NEW DIVERS ONLY! (< 50 dives) - What do you expect from a DiveMaster?

What do you expect from a DM? - new divers only (< 50 dives) please

  • DM should show me cool stuff

    Votes: 131 63.3%
  • DM should watch my air pressure

    Votes: 24 11.6%
  • DM should watch my depth

    Votes: 33 15.9%
  • DM should help keep me safe

    Votes: 141 68.1%
  • DM should not exceed my training

    Votes: 108 52.2%
  • DM should give a dive briefing

    Votes: 172 83.1%
  • DM should help me setup my equipment

    Votes: 31 15.0%
  • DM should stay on the boat

    Votes: 5 2.4%

  • Total voters

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Since my experience is limited, <10 dives, I'll share what I have found to be comforting during my dives...... The DM briefed the dive and was knowledgeable of the conditions (currents etc), encouraged me when I was unsure (rolling off the side of a boat in rough water was a little freaky the first time), acknowledged that I was "ok" during the dive, was constantly aware of the whereabouts of his divers, showed us really neat stuff we would have otherwise missed and shared his experiences - some humorous, but mostly those that give insight to different diving situations.
DM should show me cool stuff
This is a great reason to dive with a DM. They know the dive and I don't. I would think that this is one of the two most important reasons for diving with a DM.

DM should watch my air pressure
Watch my pressure? No, that's my responsibility. However, I consider a DM to be part of my buddy group and the DM should be kept aware of critical changes in my dive (air at 500psi). This allows my "extra" buddy to know what's up with me.

DM should watch my depth
If I am diving with a DM/tour guide, then the DM already knows my depth. See my comments on pre-dive briefing.

DM should help keep me safe
To the extent that a DM should not take me to unsafe places (150 feet down, etc), I don't think this is the DM's responsibility. I need to keep myself (and my buddy) safe.

DM should not exceed my training
Again, see my comments on pre-dive briefing. I realize that the rest of the people I will be jumping in with have more/different experience. I think it is unreasonable to expect a DM to limit a dive based on the most inexperienced diver of the group. A good DM will have alternative paths/ideas for differing skill levels and communicating that is a sign of a better DM.

DM should give a dive briefing
In my opinion, this is the greatest reason to dive with a DM. I want to know what I can expect when I dive a particular location. Points of interest, a good diagram of the site, depths of things/places, things to be aware of, and so forth. This should be a briefing, followed by a group conversation about alternative paths for people of various skills. If the DM knows I have not taken a deep dive class, then the DM can tell me about how to meet up with the group when they ascend to my level later in the dive.

DM should help me setup my equipment
While I like the personal valet service, it is my gear and I have to rely on it when I am in the water. I want to set it up myself. As for making sure I do it right, that's my buddy's job. We may both be new and it may be a case of the blind leading the blind, but we need to learn ourselves. As long as my buddy and I do our pre-dive check together, we will catch the important issues.

DM should stay on the boat
All the pre-dive briefings in the world will not make up for an in-water tour guide. Having someone on the dive that knows exactly where to find things is unreplaceable. If the DM mentions that part of the dive contains strong currents, I may remember that from the briefing. However, when we get to that part, it helps to have a person there to remind me of what is about to happen.

