Help Needed Re Mexico

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Blue Kangaroo

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
UK / Thailand / Honduras / Red Sea / Med / Oz whe
Hey guys,

Need some urgent help here.

About to accept an instructor job with Barakuda diving in Playa ( Cancun). Anyone dived with these folks or even better worked with them ?

Or any experience working in Mexico - work permits cost of living anything - we have no idea.Anything will be helpful.

It's a very long way to go blind !!!!

If you could send replies to even better

many thanks

Blue Kangaroo:
Hey guys,

Need some urgent help here.

About to accept an instructor job with Barakuda diving in Playa ( Cancun). Anyone dived with these folks or even better worked with them ?

Or any experience working in Mexico - work permits cost of living anything - we have no idea.Anything will be helpful.

It's a very long way to go blind !!!!

If you could send replies to even better

many thanks


I know this won't be much help but, I dove with them about a year ago while in Playa del Carmen. They had a Place set up by the pool at the hotel where I stayed. They did teach lessons at that pool.
At the time, the same owners also had a Barakuda dive shop etc.. out of Cancun. I think that is where they did most of their business from.
The guy who owned or ran it at the time was very nice and personable and so were all the people who worked for him.
I don't know how big the operation is that is in Cancun but, the one in Playa is just a little Hut type of a thing and one small boat.
In any case, if I were to go there again I wouldn't think twice about diving with them again.
Hi Blue,
I would ask "cancun mark" for advice, he lives in Cancun, and works at Aquaworld there. I think he'll give you sound advice, and honest assessments on the subject. PM him when you get a chance.
Before accepting any position, insure they will provide you with the work permit/visa! Immigration doesn't just let anyone come into the country and take work away from a national. Though you can work for cash and tips... not recommended as it takes just one finger and you are out on your arse.

Cost of living can be very expensive, though my wife and I figure it is about 60 - 70% compared to the US or Canada, plus healthcare.

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