Scuba Goop & Trident U Mark It Paint Gear Paint are same item

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Mr. Fist,
If the guy made one thread about it I really wouldn't care a bit and wouldn't be messing with him. He has a valid point, about the pricing anyway. The fact is that he MADE 4 DIFFERENT THREADS ABOUT THIS NONSENSE and they had to be merged into one thread by mods! You don't think that's a little extreme over a $5 item?

Correction Dan......he started FIVE (5) threads on this very topic.

Edit......Mike stated this fact before me.
As I see it this isn't just about the price of Scuba Goop and wouldn't be solely about if not for their editing the review they solicited.

There seems to be a trend in the Scuba industries to tag on a premium price when a product becomes geared towards the sport. I for one don't begrudge anyone making a profit but my good will towards capitalists becomes ill will towards those that take advantage and push a fair markup to the point of gouging based on it's relationship to a high risk sport.

For this reason I do not purchase new products made by manufacturers that enforce a MARP pricing structure. This is a way for them to artifically maintain high prices of their product and if we divers as consumers would act as responsible comsumers instead of instant gratification junkies the practice would soon go away.

As for Scuba.coms removal of a review...IMHO if they solicit for public comment and ratings then it should not be manipulated by censorship. They have a number of options informing the supplier of the product pricing discrepancy and asking for a lower cost so they can compete with the art stores or not selling the product to avoid the ill will are just 2 options. Even if they had to go to their local art store purchase the product for $1 and sell it for $2 with a paragraph about this issue would be better for them than to be involved with manipulation of the reviews and the backlash that may result.

I appreciate what the OP brought to light. I do purchase from Scuba.Com but my local art supply store will get my next Goop purchase and will get my business when they offer me the best deal on another product but if they were ever to remove a review that I posted I'd be reviewing them on SB also.

These are a long way back- so just so everyone remembers did answer the reply and reply re: missing review
1948 Capitalism School Film

Feel free to point out a cheaper, better, faster, service or product. Standing outside and beating a drum about it is a little weird but feel free to do that too in the good ole USA. I purchase stuff all the time at a GREATLY inflated rate because I am too lazy to drive down the road to buy it elsewhere.

I have a reloading press and make my own ammo at WAY WAY less than you can buy it. I have however bought factory ammo from time to time.

Wanna talk about a RIP OFF!! Look at how much they charge you in packaging markup for freaking AIR. Or worse yet for a little less nitrogen in it and WHAMMO they hit you for twice as much. I mean the stuff is free!! The planet is polluted with it and yet they charge you just to stick it in the tank. We all pay it though....

What about the dive boats too!! -- I mean here is my case.

The Bounty a Dive boat is going to Tahiti Reef today diving. It is the early boat and all the divers are still hungover so they have only 12 people on a 35 person boat. The boat is going there anyway. I have all my own stuff. Should I not be able to just go for free? It does not cost them more to take me nor does it save them to leave me out. That is just not fair....

Don't even get me started on ... BOTTLE Water.. Holy Fountain of Youth...
It's the exact same product, with a "scuba" label applied over the original label.

"Scuba"= 600% markup ON THIS ONE PRODUCT, plus shipping.

That's all. This is not Emron. But it still smells stinky.

You left out an important piece of info.....unless you have other threads on other products somewhere. Maybe you found out that you can buy wings from that craft store and rebreathers and drysuits.......
It really does still blow me away that you (and others) can place 100% of the blame on here. You are basing your allegations on nothing but your own assumptions really.
It really does still blow me away that you (and others) can place 100% of the blame on here. You are basing your allegations on nothing but your own assumptions really.

I don't place 100 percent of anything on and have said so. I've pointed out that other online retailers sell the same relabeled product for as much as $8.36 (although most sell it for the same as ot less). But I didn't find that out until I looked around more after my initial few posts. was mentioned specifically because that is where I bought the stuff. Then they deleted my review, claimed on this board that they had no idea how my review could have gotten deleted, then blocked me from posting anything further on the Innovative Scuba Products goop or Trident's version of the same Scribbles 3-D Paint.
I don't place 100 percent of anything on and have said so. I've pointed out that other online retailers sell the same relabeled product for as much as $8.36 (although most sell it for the same as ot less). But I didn't find that out until I looked around more after my initial few posts. was mentioned specifically because that is where I bought the stuff. Then they deleted my review, claimed on this board that they had no idea how my review could have gotten deleted, then blocked me from posting anything further on the Innovative Scuba Products goop or Trident's version of the same Scribbles 3-D Paint.

They blocked you from posting about Scuba Goop, I can't imagine why they would do that
I don't place 100 percent of anything on and have said so. I've pointed out that other online retailers sell the same relabeled product for as much as $8.36 (although most sell it for the same as or less). But I didn't find that out until I looked around more after my initial few posts. was mentioned specifically because that is where I bought the stuff. Then they deleted my review, claimed on this board that they had no idea how my review could have gotten deleted, then blocked me from posting anything further on the Innovative Scuba Products goop or Trident's version of the same Scribbles 3-D Paint.

Sorry for that then. I must have missed the posts where they were absolved of partial blame. My point still stands true though.....people have assumed a lot about these retailers about what they are paying, that they are lazy or incompetent negotiators, that they are just out to screw (my terms not yours - at least I do not think you have said it this way) the consumer......I spend every day in business and I know for a fact that just because company X can buy it from the manufacturer for $0.50, does not mean that company Y can get the same price. Sourcing an existing product to sell minuscule amounts is stupid and a waste of resources. Any business worth their salt knows that you need to spend your time where it is going to have the biggest impact.

Most scuba shops/retailers would rather you buy a drysuit from them (where they make lower margins but higher net profit) and then take the $5 purchase elsewhere or just accept that they have not taken every penny out of the penny items. I just bought a drysuit and the shop knocked close to $550 off the entire package (alterations, suit, fins, mask etc....) so when it comes time to buy a $6 bottle of ScubaGoop, I will gladly NOT drive an extra 30 miles to save $4.

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