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Missing Diva.
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I'm a Fish!
OK...I am this close to taking the plunge and trying to find an Oly 5050 and, I think, PT housing. I am pretty sure Ike said I can use my old strobes - though it won't be ideal (what is on my budget!!) with this set-up in much the same way I am making them work with my little Canon.

Why am I here? I want to know if there is anything extra (not including CF media & batteries - I have several sets of AA rechargeables that I can use, right?) that I should be adding to my budgeting to get started other than
1) the Oly 5050 &
2) the housing &
And also I need help on...
3) some sort of plate to attach strobes to housing (mine is kaput and I carry my strobe now - but I think the size of the PT housing won't let me do this - any comments?) I have Ikelite arms (will upgrade these to something lighter at a later date, but for now they are fine, I think).

I know there are lots of wish list items out there, but I am really only looking at what I need to get going. I love macro shots and fish/turtle shots...just started with trying out some reef scene stuff...not sure that I NEED a WAL...though it would have been nice to get the whole turtle in yesterday, I guess! If you think it is essential, can you tell me why & what you would recommend?

Finally - will these questions never end - is the supermacro as excellent as it sounds? I can't seem to get close enough!!
Why am I here? I want to know if there is anything extra (not including CF media & batteries - I have several sets of AA rechargeables that I can use, right?) that I should be adding to my budgeting to get started other than
1) the Oly 5050 &
2) the housing

You shouldn't NEED anything else. Assuming you can use your old strobe(s), make sure whatever tray/arms you get has the right connection to fit the strobes.

And also I need help on...
3) some sort of plate to attach strobes to housing (mine is kaput and I carry my strobe now - but I think the size of the PT housing won't let me do this - any comments?) I have Ikelite arms (will upgrade these to something lighter at a later date, but for now they are fine, I think).
That solves your immediate arm problem, just make sure whatever tray you use will accept Ikelite arms.

I like the Fisheye tray] because it's simple, sturdy and small. You can get a base that fits the Ikelite strobes.

I know there are lots of wish list items out there, but I am really only looking at what I need to get going. I love macro shots and fish/turtle shots...just started with trying out some reef scene stuff...not sure that I NEED a WAL...though it would have been nice to get the whole turtle in yesterday, I guess! If you think it is essential, can you tell me why & what you would recommend?

None of us NEED a WAL but they sure are nice to have! I use mine probably at least 80% of the time, for WA reef scenes as well as WA close-ups in macro mode. It would be the first thing you should probably add.

Finally - will these questions never end - is the supermacro as excellent as it sounds? I can't seem to get close enough!!

No...the questions never stop, at least they shouldn't! I really like the super macro, you just have to get used to the very small DOF.
Hi Dee. Since you are one of the Oly Gurus, I am sending this question to you. I went to the local CompUsa for other reasons, but they carry the Olympus models of cameras. The one out was a C 5060. the guy at the counter said that the 5050 is no longer being made, phased out by the next model.
I have been reading your threads re: the 5050, and am committed to buying one. WIll it be difficult to get compatible equipment? Do you think the U/W housings for the 5050 will be compatible with the 5060? Finally, I read about possible housing attachments for W/A lenses, etc. What lenses are compatible with the 015, or other 5050 housings?
Hi Dee. Since you are one of the Oly Gurus, I am sending this question to you. I went to the local CompUsa for other reasons, but they carry the Olympus models of cameras. The one out was a C 5060. the guy at the counter said that the 5050 is no longer being made, phased out by the next model.
I have been reading your threads re: the 5050, and am committed to buying one. WIll it be difficult to get compatible equipment? Do you think the U/W housings for the 5050 will be compatible with the 5060? Finally, I read about possible housing attachments for W/A lenses, etc. What lenses are compatible with the 015, or other 5050 housings?

