Question about your regs

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New jersey home of some black water
Im thinking of getting back into scuba diving again and looking at some new gear and was wondering how zeagle regs hold up to NJ water? Water temps are cooler and was told a while ago that (no offense when i say this but I was told this at a lds) that zeagle is meant more for warmer waters and don't handle NJ water very good as the cold water will lock them up and they are known to free flow when silt gets in them. And I should look at gear that has environmental kits.
Any truth to this? I know it’s a lds that used to sell your gear.
If you need one that's environmentally sealed, look at the Flathead. I had to laugh at your "freeflow when silt gets in them" if that would be unique to Zeagles!! Does your LDS think you're an idiot?? What a joke!

It's amazing how many Zeagle regs I see in the "warm" waters of Washington State. :wink:
Look at my profile pic, see the giant triangular hole by my feet? See the Zeagle ZX-DSV reg I'm breathing from (OK you probably cant see it, but it's there)? Well over 100 dives with my Zeagles (4 of them), including deep and cold, and I have never once had even a hint of a freeflow. I've even shared air with divers who had a major freeflow on their (non Zeagle) regs on two separate occasions. As long as you get either a DSV, 50D, or Flathead VI, you'll be fine in ice cold water.

If you need one that's environmentally sealed, look at the Flathead. I had to laugh at your "freeflow when silt gets in them" if that would be unique to Zeagles!! Does your LDS think you're an idiot?? What a joke!

It's amazing how many Zeagle regs I see in the "warm" waters of Washington State. :wink:

I doubt it was true, my guess is either zeagle pulled from their products from joe or something. He made me and my wife not want to dive anymore with his scare tactics. But he still has a following I guess. Now that im back in jersey and spent half the time at the shore I want to get back into diving but want to get good gear, so I have to start my research over again and start asking questions.
Yes he does think students are dumb and scares them into the top of the line gear, thats all he sells as he says.
This LDS shop owner talked me and wife into all aqualung products. Titan regs and octo black diamond bcd and a diva bcd for her and cobra computers for the both of our set ups. Thinking back now at all the money I spent on the set ups believing that safety was paramount and only aqualung backed their equipment. why would I trust my life and my wife‘s life to any company that does not back their equipment up, free parts when you service them. So four years of diving and we called it quits, sold all our gear.
So here I am asking questions again.:shakehead:
I'm glad you're asking the questions though, and if I offended you with how my answer was worded, I apologize.

I simply cannot see why Zeagle isn't considered "top of the line". If you look at ScubaLab testing you'll see that Zeagles scores as well or often better than regs much more expensive. Heck, just look at the Envoy's scores...perfect and FAR better than some regs costing 2-3x as much.

When you mention Aqualung being 'best' I have to think of how my husband had nothing but trouble with his Aqualung Legend LX and traded it in for a Zeagle Flathead. He also got rid of his SeaQuest BC and bought a Zeagle Ranger....and honestly, I'd challenge anyone to say he "traded down".

Keep asking question, make up your own mind about what gear is "best" for you...that's ultimately what the quest should be IMO, finding what is best for YOU! Good luck.
I'm glad you're asking the questions though, and if I offended you with how my answer was worded, I apologize.

I simply cannot see why Zeagle isn't considered "top of the line". If you look at ScubaLab testing you'll see that Zeagles scores as well or often better than regs much more expensive. Heck, just look at the Envoy's scores...perfect and FAR better than some regs costing 2-3x as much.

When you mention Aqualung being 'best' I have to think of how my husband had nothing but trouble with his Aqualung Legend LX and traded it in for a Zeagle Flathead. He also got rid of his SeaQuest BC and bought a Zeagle Ranger....and honestly, I'd challenge anyone to say he "traded down".

Keep asking question, make up your own mind about what gear is "best" for you...that's ultimately what the quest should be IMO, finding what is best for YOU! Good luck.

Lol. No, no you did not insult me at all. In fact I appreciate honesty.
I figure the LDS that we used to frequent was pushing a particular brand that had the highest profit margin over dealer cost. We just did not like the “trusting your life with inferior life support equipment was just dumb”. Even when we tried to convey that we would be not doing the real strenuous diving like wrecks and deep water. Here on the jersey shore you can see great sea life at 20 feet, Never did we have the desire to drop below 60 feet, even in the Caribbean did we need to drop below 40 feet.
I was looking and reading up a few other companies besides the one listed above and it always came back to “ would you trust a company that doesn’t trust their own equipment that they make?” “ A company can turn out regs and make them look nice but if they don’t stand behind them for life then they are not that great of a company, period.” “Now with “X” company at the end of the season, bring in your “X company” regs and have them serviced and the parts are covered for free, that’s a company that stands behind the products they produce.”
Again I was all over the spectrum when it came to regs, from the A to Z and life a few regs that got good reviews but aqlng seemed to be the king.
So I don’t know I guess I have to find a LDS around the NJ area that sells zeagle that I can try wet.
I was looking and reading up a few other companies besides the one listed above and it always came back to “ would you trust a company that doesn’t trust their own equipment that they make?” “ A company can turn out regs and make them look nice but if they don’t stand behind them for life then they are not that great of a company, period.” “Now with “X” company at the end of the season, bring in your “X company” regs and have them serviced and the parts are covered for free, that’s a company that stands behind the products they produce.”

For the record, Zeagle does cover the parts on your annual service...just like many other companies...

I switched from ScubaFlows to Zeagles this year and couldn't be happier. I dive with a lot of folks in the Great Lakes, have tried many regs and the Zeagles are the best I've used so far. Been deep in Lake Michigan and it's damn cold down there. They're awesome regs!
I use the DS/V ZX, It's the cheapest environmentally sealed reg they offer. Has worked fine in mid 40's temp at 80 feet. These regs are built solid. If a LDS says they are for warm water only, they either don't carry them or have no idea about their products. The Flathead VI is one of the regs used by the SEALS. I think they do more than warm water diving within rec limits.
My 50D/ZX reg has been repeatedly in 31°F waters (that's almost -1°C). It stands the cold much better than I do! :)

Don't forget, though, that any reg can freeze or malfunction. There is no 100% reliable model. Have a redundant air source :)

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