REQUEST FOR COMMENT: Petition text -- READ THIS!!!! --

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Genesis once bubbled...
Significant revisions have been made.

Thanks for the comments - keep 'em coming!

EXCELLENT. I now understand what you mean regarding part and service. When can we start signing on.
good and valid points.

I've made a few more edits to remove some of the reundancy and hopefully deal with some of the issues you raised...

The "online sources" is part and parcel of this. Is it a condoning of online sales? Yep. Until the practices cease, it is. Why?

Because one of the goals of this is to get the dive shops interested in seeing the policies go away.

The shops KNOW that if you need gear, you will buy it. But if you don't buy it from THEM, then that money is gone forever from your budget and the opportunity to make a profit from your purchase, for them, is also forever lost.

Groundhog, it'll be probably another week before all the comments settle down and the calls that I need to complete with the manufacturers to whom this will be directed are all made and the discussions held. I'm doing a LOT of "behind the scenes" work communicating with the folks at the top of the ladder of the major manufacturers - it is my intention to insure that they KNOW this is coming before it hits them between the eyes - and why.

I believe it is only fair that when you undertake something like this that you discuss it with the management of the firms involved first, if they will talk to you at least, so they aren't "surprised."

I expect that sometime late next week will be the point at which the petition gets "turned on"; it'll be announced here and elsewhere.

Mike, a big part of solving the service problem is parts and information access. I agree that perhaps "front loading" the cert requirement on them is unreasonable - let me see what I can do about the langauge there.... check back on it in a few hours.
Definitely count me in Genisis. I am sure you are doing LOTS of work on all of our behalf. I'm not sure what I can do but if you need help with phone calls or with whatever I would be happy to help out where ever I can.
I saw an ad this weekend in my local paper for a sporting goods retailer with a national presence (outlets, mail order, possibly internet sales) and the ad made reference to MinnKota motors at 20% off. This would indicate that not all lines sold by JohnsonOutdoor are limited to 10% discounts. Also, I would assume that the retailer is in a better positon to dictate terms to Johnson on a small fragment of their sales as opposed to a LDS selling ScubaPro.
there is an open question about how much the "chain of command" above the people who are doing this policy stuff knows.

Believe me - they know about it now :)
Well, ok, not quite - but that got your attention eh? :)

Seriously, the petition site work is essentially finished.

So far I have contacted 10 different major manufacturers, by phone, and have gotten responses which ranged from outright hostility to being darn-close to in support.....

Yes, there really ARE a couple of firms that seemed to be AWFULLY close to saying "yeah, we could support that" - there were little niggles here and there (many of them revolving around the service access) but not all told me to effectively go drown myself :)

There is one manufacturer with who the "guy in charge" will not return until early next week. So, in deference including them, I will wait until that point in time.

However, short of this, the petition is ready to go.

I am also pricing tank/bumper stickers to go along with this. I intend to make them available at very close to my cost (like a buck apiece in onsies, cheaper if you want a bunch of 'em.) It may take a month or two for me to get those turned around, as I am still negotiating pricing and delivery on them with a couple of sticker shops.

So..... why the post?

To tell 'yall that are interested - if you want to put your last few comments in, and have the opportunity to get a few final changesin that you think are important, now's the time to sound off!

Just go over to - its all there.

And thanks!
lose the awful background color in the left navigation panel and change the color of the nav buttons.

I didn't see anything in there about entry bariers. You know the $17,500 I would have to spend with SP to sell you one reg or the 13,500 for Aqualung. I thought I saw something in the original draft. For me this is a biggie. I can't just sell cheaper I need more stuff to sell. I don't think we've addressed the reason manufacturers and shops attempt to restrict price. If I spend 17.5K with SP and it takes a while to sell that junk I need a good return. On the other hand if I can spend $1000 and turn it around quick(because I only bought what I knew I could sell) I don't need as big of a return. Along the same lines as the huge entry requirements is anual sales quotas. They have the same effect. They increase risk and the need for a larger return.

Changing these requirements would provide a wider selection in any given shop because we wouldn't be tied to only a few brands. Under such conditions a shop is also more likely to give honest advice as they won't have their entire livelyhod wagered on one big name brand.
:( :(

I'll see what I can do - the background is easy (just changed it to a light-sky-blue color), the buttons require me to go back into Fireworks and re-do each of them individually.

Is it difficult to see on your monitor?

Mike - the opening order requirements are one we're not likely to win. They're also something that divers can't get their arms around; price and service restraints make sense to everyone.

The other thing about the price and service constraints is that if they're lifted then there are ways for you to "not care", because then its about your ability to service and support something, proven with a certification (which you can get), parts (which you can get) and information (which you can get.)

BTW, from my conversations with the manufacturers there ARE at least a couple that I suspect will be willing to sign onto at least one of these pledges, and perhaps all three. The key is giving them a way to do so that has an upside for them - and the exposure that comes with it.

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