Mares Abyss 22 Regulator, thoughts?

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I have the older style MR22 Abyss and I love it. I don't know if I'd be willing to give it up without a fight. It breaths great, never had any issues (knock on wood). I'd definatly recommend it if it can be had for a good price.

I have one , and really like it. It breathes well, and is confortable. No adjustments, but so far none have been needed.
I bought one for my first reg and have nothing but good things to say about them. 2 year service, great in cold water(not that it's a worry for you down south), it breathes very well and I haven't had any free flows. I've since bought another mares reg for my pony bottle, I haven't had it at any depth yet, but it breathes well at 30 ft.

Cheers :coffee:
Not to be the Devil's advocate but I believe this is what my buddy had and he sold it because it uses a non-standard hose. He did like the way it breathed though.

aka Robert
Had one for 15 years,great reg,breaths very well,good in coldwater,good at any depth.
BUT way too heavy,after 45min my jaws locked up from the weight of the 2nd stage.
Diving a Atomic Ti1 now for 3 years now and I like it much better.Ok comfort comes at a price :11:
As most here have said I love mine too. I'm not sure why the 2nd stage weight is an issue as I don't even notice mine when diving. On land, where the reg is kind of like a "fish out of water", the 2nd stage is heavy in the mouth but once submerged it is weightless.

It does use a different hose from standard, however I had no problem going to my local shop and getting an adapter that allowed me to use a standard hose when I converted to my 7' hose. No difference in how it breathes between the original or the hose with the adapter on it. Interesting reason to sell a reg though. But whatever works I suppose.

As to the weight issue, it is a heavy reg. The weight disappears when underwater though. I use a seacure mouthpiece and I've never had jaw fatigue.


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