Recommend Cavern/Wreck instructor in NYC/NJ region

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I’m a TDI ER certified tec diver, and I’m interested in getting my cavern + advanced wreck training done near my home in NYC by a good instructor. Can anyone recommend one that is close by? (Long Island, nyc, New Jersey).

Mods, if this needs to be moved to the regional forum feel free to move it :)

Is cavern taught outside of cave areas?
Flooded subway tunnels…?
That would actually be a cool-ass dive!

There is a tiny, dangerous subset if diving for underwater man-made structures other than ships that fascinates me.
Flooded subway tunnels…?
And there’s surface light in these tunnels?

was wondering how you get that done in NYC
Isn't the fabled Really Deep Reservoir in New York somewhere?
Maybe everybody's favorite Don Wrong could hook him up.

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