Literally hooked while diving?

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The rednecks from both camps should have a competition where the winner buys

the bourbon.

and the what ifs can drive and get it.
Civil conversation goes a long way Bo!

Even with the trucks, guns and Jesus crowd.
I do a lot of diving at Indian River Inlet in Del. There are a lot of fisherman and most of them are decent people. I've been hooked two or three times, when this happens I grab my knife as fast as possible and cut the line.

I usually come up with some tackle and hand it out to fisherman. Some even buy lures off me. I have some that tell other fisherman I'm below and to wait till I pass by.

Then some fisherman are mad at me for being there, and invading there domain. I stay calm and tell them why I dive, what I see, and that I only have an hour before the tide starts moving again. If this don't work I just walk away and don't get upset.
Buy them some beer and ask them nicely without "fancy talk" what you would like them to do. Use small words and talk slow.
We are kind of throwing the redneck wisecracks around pretty liberally, aren't we? I am from Kentucky, yet I am extremey literate, articulate and have my original teeth. You will NEVER see me outside without shoes on, and I prefer imported beer to Busch Lite. Country music makes me have a seizure, and Nascar will put me to sleep in exactly 3 minutes (I've timed it). I can count to eleven without taking my pants off, and I have never eaten anything killed by a vehicle.

Having said that, I will also say that people will be rude and inconsiderate...regardless of whether they are an "Appalacian American", or a refined city socialite.

And having said THAT, I will say that the individuals on that boat were probably not rednecks. Rednecks will fish until the race starts...but usually down by the river, with a stringer full of catfish and a cooler full of Busch Lite.
Don't mess with the redneck yacht club.
For the record, my girlfriend is from Bowling Green and her daddy is from Covington. She and her daddy both not only have all their teeth, but also professional doctorates from name schools. There's no inbreeding in her family and they are overall very decent folks.

To be clear, I don't have anything against southerners. In fact, I think they tend to be a bit more low key than a lot of the northerners. This is definitely a good thing. Personally, I'm from way south of the Mason–Dixon Line. However, I do have an issue with those particular southern individuals who serve living justification of negative redneck stereotypes.

That said, I guess I neglected to mention the case of Busch Lite in the boat. :p

In all seriousness, thanks to everyone who replied.

We are kind of throwing the redneck wisecracks around pretty liberally, aren't we? I am from Kentucky, yet I am extremey literate, articulate and have my original teeth. You will NEVER see me outside without shoes on, and I prefer imported beer to Busch Lite. Country music makes me have a seizure, and Nascar will put me to sleep in exactly 3 minutes (I've timed it). I can count to eleven without taking my pants off, and I have never eaten anything killed by a vehicle.

Having said that, I will also say that people will be rude and inconsiderate...regardless of whether they are an "Appalacian American", or a refined city socialite.

And having said THAT, I will say that the individuals on that boat were probably not rednecks. Rednecks will fish until the race starts...but usually down by the river, with a stringer full of catfish and a cooler full of Busch Lite.
Take a pair of dikes with you diving and snip their lines underwater. That'll make them wonder what happened. Just kidding...sorta.

I was thinking of tying all their lines together and then tugged at them while underwater so they all end up fishing each other ... :eyebrow:
I run into this problem while snorkeling off the coast all the time - my neighborhood is packed with shore fishermen. Those guys are usually not jackasses about it, however, because a) they are Portuguese and b) the other snorkelers are spearfishing, and therefore carry a big, pointy weapon around with them :D

However, I am of the opinion that people are going to do what people are going to do. If a group of boozers are leaving hooks out where anyone can step on them, then those guys are unapproachable. Some people in this world think they have a right to be assh*les no matter what. Think about that story raoulsttexas told - do you think those guys would change their ways just because someone asked them nicely? Fishermen who are doing what they are supposed to do can be approached, of course, but not troublemakers.

Unfortunately, the only solution is to stick to diving in places where fishermen either don't go or are banned from going. In the latter case, at least you can report them and let the law take care of it.
Pauly - I'm a born and bred Kentuckian too, and it is precisely because of that background that I recognize some people are just plain trash (see above comment). However, I agree that trashiness isn't a regional thing. I lump ghetto trash and trailer trash into the same awful category. Anyone ever hear that David Cross routine about how the "redneck accent" can be heard in Juneau, Alaska and Bakersfield, California? Bad, low-bred attitudes are universal.

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