving or has a contact that might know it appears to be my only option. Thank you!
aka Physio.

The treatment of physical dysfunction or injury by the use of therapeutic exercise and the application of modalities, intended to restore or facilitate normal function or development. Also called physiotherapy.

Try physiotherapy or sports injury clinic, in the yellow pages.

Good luck!

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