Outdoor Adventure show

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Ontario Canada
Well the show is over now and I was just wondering how many people went and what they thought of the show.

If it was up to you what would you want to see changed or added for next years show?
The show overall was interesting. I found a few non-dive products and outfits I will likely follow up with. As for the dive part of the show it was nice to just get out and chat about diving in the middle of winter. It was also nice to have the DAN booth there to pick up a few books and supplies thus saving on shipping.

Some of those dive shop displays though, yuk. One of them was about six by ten feet full of junk, no lighting, and people just walked by. Some of those owners need a few lessons on presentation. I'd say Aquarius had the best presentation. Clean looking, well lit, and friendly staff. Interesting one of the shop owners said he was there soley to advertise his shop and not sell gear,..interesting take on the utility of the show.

It would be nice to see a few more beefy scuba talks next year but in the middle of February I'll go no matter what just to chat about diving next summer :)
The show overall was interesting...

Meet up with a few folks that I don't normally see till the actual dive season.

Booths were quite small with the exception of a couple of them. Aquarious, Dive Source, and of course S2K. Content in all of them was average.

I did like the Steam Machine booth. Great rebreather the topaz. Little on the pricey side, but I guess you get what you pay for.

I'd like to see some more info on the technical side of things. Other then seeing a couple of booths with a set of twins setup for display, that was about it. No lighting, no DPV's, no mixing hardware, didn't see any representation from IANTD, TDI or .. and yes, I'll say it... the DIR folks. (oh is that going to start a flurry of messages)...

Anyway, just my two cents....

I'd have to agree with Silverback and Pufferfish. Was hoping to see som Tech/Dir stuff......but sadly it was missing. Met some great people at S2K (Hi Tereasa and Paul...!!) Not a lot of "goodies"...in one booth, 2 staff mambers weren't sure how to inflate a safety saugage!!!
But the really best part was the Scuba demo in the pool. The announcer told how the demo guy was wetting his BC so the 2 (yes, TWO) straps wouldn't come loose...the next thing you know, the tank is dangling off his back...LMAO...that's when I left the pool demo.
BTW, the camping section wasn't too bad.
Would I go again? Probably, but it wouldn't upset me much to miss it either.
Show was ok, not great. Will probably go again. Found many of the booths seemed to be primarily seeking students. As soon as they learned you were certified they lost interest. S2K were a little better, they tried to sell me more courses. :D Saw a couple of pieces of newer gear, yes the re-breather was interesting, but out if my $$$ range. Looked at the dry suits in the White's booth (one of the few manufacturers there), 3 guys manning it seemed more interested in their own conversation than answering my questions. It was good to see DAN there. And I did try the rock climbing wall at the back.
Met a couple of divers I know and met a couple of others from here.
I was hoping for something more like the boat show. Some mfg.’s showing new product and giving you info, but not selling directly, but directing you to dealers in your area. Or even shops with some mfg. reps in the booth.
I am fairly new to scuba and thought the show was pretty good. I was there on sunday and I was looking for a new pair of fins and mask. A shop from the Hamilton area had a lot of good sales on and then also had a "make an offer" sign. I bought a great pair of mask, fins and a snorkel for a little over half of what I would of paid normally. :D
I also wish I could get my money back I paid for my OW they were going for alot less and they would give as much pool time as you needed all for free.
I think that there could of been more of the reps from the big companies as well but I guess they were not interested in making there products better known.
There were also good sales in the tent and camping items but I didn't have the money to get in on them. :(
I will go back next year and make sure I bring more money.

yes, welcome Christy, yes I agree with weight for me you will enjoy diving much more.
I believe the shop you were talking about was the Deep End from Dundas by Hamilton they were at the show and had alot of good deals.
Well welcome again and hope you get under the waves as many times as you wish to.
Welcome to the board and to scuba Christy!

Everyone needs to realize that this second attempt by the Outdoor Show to attract a scuba component will not attract the big name manufacturers. It's a retail show and is only beneficial to dive stores and not all that beneficial to boot. I've been at this show every year since it started whether there were other scuba stores or not (mostly not!) and at many other shows every year. New exhibiters are often anxious to recoup their investment during the show. It doesn't work that way. As a consumer you need to understand that it costs between $5000 and $10,000 to go to a show. That's an expense that a store doesn't face if he doesn't go so why would you expect the prices to be lower than at his store when he's just spent a lot of extra money? You might be surprised and chagrined to find out that the deals you got were available at your LDS every day - sometimes better. Try this - Go to your LDS and say "I'd like to buy a wet suit from you. Should I buy it today or wait until you're at a show and your expenses are much higher?". Actually it won't always work because some retailers don't appreciate that logic either.

Don't be too upset about your O/W course. As I tell our new divers, almost every quality O/W course costs the same in the end. Every course requires the same expenditure by the store and the new diver pays for it all. The difference is in how it's presented and in what extras are included. A $99 course will cost you $400 in the end. There's no way to avoid it! Find out what the course requires you to have and find a good store that includes it all in the price. Then see what free extras may be available: free use of a pool, disounts on goods and services for new divers, guarantees on the success of the course, options for O/W dives, etc.
This applies to all courses - not just the O/W.

Have fun as you learn more and enjoy scuba.

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