Morrison Springs Debacle

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Knowing them like I do I would imagine they were the first people on site in the early A.M. and staked their claim. The early bird gets the worm and all, you remember that from our childhoods.
Kenny P.

I think what is being said is that at this FREE public park they have no right to monopolize the entire facility or stake any claim at all. I have not been there since the make over but perhaps next time they should bring their own awning if they intend to set up a camp, the public pavilion is just that public.

Back about 1972 I got into an all out fight with some redneckus of the alabamus variety at Morrison. It was quite a show, fortunately I had with me Anthony, a huge black man built like a tank. It all worked out in the end, we left friends, they just needed some disciplining and Anthony provided it, then we all got drunk-er.

Morrison is a nice dive but it was so much nicer in the old days.

Hey Todd, good to see you yesterday. Sorry about the friction with them, but that's also my LDS & they really are a great bunch.

As Tony has said to me when things messed up at Dive Locker, "it's almost always good here"
Wayward, I know they are your LDS and like I said, it was just a rant... some things really get under my skin. That kind of behavior is one of them. The statement that she has been doing this longer than I have is accurate, and that is fine... does not matter who knows more than whom. The problem I had was an interuption to a class about something that was none of her business, about a topic that was not being covered. You were there, my students were tucked into the concrete to the side, and were happy to be there. I saw no good reason, early bird or not, to not share. Don't we also learn sharing in pre k? I try to always be flexible, and will gladly take a spot out of the way on the ground, and I really get annoyed with the locals out there, acting like yokels, but even if I had to move my students off of a table to make room for some kids I would.

Kevin, I'm really sorry man, but I cannot place you... I have no doubt about what you say, especially with the 900 mph stuff, I am usually on the move. I have no problem with Mary's knowledge level, just politeness. For the record, she was not evil, I saw no fangs, horns or pointed tail. Their group was there first, they were in the water already when I got there, and I was pretty early. Everyone else was really fun, and there seemed to be several classes going on that all seemed to be a lot of fun. It was just one bad experience, and I wanted to rant. Did not mean to stir up so much animosity, and I don't want anyone to feel like I think the shop had anything to do with one persons bad behavior, believe me, I see it all the time in the Dive Locker, and would not want my name stuck on what some of the other employees there do. I just want everyone to be a little more considerate of each other on these sites. Some of them are small with limited access, and we need to be able to share to make things work smoothly.

Todd Yarbrough
For the record, my students were not tucked into the concrete, they were sitting on the concrete.
Sorry for your bad experience Todd. I know these folks, as they are friends of mine and own my LDS. I know George could not be there as he was on the WWII Veteran's flight to DC for the day. It sounds from your post like the guard was Ms. Mary, one of George's partners. I haven't a clue who else was there for the check out dives. Ms. Mary's husband and other partner I imagine? Knowing them like I do I would imagine they were the first people on site in the early A.M. and staked their claim. The early bird gets the worm and all, you remember that from our childhoods. Glad the site has cleared up and so many folks are getting out and enjoying it again. I think a better approach would have been to inquire of them a what's up wid dis! Now you have a bunch of folks stirred up and thinking my senior citizen friends are evil, wicked table hogs?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Kenny P.

Disclaimer - wasn't there.

However, if the shoe fits, wear it! They came across as pushy and intolerant. I don't care how many years you have under your belt, that is just wrong. I don't know any crowd that wants to hear that children were turn away in the rain just because someone was holding down the fort.
For the record too - When the Ozark bunch comes to Vortex they do a lunch spread for their students and basically commandeer a whole row of tables under Grandview Lodge. If you have gear already on the tables they will move it and put their red table cloths out.
Tom, while I haven't been along for every class & can't definitively say that never happened, I can say that I have never personally seen it happen when I have been there. Had I, I would have taken it up with them as IMO you don't touch other people's gear without asking first.
I happened to be a witness to the behavior that went on that day. I was amazed that this lady had the nerve to not only listen in on the conversation, but interrupt without merit. I am all about respecting elders, but that does not mean that it is a free pass for elders to be as rude as they like. "The early bird" should not apply when it is a public place. Sharing is something I was always taught in school. I know that it is nice to sit down and eat but when you are finished and just hanging out up there; it is not going to hurt to share. I find it silly to have a "guard" for tables. The gear is a good enough guard for me. I am okay with not having a table. We do not own the tables to claim them. We set up on the edge of the concrete so we would not get our gear all muddy. My problem was with telling the three little kids they could not sit down at one of the 3 tables that no one was sitting at to eat their food. The kids were polite, more polite than the lady for sure, which is sad. I would not tolerate someone speaking to my kid like she spoke to them. Everywhere we go we try to make sure that we are not keeping other groups from having a spot. We are all out there for the same reason which is diving. We should not lose focus. As for her interruption of class, she made herself look foolish. Todd handled the situation with class, and kept his cool. Most others would have flipped out. I have taken numerous courses with different instructors and Todd is by far the best out there. He is patient, professional and by far the most knowledgeable instructor I have encountered.
I will say that the divers in the water were more than polite and seemed to be having a good time, which is what it is all about. It's unfortunate that we can't share space on land.
Thats exactly how they had it set up at Morrison. The only shelter there they had claimed for their lunch spread. You know and thats fine. They were there first, but when the kids approached the red table cloths had been thrown out and no one was sitting there. They were all in the water except the lady. And actually the entire time we were there, which was around three hours, she was the only one at the tables. What I don't understand is why they have to have tables to set up their gear and then seperate tables to eat at.

Thanks for that tidbit, I found it odd that I never saw anyone at the tables other than Mary and her husband, and him only occasionally... I never even thought that they might be holding the whole place for a meal.... I can understand that, I mean no one wants to eat at the same table SCUBA gear has been at, I mean you plates might get all soggy... like those poor little kids chips.

Wayward, I also take much offense at my gear being touched, with that being my main source of income, I take it very personally when I see someone with their hands on my gear without letting me know first, and that also goes for my students gear, so I appreciate your stance on that. I hope that some of this is pointed out to your LDS and not to make them look like bad guys but just to maybe alter bad behavior before it really makes someone mad... Like I said with the gear moving, SCUBA is how I feed my family, take my gear away, move it, break it, or even let me think thats what you are doing, I will react as though my ability to provide is being threatened. I know this is a bit of an extreme stance, but teaching SCUBA is my only income, and even though I have several sets of gear, I still prefer the one I am diving at the time.

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