LDS or Internet

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"If I thought about them, I would have to shop online at THEIR LDS, thus cutting mine out! :D "

Point being, Local Shops all over the country are affected by predatory online shops such as Leisure Pro. You said earlier that people could rely on charter compressors, yet much of the country has no such thing.

"According to the site, the shop is located at: 42 West 18th Street New York, NY"

I can list my physical address on my site too, doesn't mean I offer any retail product, airfills or other services at my place. LP apparently has a small showroom with 3 people at computers and limited inventory. Apparenlty most LDS shine compared to a walk in at the place. Isn't LP actully an offshoot from a long established camera mail order house? Not that that matters much, but I don't think it EVER was a local dive shop offering the typical dive shop services.

"I did that because Diversdirect is in my area and when I bought my Black Diamond, I was quite upset to find out that my LDS had overcharged so much. Not really inconsistant, I shop around and buy wherever that good is cheapest. Sometimes, my LDS is cheaper, mostly not. I have bought stuff from Scubatoys, LP, Diversdirect (I walked in, they are 10 mins from me) and even a few LDS in the area."

Once again, when comparing actual prices, you used the LP price, not the Divers Direct price. I've looked at the Scubatoys and Diversdirect websites and frankly, most shops COULD match prices with them on most apple to apple comparisons without taking a huge chunk out of their margin.

"No one DESERVES my support. This is business. Did the icehouse deserve to be propped up when at home refrigerators were invented? How about candlemakers when the lightbulb was invented? The Mom and Pop grocery store when the supermarket came around? "

Yes, this is business, however, I'm trying to look at is as an industry as a whole. It is a specialized business, requiring specialized training and services, and for the industry to thrive nationwide, those services and training need to be available to areas outside dive destinations. Internet mail order houses can't possible meet those needs, they will have to be met locally and for now the LDS is really aobut the only route to meet those needs. If LDSs go the way of the Dodo bird, the industry will suffer.

"Instead of trying to scare us into paying higher prices, they should be working on changing an increasingly unsuccessful business model."

It would be nice to see LDS in general attempt to do what they've done at Scubatoys and Diversdirect. Not all would be able to do it, and even then, it would take time. The guy who owns Scubatoys didn't just wake up one day and decide open a scuba shop and to immediately open a huge 10,000 foot store with a supporting online catalog - it evolved to where it is now. Not sure about Diversdirect, but I suspect they probalby have thier roots as a typical LDS also.

I suspect we will see more and more local shops go this route, and eventually you'll have larger regional mini-chains and the smaller guys will not be around. This will be both good and bad. Good for those concerned with price, bad for those concerned with selection and specialization.

Local Shops do need to avoid copping an attitude, but for those who think the local shops are raking it in or overcharging, they ought to try to open thier own retail businesses some day and get a quick education in the realities of running a retail shop.


I'll bud in on Leisure Pro

I have purchased some equipment from LP and found thier service to be good. If I want to buy a reg bag, dive flag or knife, they might be OK but if your life depends on the equipment, beware! If warrenties are important beware and if sevicing the equipment is needed then beware!

The problem is that they are a Grey Market shop and they are NOT authorized resellers of any brand that I am aware of. They buy out overstock and closeout merchandice at cheap prices and then sell it off to you.

I purchased 2 Oceanic Atoms from LP and had to send them back after they arrived with dead batteries and turned out to be old discontinued versions. LP could not get me the latest versions that did not flood or have the batteries die after 90 days. I felt those were important patches to have in my DC. Oceanic, when I called them, said they would not warrent the ATOMS. Honestly, I felt that Oceanic ought to honor anything they produce but thats another story in itself. LP said they would honor the warrenty but I am unsure how that can happen if Oceanic shuns them.

I got my money back and went to an authorized dealer "Scuba Toys". When the time comes, I am unsure how I will get these two DC's checked out but I will worry about that next year. At least I know they are covered.

Now more on lessons learned. I saved up to 45% on my Reg's, BC's and such by purchasing over the internet from JoeDiversAmerica. The savings included shipping.

Now for my delema. Who is going to service my reg's and BC's? There are no LDS's locally that will touch the equipment so I will have to send it off for annual maintenance. The savings just waved bye bye in shipping costs! :(

I can't even call the internet dive shop because they have no phone number. They do service you but shipping is my responsibility.

My advice, as stated above, dicker price with the LDS, get the best deal you can, support the local clubs, continue your education with them and get to know them. The deals will come and you will have a support network in place.

I always said that the school of hard knocks was effective but its not always the best.
LavaSurfer, friscuba...

nice posts.
I understand what you're saying, but I know I'm not alone in thinking this way: I don't like to haggle with people, I want the price to be the price.
It's bad enough that I have to do it buying a car, I don't want to be doing it elsewhere :D

You don't (or shouldn't) have to haggle. You don't have to haggle over the price of a car, but it sounds like you do. Why? To get the best deal you can.

Do you accept the first offer someone gives for home repair/remodeling or purchase? Have you ever bought or rented a home/apartment and readily agreed to the asking price?

Ever bought a TV and just paid what they were asking?

We are building a new house and finishing it ourselves as we live in it. Every time I go to Home Depot and spend more than $750, I ask if I can get a discount. About 9 out of 10 times I get 10% off.

