Politics of SB Members?

Do you consider yourself

  • So far to the left I can't even see the center

    Votes: 15 15.0%
  • Love me, love me, love me... I'm a liberal

    Votes: 12 12.0%
  • Middle of the road, right down the center line

    Votes: 11 11.0%
  • Tend to be conservative fiscal and liberal on social issues

    Votes: 33 33.0%
  • I make Ronald Reagan, The Duke and others look like pinkos

    Votes: 15 15.0%
  • Oh wow man, like who knows... or cares?

    Votes: 14 14.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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First of I´d like to give credit to all the earlier posters! (not for their opinions but for the civility and respect with wich they have expressed them)

Where do I stand in the political spectrum?
-To the left (in Sweden), which propably makes me a communist to most of you guys...

However, that being said, I believe that a balanced budget is a basic requirement for any government...To me this is a logical consequence of the opinion that wealth should be distributed so that "basic" needs for all are met. A balanced budget ensures that one generation doesn´t live of the work of past or future ones.

I think those who "earn" more money should pay more taxes to make sure that those who don´t still get to live decent lives...I will gladly pay 1/3 of my salary (as I do now) and 1/3 of my capital income and all the other assorted taxes to make it so. As public services are proven to be less effective than private ones they should be kept to the bare minimum to ensure this (but no less).

I live in a monarchy but do not want to change it to a republic, that I believe, would only result in greater expenses and less utility for my country (studies have shown this to be the likely outcome).

Taking care of the enviroment is not only good common- but good economic-sense as well. Just because our current system doesn´t tax us adequately for enviromental costs doesen´t mean they aren´t there...(once again a question of fairness of the distrubution of wealth)

You read thru all of that?
-Good job and thanks for your time!

/Commie with a calculator =-)
the results of this poll shows a majority of people are fiscaly conservative but liberal on social issues

which makes sense because its a centrist view, although the fringes are represented

I personally don't care for day to day politics, I figure the people we elect will in the end do the right thing in most situations and just because they don't do what I want them to do doesn't make it wrong

But some things do grab my attention

I will work for the replacement of George Bush Jr. with all my energy

When Bush Jr. proclaimed, "Bring it on." to the Iraqi insutrgents my blood boiled.

Where is his family while young American boys and girls are doing the dying in Irqaq?

Even the British royal family serve active duty but where are the Bush girls? What are they doing while their father acts like a tough guy?

Every war Rome ever fought was "defensive". Now Bush Jr. has committed America to a "defensive" war where the civilian population hates Americans. Instead of a war of liberation Bush has committed us to a war of occupation. And those aren't easy wars to win, ask the British or Israeli.

Bush's policy of preemtion has been a total failure and Paul Wolfowitz should be fired immediately

Being over taxed is bad but to be forced to fight and die in Iraq for no good reason is unforgiveable.

Well done Bones man.

Bush Jr. MUST go!
As far as scuba goes, unrest in Egypt, Israel, and Jordan is more significant than in Iraq.

I therefore try not to worry about the politics of Iraq. No matter who is President of the USA.
I am quite amused that this political thread which I started has drawn far more interest than any of the SCUBA-related topics I've started. It surprised me. And the tone of the discussion has been excellent. Thank you all for participating, and doing so in a manner respectful of the positions of others.

I do feel it is strange to have a president who avoided real military service condemning so many of our young people to a difficult situation... and I can't helkp but thinking that oil still is a major part of this policy decision. The current energy bill being debated is another example of what I feel are some very suspect "politics."

While I no longer have the self-righteousness I may have felt in the 60's on the Vietnam issue, I do feel fairly comfortable that I am correct in my thinking today. However I find it much easier to really listen to others debating from a different perspective.

Dr. Bill
drbill once bubbled...

In the days of the Constitution, a gun was a necessary tool for many of our population. Food for many depended on the use of firearms. Personal safety in an era of insufficient policing and frontier living often required one as well. It can still be argued today that the gun is a necessary tool (vs weapon).

Dr. Bill

Most don't like it and some refuse to believe it but the police can't protect you. They may catch the one who hurt you or your family and the courts may punish them but they will not prevent them from hurting you in the first place.

I don't have guns any more (for reasons I won't go into) but I do realize that the local police are out on the highway trying to catch a speeder, a driver without a seatbelt or one who had three beers instead of two. They are not outside protecting my property and seeing to it that my home is not invaded.

Should such a thing hapen and even if I am able to place a phone call, I will be on my own for many minutes (or longer) which will seem like an eternity. During that time, just as it is at 200 ft in a cave, the outcome will be up to me and me alone. A favorable outcome will depend on my preparedness, planning and skill. Without that I am trusting to luck.

I don't think any one wants to believe that they could find themself in a combat situation or a gunfight in their living room at 2 am but if some one enters your home that's what's going to happen unless you give up first.

It won't ever happen to most of us but it does happen to some of us every single day. It's going to happen to more of us tomarrow. The fact that we have more laws and more police haven't changed that at all. It doesn't even control the speed on the highway. It only makes it a source of income.

Before guns there were bows, spears, rocks and clubs. People have always hurt other people and it's usually the strong or large in number praying on the weak or few in number. That hasn't changed.

May you all be lucky.
I am fortunate to live in a small town (Avalon) where serious crime is non-existent. That is quite different from those of you who live in large cities where crime is a real possibility, including armed break-ins. Those in real rural areas, because of possible isolation, may also face this threat.

I know my location makes me feel quite safe. I purposefully chose this place and remain here for the safety factor (and for the diving!). This existence certainly shelters me a bit from the potential realities many others have to face, and affects my positions on gun control.

I don't feel the need fore a weapon here, but can understand that others do. What a shame that our country has "evolved" to this state.

Dr. Bill
as per drbill's last comment. I don't lock my home or my car when I go away. Now if it is for a week or two then I do but if I am gone for the weekend my home is open. I have no fire arms in my home and will not even allow toy guns in my home. If my children bring them in they are trashed very quickly. I also live in a small town.
I live in a small town also. There is a substantial drug trade in the area but I don't know of a place where that isn't true.

People don't lock their doors here either. Some of my neighbors leave town and don't even close their doors. But...My wifes cousin opened a paint ball shop out of his house on the other side of town. Inside of a year he had 2 compressors stolen.

About 5 miles in the other direction several members of a family were shot when a gunman came to the door one night and just started shooting. It turned out he was an on-the-run fugitive from Arkansas. He just picked them at random and it could have been any one or any place.

Another lady went missing after going for a bike ride in the country. They found her naked and dead sometime later in a drainage ditch. I don't know if that one was ever solved though.

Even out in the country things happen. The houses around me might not be locked but my dive equipment and fill station are locked up with a monitored alarm system that isn't cheap.

I'm in favor of crime control. I don't claim to know the best way to do that but criminals just don't seem to be afraid.
:wave: Bedwetting, tree-hugging liberal here.
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