Don't believe everything the counter help at chain stores tell you, they seldom know anything more than propaganda. That said, I have serious doubts about the 5060. First, it's not been proven even adequate for underwater use. I've seen a few good UW pics from it but nothing that would be a challenge. As such, there is virtually no documented info on it. You are brand new to photography, right? Who are you going to ask for help, for advice in setting one up? The housing has just barely been released and is already showing to be a problem for add-ons. Because of the expanding camera lens, the only thing that will fit it is the propeiatary(sp?) dry WA lens that requires it's own housing. I'm not sure which strobes would be compatible with it but they are pushing the land strobe with it's own housing. See where this is going? And no, the 5050 and 5060 cannot share housings, each has it's own.

As for the 5050, it's still available but you'll probably have to buy it online. Some of the folks here know where it's currently available. It's just that in order to make the 5060 a success, the chain stores especially, have quit carrying the 5050. The salespeople (counter monkeys) are told to give the speil that you got to convince people the 5060 is their only choice. There are quite a few WA, macro and closeup lenses available for the 5050 in the various housings that fit it. ie, INON, Sea & Sea, Olympus. My advice would be to go with the 5050 and take advantage of all the knowledge posted here and on Unless you want to be one of the guinea, ahem, pioneers to try the newest and supposedly best. :D
Hello, I just got my brand new 5050 today in the mail via Fed Ex from Beach Camera. They shipped overnight and it cost roughly 518.00 with full warranty. They are an authorized Olympus dealer too. I sent back my new 5060 (22 days old) to the distributor due to it dead as a doornail. I have been reading numerous people with the similiar problems. There are also a number of people with various lockups, dead LCD screens, poor quality pictures etc. etc. I took some pics indoors today, and they just blow away the 5060 due to the 1.8 lens. The pictures rival my Canon 10D 6 meg camera also. Like I said, mine is only 3 hours old, but the quality of the pictures don't compare with the 5060's. They are far superior. Stick with the 5050 if you can. Just my 2 cents. ;^)
I recently had contact with a Olympus Engineer and he said something to the fact that the C5050 has been discontinued. I located on at for 469.00 and I understand they are a pretty decent place. I got it today and everything is inline. Good luck with your purchase.

Treasures. 6 Oly Cameras over the last 5 years, never a problem, always the best price.

Don't forget to check eBay. There are scads of 5050's on there.

OK, just to stir a bit more, The Oly 750 has a 10X optical zoom plus digital. vs 3X optical on the 5050. I think I saw a reference on SB re: the 750. Any comments?
Don't believe everything the counter help at chain stores tell you, they seldom know anything more than propaganda. That said, I have serious doubts about the 5060. First, it's not been proven even adequate for underwater use. I've seen a few good UW pics from it but nothing that would be a challenge. As such, there is virtually no documented info on it. You are brand new to photography, right? Who are you going to ask for help, for advice in setting one up? The housing has just barely been released and is already showing to be a problem for add-ons. Because of the expanding camera lens, the only thing that will fit it is the propeiatary(sp?) dry WA lens that requires it's own housing. I'm not sure which strobes would be compatible with it but they are pushing the land strobe with it's own housing. See where this is going? And no, the 5050 and 5060 cannot share housings, each has it's own.

As for the 5050, it's still available but you'll probably have to buy it online. Some of the folks here know where it's currently available. It's just that in order to make the 5060 a success, the chain stores especially, have quit carrying the 5050. The salespeople (counter monkeys) are told to give the speil that you got to convince people the 5060 is their only choice. There are quite a few WA, macro and closeup lenses available for the 5050 in the various housings that fit it. ie, INON, Sea & Sea, Olympus. My advice would be to go with the 5050 and take advantage of all the knowledge posted here and on Unless you want to be one of the guinea, ahem, pioneers to try the newest and supposedly best. :D

OK, My friend with the 5050 called my 5060 the "proto-type-camera" but now that it is in the water he is not saying much. (except "can you email me that shot") I think Oly screwed up with the pt-020 housing and phony strobe, but Ikelite definalty hit a home run.

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