For those who take the time to talk and ask if anything can be done to lower the price, there are those who don't bother or think it is the LDS who should grovel at their feet and shower them with discounts just because they walked in the door.

While I agree that the LDS needs to be very customer oriented, the reality is that the LDS is trying to feed his family also, by providing products and services for an activity they love at least as much as you. After all, they enjoy it enough to stick their own and their families necks out hoping to make a living.

We LDS owners are NOT some weird emotionless, unfeeling, uncaring lifeforms from some alien planet. We are struggling to make ends meet just like you. We have our good days, bad days, profit days, loss days.

For us to be bashed for doing everything wrong and trying to 'screw' the consumer, is unfair and mean spirited.

Having been on both sides of the counter, I try to treat people fairly, honestly and still try to put food on the table for my kids.

Just like you.
Hola. Here is my 2 cents. Strictly from a NYC divers view. I think you have to do whatever works for you. If its cheeper to get what you want from LP or ScubaToys, knock yourself out. You work hard for your money. Don't let people tell you what to do.

All this talk about air fills.. I have a small place in NYC, I own all my gear except a tank. All the places I go to dive, I can always rent tanks. The full service boats rent them. You can even rent tanks at Dutch Springs. Before anyone says anything, yes I check the hydro and inspection. I have never rented a bad tank or gotten bad air. So the whole "where are you going to get your fills?" ticks me off.

Another thing. I know this is my faut for not asking before I bought my gear, but the LDS where I bought my regs does not service what they sell. They will send it back to the manufacture for service. I do not know why they do this. But I bet it is to save the cost of paying someone to service stuff. Another funny thing is this LDS offers a Nitrox class but will not fill tanks with Nitrox. They only fill tanks with air. I've asked why but all I get from the sales guys are a "We don't know" I think they are all Yankee fans. A true Mets LDS would offer Nitrox fills. (that's for another thread)

I can go on and on but I have to get back to work.
You don't (or shouldn't) have to haggle. You don't have to haggle over the price of a car, but it sounds like you do. Why? To get the best deal you can.

Do you accept the first offer someone gives for home repair/remodeling or purchase? Have you ever bought or rented a home/apartment and readily agreed to the asking price?

Ever bought a TV and just paid what they were asking?
Large purchases like homes/cars are different to me, you're going through an agent with a house - it's not a personal thing.

I would get several quotes for home repair, and go with the best price of the people I thought were trustworthy - I wouldn't haggle.

And a TV is a small purchase, like a regulator - I'd wait for a sale/coupon. Having worked retail for large chains, most people I've encountered would laugh at you for asking.

We are building a new house and finishing it ourselves as we live in it. Every time I go to Home Depot and spend more than $750, I ask if I can get a discount. About 9 out of 10 times I get 10% off.
That's because they are nearly always running a 10% coupon somewhere :wink:, in fact most special orders over $1000 I've done there they've just automatically taken it off - that's not haggling.

For us to be bashed for doing everything wrong and trying to 'screw' the consumer, is unfair and mean spirited.

Having been on both sides of the counter, I try to treat people fairly, honestly and still try to put food on the table for my kids.

Just like you.
I haven't 'bashed' LDS's that I can recall, just stating that one has excessive prices near me. In fact, I try to give the ones I like as much business as I can.

See, I know you guys have to make a living - and that's why I usually expect the prices to be a little high and I wouldn't haggle, but more than a little high and I'd go somewhere else.
I haven't 'bashed' LDS's that I can recall, just stating that one has excessive prices near me. In fact, I try to give the ones I like as much business as I can.

See, I know you guys have to make a living - and that's why I usually expect the prices to be a little high and I wouldn't haggle, but more than a little high and I'd go somewhere else.

Chikkennoodul you are not a "basher" you are just caught in one of those endless circular threads LDS vs IDS.

The well managed LDS already has a "leg up" on any IDS. The others have their "no warranty, no air" lecture. It will be debated time after time. In the meantime, new divers, potential divers, and many others, will shop around and find that dive equipment, like most other products, can be purchased at good prices without any "attitude". The local stores who decide not to have an internet store, but simply say: "OK, you have been shopping. What did you find? Let us see what we can do to help you." They will do well, as well they should.
This thread sure did explode while I was gone last week...

....Gone to Belize diving with all my "Life Support" gear I bought from and my new Henderson hyperstretch suit (also from the afore mentioned :D :D

I think that there are many dive shops that were either open for business prior to the explosion of the internet based business, or dive shops opened based on financials from a time long lost.

When I started out diving 15 years ago it was PAINFULLY obvious that the LDS has you at "hello". There was no other game in town and the "group buy" had not been invented yet. You paid MSRP for EVERYTHING. Sure, they might have discounted enough to save you sales tax, but that was about it.

In the last 12 months I have spent over $5K with and have always had a great experience with them. They are cordial and well informed on the phone and are always prompt to return my phone calls when I leave a message after hours. I don't know if they offer it, but I will be inquiring with them to do my annual service on my regs this winter. Why? Because they are fast, friendly, and courteous to me. 3 things I have yet to find at ANY LDS.

As for the "where are you going to get your air filled" crowd...I have saved enough money buying online that I can buy my own fill station. I am just waiting for all the LDSs to shut down so I can charge you suckers $5 a fill :D :D :D :D

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