Nitrox Mix

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He should be okay on OTUs.

At 50 feet (2.5 atmospheres) a 40% mix yields 1 atmosphere oxygen pressure.

On my tables, maximum exposure time is 300 minutes (both single dive and 24-hour limit).

Assuming a consumption rate of .5 cu.ft./minute, two full 120s would give him 192 minutes at fifty feet, well short of the 300-minute limit.

He asked because he wanted to cover himself in every possible way.

He got some great answers, the mix is safe at the intended depth of the dive, I don't see why just having the need to ask the question prohibits him from using the gas.

Do you understand anything about rule violations and accident analysis? Apparently not. He has taken nitrox, should he be fine? Yes. Should he use it without knowing all he should? NO!! This is how bad things happen to people. Your MOD is not the only thing to consider. So in fact he got some crap answers. Kinda like asking is this gun loaded? I would rather see him bleed off some gas and get it topped with air and dilute it. There is nobody on here that knows his run times, and a big ole tank and shallower waters can run up his cns values.
Get on moose for not explaining it better.

Moose explained it perfectly, and I could have answered my own question if it had not been so long since dealing with it. I WILL be re-opening the book and tables on it tonight though. And you from the Charlotte area?

After talking with my brother, and not really knowing how deep (which I thought he knew) or how long we are going to be down, but will work all that out before jumping in. Decided to drop back to EAN 32. Would rather play it safe with this mix rather than possible ending up with CNS.
Great thinking. By the way if you look at Bryan St.Germain's post now that is a good example.
in metric, no need to have a manual
((1.4 / 0.4) - 1 )*10 = 25 m

You are correct that calculations in the Metric system make everything much less mentally challenging. But ... Did you ever stop and ask yourself WHY this system was suddenly deemed necessary?

It was certainly not necessary in ancient Greece. Nor did the engineers designing the Pyramids require it. Magellan navigated around the globe without it. But suddenly, in 1791, the Metric system was hastily cobbled together to meet a growing need. Why?

Was it because of poor training in basic computing skills that required the dumbing-down of mathematics instruction? Was it the need to provide abbreviated classes in the shortest possible time that created the system where nothing needs to be remembered, and math is done by mindlessly sliding decimal points back and forth?

Lest you think this is a trivial matter, think again. Some think that Britain's conversion to the Metric system contributed to the lower scientific standards and engineering flaccidity that led to the BP Gulf Oil Spill.

Sorry, but the old ways are still the best ways. The USA, Burma, and Liberia continue to lead the fight against the scourge of world metrification :D
in metric, no need to have a manual
((1.4 / 0.4) - 1 )*10 = 25 m

In imperial, no need to have a manual either
((1.4 / 0.4) - 1 )*33 = 82.5 fsw
Sorry, but the old ways are still the best ways. The USA, Burma, and Liberia continue to lead the fight against the scourge of world metrification :D

So do you light your house by candle, cook on an open fire, drive to work on a horse and cart, write in hieroglyphics and keep slaves?

Sorry, off topic. A quick round up of your otu's and cns clock from the manual will sort out any of your fears on the subject. I recommend doing the maths yourself rather than just accepting replies fro here, but sounds like you're doing that already.
So do you light your house by candle, cook on an open fire, drive to work on a horse and cart, write in hieroglyphics and keep slaves?

MMM now that you mention it, a romantic candle-lit dinner with grilled salmon, a tossed salad, and a bottle of Pinot Grigio sounds awfully good! Yes to horses and hieroglyphics, too.

Slave labor, yes but indirectly, as it has been offshored to Shanghai by Walmart.

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