A DM is, in my opinion, the expert of the dive. On board, the DM is the person who can tell me what to expect and what to look for. In the water, the DM is more a tour guide for those who want to take a tour. Everyone should not be required to stay close to the tour, but those decisions are best made above water before the dive starts. Like a land tour, if someone needs/wants to deviate from the planned tour, they should tell the guide and arrange to meet up at a later point (perhaps onboard). It is not the DM's responsibility to make everyone stay close and do the same things. We each have a different skill level and set of interests.
I put in my 2 ceants worth in original thread.But,a bit to be added.I am a 25 year firefighter verteran.When I have a rookie with me inside,I moniter their air ,they get excited,use more air than me,I know the time in,when it time to go.I know their experience/training and dont and won't push them beyond the safe limit,they dont let go of me,They stay with me,period.I show them cool stuf,,flashovers and backdraft potential,how to get in and out properly,Now,that said..I'm new and a rookie at diving.I want the pro to make sure I;m doing right,not take me beyond my training,show me cool things,ask me if I'm ok along the way,dont smother me,let me learn,,but dont let me get stupid and get hurt,stay with me,if thats the plan.I;ll do 10-20 dives in quarrys,local lakes with an experienced friend before I tackle the the ocean and DMs and such,,just for my learning and comfort level with equipment and learning my equipemnt,to me,a more realxed way to learn much before I "DIVE" right in.I do alot of pool dives,for me to get used to MY equipment,to practice bouyancy,mask removal,don,doff BC,,also practiced with firefigting in case entangled with wires.I think that time underwater has helped me alot.Proper weighting.ect...Then I may know what to expect from a DM and be able to function ablely when I are one...I am going to watch this thread,very interesting and informative..Much for me to learn,,come on warmer weather,,no dry suite yet,,but in my future.I also beleive asking and getting as many people to answer specifics questions gives a more precise answer,,more than one side to a story/answers.So,any one that is willing to let me ask one specific questions,please Pm me,I dont want to bother anyone ,but would appreciate the time anyone would take for me to help and share their opinions or advice..thank you in advance..Did I run on?
I'm still amazed at the fact that I'm even here at all so it's likely that I'll only notice things that occur in large sizes or large numbers... and then maybe be a bit disturbed by things occuring in large sizes and numbers at the same time.
This is exactly how I feel! Thanks for putting it into words Oreocookie
I know that loser FF from memphis and he is FOS. Just kidding, right on Lenny! I think DM's should give a good precise briefing, use your buddy ALWAYS. If you have insecurities tell your buddy or abort and you might want to make DM aware. As a OW or AOW diver you should know your limits!!!! I was taught always stay in contact with your buddy and share your psi for saftey, so you know where each other stand and it keeps you close. As far as showing me cool stuff alot of that should be in briefing. If you and your buddy hang with the DM I'm sure he can point out some cool stuff. If the DM has to setup your equipment check the Cracker Jack box from which you got your cert. card for further instruction! DM's I think are for SAFTEY, Guidence and experience for the whole group. Your life is in your hands, make sound educated informed choices about your training and limits or you to may be a statistic on scubaboard
I voted for all options except for assembly of gear and staying on the boat. As a new diver, <50 dives, my first priority is looking to the DM to ensure I come back alive. Safety first, tour guide second. I fully believe safety is the responsibility of the diver; however, I also believe that as a new/less experienced diver, I expect the DM to keep a closer eye on me as a backup safety check. My expectations for safety from the DM include monitoring depth/air and a pre-dive briefing.

Secondly, I look to the DM to be the tour guide. He/she should show me the most interesting things at the dive site, as well as point out some of the less obvious creatures that I may otherwise overlook.

IMHO, a DM which can take me on an interesting dive and help me come back safely is a DM worth his pay.
We just got back from our first ocean trip, to Kona. I really liked they let us know about topography, navigation cues, and currents/surge as well as what we might see. I liked that when the DM saw something cool she'd share it. She was also keeping an eye on us during the dive and did gear setup; but I'd have been fine with or without those touches. Now, their cleaning our equipment after each dive and bringing it back for the next one ... that was very nice; and definitely unexpected.

I am responsible for my own air, depth, and deciding what I can do. My buddy is responsible for backing me up in this; as I back him up. We check our own gear; and I'd be happy to set it up as well. None of that is the job of the professionals. We tell the dive shop what we are and aren't comfortable doing; so given that I expect them to not bring us to dives well beyond our experience (a little bit beyond is how we learn to extend).

I appreciated the knowledge and life histories of critters the pros were able to share; not just 'lookit this pretty'. But then I'm a biology geek. :)
Thank McKinnis,,I'm FOS..most of the time and your gonna be my DM for awhile,,,and i need spelling lessons also.See ya in the pool.....
Hmm good one here.
I have only done a couple boat dives off the coast here and what I expect from a Dm is a good briefing on what to look for like the cool,the potential not so cool stuuf that might impair my ascent, I kinda figure the DM is to be in the water kinda looking over things like an insurance policy, The Capt can watch bubbles,
I can check/setup my own gear and aint got a problem if someone be it the DM another diver my buddy the boat capt, looks at my gear twist my air knob to make sure I got it on before I hit the water,says something like how ya gonna swim with out ya fins,"you dont need weight in salt water?"We all forget things and we all aint perfect, I mean hell they life they save might be mine or yours...(and if shes a single female DM mid 30`s to 40` an "emergency"phone number would be nice haha)
if the DM or anybody scubas by me and asks me if Im ok or ask me to look at my gauge again no sweat the life they save might be mine or yours.
I dont expect them to baby sit me..I have been trained on the gear and the neat stuff..
I have been fortunate to have a dive buddy who has been trained by the same guy I was and he has the same certs as me(well he done the rescue thang now)Congrats on that Gene...
So usually I can just call and say Hey dude wanna go dive? and we gone lol(aint been much this year Gene but next year gonna be better)
I know a good buddy isnt always available but if ya get paired up with someone get to know them before ya hit the water, and communicate thru the whole dive
A DM has alot to do and cant be everybodies buddy..They just needs to point me in the right direction.
I do think they should be experienced enough to be able to handle a potentialy life threatening situation, as I should be experienced/trained enough not to get into the afore mentioned life threatening situation..
Just my take on it..
I'm heading for my first dive which will be in 4 weeks in the Keys. I expect my dive master on my Open Water training to watch over me and make sure I know my training and that I don't screw up. I expect to be responsible for my own depth, air supply and equipment but that he will be a good buddy and check over my equipment and make sure I'm diving safely while under. I'm not expecting a baby sitter to do everything for me but someone to overview and make sure I'm doing it right and safely.

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