Monterey conditions. (let's keep it going )

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Breakwall area on 1/31/15. Calm seas, viz about 25+. Both dives off my kayak. The first was about #13 and we dropped right down on the line to the Barge (yes it is still there) and swam over to the wall to enjoy some sea lions. There weren't many in the water so it was disappointing to me, but the 5 or 6 that did come to check us out were quite a thrill for my 22 yo son. Some neat crabs, and we got to see an anemone try to eat a crab shell.

My next dive was at the first small patch of kelp I found on my way toward the aquarium. The wind had really picked up and paddling against it was tiring. Sea conditions and viz were about the same. The best find was a small, but significantly larger than last seen, sunflower star.

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South Monastery today. Pretty good conditions, quite a bit of surge towards the rocks, vis @ 25-30, water @ 55. Saw a huge ling cod & a sizable moray eel. TONs of sea hares everywhere.
I don't know whats up with the sea hares. I see massive amounts of them everywhere. A few years ago you never saw any.
Dove North Monastery with Oshri. Vis was about 20'in the shallows. At 70' it was about 40+. Tons of sea urchins and brittle stars. Ling Cods and rock fish where abundant and huge. Second dive did Butterfly House. Vis varied form 20 to 35'. It was low tide by the time we got there. Saw a big flounder and buddy spotted a giant pacific octopus. It was taking a nap with a crab. Unfortunately for this GPO, it was its final nap.
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Sunday: Hopkins Deep and Eric's Pinnacle. Hopkins vis was 10-25 feet, lovely metridium and a scattering of nudibranchs. Failed to find the anchor line which made me feel like a bit of a dunce. Eric's pinnacle was magnificent - lot of surge but visibility up to 30 feet. Saw a small cabezon chase a much larger one away from its cluster of eggs which was pretty cool. Big group of blue rockfish, and invertebrates covering every inch of the rock. Superb dive site.
Raftingtigger - I saw one of those baby sunflower stars at the metridium fields pipe on Saturday. About the size of a quarter but really cute.
Default and uspap - didn't see many sea hares in the Breakwater/Metridium area, but the ones I did see were big. They seem to get bigger every time I dive.
I don't know whats up with the sea hares. I see massive amounts of them everywhere. A few years ago you never saw any.

This can be attributed to the "No-Norelco-Zone" in effect. Lots of excess hares...

(Sorry could not resist)
Had a super early dive today (Thursday 2/5) at north monastery. Vis was around 30ft with good water clarity. Little murky/foggy at depth. The sweet spot was around 30-40. Little surge on the way in in the shallows but not to bad.
Catch of the day

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Nice dive this morning (2/11) early am off north monastery. Had 25-30ft vs, but light was not penetrating very well so seemed dark. Fair amount of particulates. Surgy shallow on the way in, and a little bouncy swimming out. That said it was still a walk in walk out day.
Lots life out today, some big schools of rock fish in the kelp.

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Dove Del Monte Pier today. Weather was beautiful. A bit of cross current under wharf. Vis was about 15ft. Tons of Nudibranchs and Sea Hares. Second dive was Breakwater mid-reef. Vis about 15ft as well. Top side was amazing considering it was 75 degrees and Boston is expecting another 15 inches of snow.
Great night dive to the metridiums with Raftingtigger.

We moseyed out along the pipe checking out the crabs, octopus and shrimp along the way, had a brief visit to the metridiums and were joined by a harbor seal who hung with us as we followed the pipe back. There were big schools of some kind of bait fish that panicked and scattered every time I pointed my lights at 'em, and often swam smack into me in the process.

Great viz, though hard to assign a number to it (night dive and all that), 56F water, minimal swell. Max depth 48', 88 minutes bottom time.

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