Politics of SB Members?

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  • So far to the left I can't even see the center

    Votes: 15 15.0%
  • Love me, love me, love me... I'm a liberal

    Votes: 12 12.0%
  • Middle of the road, right down the center line

    Votes: 11 11.0%
  • Tend to be conservative fiscal and liberal on social issues

    Votes: 33 33.0%
  • I make Ronald Reagan, The Duke and others look like pinkos

    Votes: 15 15.0%
  • Oh wow man, like who knows... or cares?

    Votes: 14 14.0%

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We have a country with millions of people. The last presidential election we had a choice between:

Al Gore
George Bush
Ralph Nader

That's the best we could come up with?

Then again California has Ahnold who can't pronounce the state correctly and Minnesto had Ventura.

I just can't take politics that seriously. It's just about raising money and pandering to special interest groups.
I'm registered as a Libertarian. I'm pretty open minded about a lot of stuff, conservative about some other things. I did not vote in the last eleciton because I didn't like any of the major canidates...looks like this year might be the same.
loosebits once bubbled...
Seperation of Church and State (10 Comandments in court rooms, etc)
Separation of church and state is not specifically addressed... at least not as it is currently being pushed by those with anti-Judeo-Christian agendas.

The Constitution prohibits the government from establishing an official, mandatory, state religion, such as the Church of England.

The Constitution grants of freedom OF religion... not freedom FROM religion, nor freedom of EXPOSURE TO religion.
The 10 Commandments being posted in a courthouse does not prohibit you from worshipping fluffy bunnies. You still have the freedom to worship at you please.

The 10 Commandments being posted in a courthouse does nothing to promote the establishment of a specific government sponsored religion.
The essence of The 10 Commandments spans pretty much all of world religions including most Pagan practices.
RichLockyer- I'd have to respectfully disagree with you on this one. While I don't have anti-Judaeo/Christian feelings, I do not think it is appropriate for government offices and the like to post the religioud tenants associated with any single religion, or group of them. Think of the uproar there would be from Judaeo/Christians if quotations from the Koran dominated courthouses or government office buildings?

Remember not long ago when Americans were angry at the Japanese for "too much" investment in the United States (despite the fact that European countries had far more)? Why should we think the Iraqis or Saudis or any other country should welcome our own economic investments in their countries? It is all a matter of the other person's perspective. After all, it was largely England's economic domination of the Colonies that led to our revolution.

We need to step out of our narrow boxes and view things from the other person's perspective. Personally I think the Golden Rule sufficies for all religions, however I can see why non Judaeo/Christians might be bothered by strictly Judaeo/Christian religious symbols, etc., in common public buildings.

My own 2 cents worth (adjusted for inflation, probably well over a buck of free advice!).

Dr. Bill
mempilot once bubbled...
I'm just joking! I like John Candy and Mike Myers, but you guys owe us one for Celine Dion!
Now, THAT's no joke. Needs to be returned into the arms of the legions of hell that belched her up from the fiery depths to begin with.

However, we do have the Queen Charlotte Islands, home of the best diving on this blue planet.
Don Burke once bubbled...
I'm a party of one. You'll find I take issues one at a time.

I think that's well adjusted. Wish someone would invent a democracy that works that way.

Kind of liked Rich's one about fluffy bunnies, too.

BTW the poll doesn't have a check box for "somewhere to the right of Ghengis Khan". Somebody see after that, pls.
The easiest way to describe my politics is that I disagree with almost everything that the Republican party stands for. I'm socially liberal, believe that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality and that drug use needs to be legalized (and addiction treated as a medical and not a criminal problem). I can agree with Libertarians on their issues of individual rights, but it stops at gun control. I've progressively gotten more and more rabid about gun control and feel that outside of the military they should all be rounded up and melted down and shouldn't be sold anymore. Not even an exception for hunting.

As far as the military is concerned, I don't know that we've had a just war/intervention since WWII. Korea and Vietnam were about taking over (or bombing into the stone age so that nobody else could have them) the emerging asian economies, and had little to do with the stated reasons about communism. The whole fiasco in the Gulf for the past 12-13 years has been entirely due to our need to control oil. And I wrote something up about how I feel about Israel, but figured it would probably wind up getting this whole post censored, so I skipped it...

Economically, I suffer under capitalism and tolerate it. In deference to most of my leftist collegues, though, I would rather be in the capitalist class than in the proliteriate, and therefore I'm trying to educate myself in how the economy and the stock market work. I've actually opened up an ameritrade account for myself just like a good little capitalist. Having said that, though, I feel what we really need is a democratic workforce that eliminates the distinction between worker and boss and stockholder. Managers should come from the rank and file, and should not be paid exorbitatantly. All employess should hold considerable stock in the company. There should be no external stockholders, and the stock markets should be abolished in favor of bonds (which will probably lead to more stable economies because then the stock market wont be constantly inflating bubbles out of nothing). If companies need to raise money they should issue corporate debt and then pay that debt off. It is a fantasy right now but I feel that democratically run corporations is the next step after democratically run governments. I feel that we're still in a stage economically similar to the stage that we were in politically when we were living under feudalism. And, of course, I'm sure I'm going to get reactions from the "Fiscal Conservatives" on this board similar to the reaction you'd have gotten then trying to explain democratic political institutions to a feudal lord.

I believe in social programs and the social safety net. I don't believe that we're such a resource poor country that we couldn't guarantee every single person a minimum standard of shelter, food and healthcare. I'm in favor of universal health care.

I don't know where else to take this. One unique feature of my politics is that I'm generally embarassed by most of my liberal associates because of the typically bankrupt philosophy that they use to justify their beliefs. Most conservatives don't have any difficulty flaying the typical liberal position. Most of the time any conservative tries to take a shot at a postition that I support they invariably destroy a position which I view to be a red herring and not what I believe in at all -- which just goes to show you the poor quality of argument that they've gotten from liberals in the past.

I've also gotten into so many political arguments on the net in the past 13 years, that I no longer find it worth my time to make 20 posts a day for weeks at a time in a futile attempt to try to beat my point into someone and get the final word. At this point in my debating career on the net, I'd much rather just lob handgrenades and then watch the shrapnel fly...
lamont once bubbled...
Managers should come from the rank and file...
As a reasonably successful executive in a former life, I have to say this is just so wrong as to be just plain indigestible.

Promoting the senior, best performer off the floor into a management position has exactly two effects:

1) you lose your best guy off the floor;

2) you gain an incompetent manager.
RichLockyer once bubbled...

Separation of church and state is not specifically addressed... at least not as it is currently being pushed by those with anti-Judeo-Christian agendas.

The Constitution prohibits the government from establishing an official, mandatory, state religion, such as the Church of England.

The Constitution grants of freedom OF religion... not freedom FROM religion, nor freedom of EXPOSURE TO religion.
The 10 Commandments being posted in a courthouse does not prohibit you from worshipping fluffy bunnies. You still have the freedom to worship at you please.

The 10 Commandments being posted in a courthouse does nothing to promote the establishment of a specific government sponsored religion.
The essence of The 10 Commandments spans pretty much all of world religions including most Pagan practices.

That's all well and good, as I said in the begining of my post, the way it is interpreted today. It is interpreted as freedom from religon as you put it, that's why that Alabama judge lost his seat. The Constitution is meaningless without the courts that interpret it.
lamont once bubbled...
The easiest way to describe my politics is that

This is funny stuff! Great material. Hey, the communists and fascists called and want you to pose for a poster.

Everyone is entitled to their 'own' view, I guess.
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