Marketplace: SOLD!!! added to prefixes.

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Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
When your item in the marketplace sells, simply report your post and ask that the mods change the prefix to SOLD!!!

You can post that in your thread. :D

I was just in a thread where the guy posted sold, and two posts later the guy asks if it's still "For Sale".
Commonly, marks like "Sold" should be LESS markable, than other topics...
but this RED "doorplate" makes much more attention to the topic :)

May be Technical admins of this forum can change Topic title appearance from Black to Grey colour, and colour of the tab to the grey or another not so much markable?

Thx in advance!
How about the reduction in price?
Report your post and tell the mods exactly how you want your post to read. They can even change the thread title.

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