I dont want to be a "Quarry Dive Master"

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I've never seen a DM paid in cash in Canada, ever. Heard about it once...:D
I "worked" with a very good shop in Vancouver. Never paid for air, or inspections, or maintenance of my gear. Always got deals on stuff I wanted to buy. I only worked with instructors who weren't prima donas. In short, it worked for me.
Brilliant! After getting my DM certification I will come and help you out and you can pay me. Deal? :cool2:

If I needed a DM you could do that. And you would get paid. If you were an SEI DM or SDI equivalent and could pass my evaluation. Essentially you need to have instructor level skills and knowledge. And you'd need to have one or two tech certs under your belt. As well as own all your own gear. And you'd need to be able to demo skills in midwater, neutral, and in trim.

As a certified DM I'd expect you to be able to deliver lectures, conduct the snorkeling/skin diving portion which means demo'ing all the skills for that session. Like tossing your mask and snorkel in the deep end, swimming 40 feet underwater and retrieving it, putting it on, and having it clear and the snorkel breathable before your head breaks the surface.

You'd also need to know how to do the doff and don, bailout, and how to calculate deco obligations in an emergency if you would exceed your NDL. These are all Basic Open Water skills by the way.

When I need help I pay those who help me. I provide transportation, meals, air, and gear if necessary. However those times are few and far between as I don't take more than 4 students for OW classes and no more than 2 for advanced and specialties. Last year I only taught advanced and specialty classes.
If I needed a DM you could do that.
Jim, I think that's the problem.

Your need of a DM reflects the number of students you have and other factors relating to the overall health of the industry. If you don't need a DM, then a lot of people don't need a DM. If a lot of people don't need a DM, then there is no market for DMs. If there is no market for DMs, then people who want to work as DMs have to work for what they can get, even if it is only tips. That is basic economics, and that is why DMs work for little to no pay.
Thanks a lot for the input guys. I already have a job that I love so I am not looking to make this into a profession. As a DM my goal would be to offer free slave labor to as many dive operations as possible. For a few years Id like to travel to places and be the mule that carries everyones tanks, the floor sweeper, the guy who wipes your puke, who runs the compressor, the coffee maker etc etc. Since the scuba industry likes to call this an "internship" I can very well imagine what it means. To be honest, I am really not looking to get paid here. My goal will be to gather experience in different aspects of dive business from operating compressors to leading dives and yes a chance to get wet in those waters would be greatly appreciated.

Am I still expecting too much as a DM?

Looking at your profile you have less than 100 dives over something like 10 years.Not alot of experience here.Thats like 10 dives a year..GO DIVING. Do you own ALL your gear? GO ON TRIPS. Go on a dive vacation at a true DIVE RESORT where you can get some boat dives and unlimited shore dives. In 1 week you can easily and inexpensively do 30 dives this way.
Not really sure what you are looking for or expect from this rating..if you think that because someone has a dm/instr rating that a resort will just say"come on down and stay here for nothing and lead some dives" that ain't likely to happen. If you want to assist with classes and training dives near home thru the lds you took this dm class with that might happen. Take the dm class elsewhere and there will likely be no chance to work thru the lds. Working through a lds with assisting and such may lower some of your own costs to dive,may even get a little cash from the lds-do not expect much-and cash in the form of tips from students..Make sure the instructor reminds them to tip you for your efforts. I would suggest strongly to keep you day job and do this on your off hours.
But if there was not such a glut of DM's in the first place, some of whom should not have an OW card let alone a DM card, and be selected as opposed to solicited there might be more paying opportunities for them.
But if there was not such a glut of DM's in the first place, some of whom should not have an OW card let alone a DM card, and be selected as opposed to solicited there might be more paying opportunities for them.

Jim, you did not say you did not want unqualified DMs. You said you did not need a DM. (Note the period at the end of that sentence.)
and how to calculate deco obligations in an emergency if you would exceed your NDL. These are all Basic Open Water skills by the way.
Knowing how to calculate deco obligations is a Basic Open Water Skill? Wow. I'm just a simple PADI DM and that sounds incredible to me. Just to help me improve my education which organizations require this?
thank you.

Also too bad you don't ever use DM's. I found it interesting to talk to students about what I do and I found it helps students see a potential future as a diver sometimes.
Looking at your profile you have less than 100 dives over something like 10 years.Not alot of experience here.Thats like 10 dives a year..GO DIVING. Do you own ALL your gear? GO ON TRIPS. Go on a dive vacation at a true DIVE RESORT where you can get some boat dives and unlimited shore dives. In 1 week you can easily and inexpensively do 30 dives this way.
Not really sure what you are looking for or expect from this rating..if you think that because someone has a dm/instr rating that a resort will just say"come on down and stay here for nothing and lead some dives" that ain't likely to happen. If you want to assist with classes and training dives near home thru the lds you took this dm class with that might happen. Take the dm class elsewhere and there will likely be no chance to work thru the lds. Working through a lds with assisting and such may lower some of your own costs to dive,may even get a little cash from the lds-do not expect much-and cash in the form of tips from students..Make sure the instructor reminds them to tip you for your efforts. I would suggest strongly to keep you day job and do this on your off hours.

This reminds me to update my profile. I will be doing DM after 150 - 200 dives. Yes I have all the gear except tanks. I have a fairly decent day job so I do not have any intention of pursuing this full time. Goal is to set a foot into dive industry to see how things work. Take a greater responsibility than I already have and enjoy the perks / benefits etc.
My shop did pay me to DM, a very small amount even for scuba reviews. But I did get air, keep tanks at my home, deals on gear, and get the experince of working with students and different instructors that really helped when I wanted to go to instructor. If I waited for them to pay me what I make in my day job I would still be waiting for my first DM job. Not all pay is in $$$$
Knowing how to calculate deco obligations is a Basic Open Water Skill? Wow. I'm just a simple PADI DM and that sounds incredible to me. Just to help me improve my education which organizations require this?
thank you.
Also too bad you don't ever use DM's. I found it interesting to talk to students about what I do and I found it helps students see a potential future as a diver sometimes.

I also rarely use a dm unless I am training one. I never use one certified elsewhere unless they can bring "something to the table."
Jim wrote "knowing how to calculate deco obligations in an emergency". Such as accidently exceeding NDL time.
Yes it is a required PADI open water certification skill/knowledge. During academic module 4 and 5 when going over the RDP under "emergency decompression". Info is on the back side of the RDP and on the inside cover of the eRDPml. Accidentally Exceed NDL by no more than 5 minutes gets you a required deco stop at 15 ' for 8 minutes and no diving for 6 hours..exceed NDL by MORE than 5 minutes and that gets you a deco stop of AT LEAST 15 minutes and no diving for 24 hrs. It is also on the written final exam as well as in knowledge reviews.

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