Sea Kittens

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It is difficult for me to understand how a person who could not bear to see a person injured in any way could put a metal hook through an animals head as a pastime.

W'll, ya GOTTA spear them in the head. That way you don't poke holes in the edible parts.:shakehead: And just so you know, we normally eat animals but not people. There is a differance. If you equate humans and animals, its understandable that you would be confused on that point.

So what do we call "sea kittens" that don't live in the sea? River cats? Lake puppys? Are they going to extend the lie so any body of water large enough for a sea kitten to swim in will heretofor be called the "sea"? That's always the pesky part about spinning lies like this one. Lies left to themselves die pretty quickly. They need other lies around them to survive.

What about places in the world where folks do eat dogs and cats? Then will it be okay to call the sea kittens "fish"? Maybe not since they eat fish too. Maybe we should call them "purple".

Sometimes I am afraid that our kids won't know the differance between fish and shinola.:depressed:

I am a vegetarian (not a vegan because I travel so much I simply don't have the time to check every single bit of food for any dairy or egg products... I don't use leather products) and have been for many years now, and an unapologetic environmentalist.

I say this so you know where I am coming from when I make the following statement.

The PETA "Sea Kitten" campaign, and the people who thought it up and produced it, are dumber than a sack of hammers.

People like that make people like me look like an IDIOT to the rest of the world.

"Sea Kittens"? Good heavens above, that's stupid beyond belief.

Something doesn't have to be warm and fuzzy and cute to be worth preserving. Life in ALL of its forms is fascinating and amazing... and the "Sea Kittens" bit objectifies sea life in a way that it is held up for scorn.

I am all in favor of protecting and preserving sea life, but do it on ITS merits, not on some stupid marketing campaign thought up by some moron who wouldn't know a catfish from a frogfish.

Just because I agree with somebody's ideology (and in some ways I agree with PETA's) doesn't mean I approve of their methods. As far as I am concerned, that organization is a bunch of liars and terrorists who firmly believe that the ends always justify whatever means necessary.

It doesn't.

On the Ben and Jerry's thing? I don't want to eat any of that human milk ice cream, but I will gladly volunteer to do some of the milking :)
Are "Sea Kittens" as lame, useless and utterly worthless as their land-based counterparts?
Not everyone agrees that you have a right to torture a living animal by spearing it with an arrow and then dragging it around until it eventually dies.
Even if that were reasonable, cats should be an exception.

I don't eat fish (usually) - not because I care about fish, but just because I don't enjoy the taste, texture, smell, etc. However, if I had the opportunity to kill and eat anything referred to as a "sea kitten" - that would be pretty appealing.
But that's beside the point really, I was speaking more toward the fact that this campaign in particular is ridiculous. They are simply trying to manipulate children with misinformation...and that's just kinda sad. I mean some of the best memories I had of my childhood were "torturing" "sea kittens" with my dad and grandad. It saddens me to think that children might be stripped of that in the future, but I sincerely doubt this will make that will happen.

Yep, yet another poorly thought out moronic scheme by PETA.. Idiots can organize too, occasionally.
the OP has a valid arguement. THEY ARE NUTS!

A few months ago, a PETA member petitioned Ben and Jerry's to cease the use of cows milk in the manufacture of their ice cream. The alternative that was suggested? HUMAN BREAST MILK.

That be nuts.
That is just disturbing...... Who's gonna milk 'em every morning and night?:cool2:

I stated that I am not a hypocrite as the usual response would be to ask if I eat hamburgers or have a leather jacket and equate that as being hypocritical.
Just out of curiosity, Do you have a leather jacket? Or shoes? Tennis shoes?....
Well, the biological function of cow milk is to feed young cows... so naturally, if we're feeding humans, doesn't it make sense to drink milk from our own species? I mean, if you think about it, drinking cow milk is WEIRD.
Yeah, you keep on playing that devil's advocate like that.... We'll start thinking you belong to PETA....:coffee:

I stand corrected about their kill rate but stand by the fact that they have the grievous responsibility to kill homeless domestic animals in a painless way.

You do realize that the reason they end up at PETA is because of people who purchase animals and then get tired of them shortly after? They generally end up at PETA because they were abandoned and in no condition to fend for themselves.

Instead of blaming PETA look at the true source for this. People who treat animals as objects and breed them for money or buy them as an accessory of which they soon no longer desire.

PETA is an organization that fights for animal rights. They have done great work. If you did a little research and saw what takes place in medical laboratories, circuses, slaughterhouses and puppymills you may view things differently. Check out the video where dogs in china are skinned alive so they can use the fur on the edge of the hood of your winter coat.

PETA does not go out looking for animals to kill. They have to make the unfortunate decision to humanely kill animals. You can imagine the condition that the majority of these animals are in when they get them. Watch "animal cops" on the animal channel and you will get an idea of the abused animals that are brought to PETA as a last resort.

It is odd how people try so hard to portray such a selfless organization in a negative light while ignoring the many successes they have had in influencing the humane treatment of animals.

I can only imagine it helps those that feel guilt when they reflect upon their own actions.

Oh for God's sake, where to start? I actually agree about the public being stupid consumers, careless breeders, and inhumane schmucks.

But PETA is NOT the angelic group you think. I ran a rescue group that had to rescue Great Danes form the area PETA group. I would pick up rotties, labs, and any dog I could get to another rescue from them that was over 30lbs, because THIS region's director "heard" that small fluffy dogs were easier to adopt out, so she euthanized EVERY other dog... Oh yeah, they are doing a jam up job.

Are "Sea Kittens" as lame, useless and utterly worthless as their land-based counterparts?
hehehehe, Nope, sea kittens fry up much nicer......:)

All you people chill out. The last one was a joke. I Have four of the land ones of my own.
Sabbath999, while I don't share your views about what I consider food, I do respect them. I have no respect for PETA in any way, shape or form. Their ideas are moronic and they do tend to give folks with your POV a bad name, but I think most people are able to distinguish between the two. There are two major problems with PETA's "sea kitten" idea. First, people are not going to call fish sea kittens, except as a joke. Second, if they did, it would stop them from eating them. My favorite is Hogseakitten. Easy to shoot and taste great!
When I first heard about this I was convinced it was an Onion-type satire. But no, it is an actual PETA campaign. I have to say, PETA become more and more bat-**** crazy with each new campaign.

I mean, there are many legitimate arguments against certain fishing practices being unsustainable, but they won't win any (sane) friends to their campaign with nutty stuff like this...

Cat people...:shakehead:

Non-cat people :shakehead:
It is difficult for me to understand how a person who could not bear to see a person injured in any way could put a metal hook through an animals head as a pastime.

It's easy, just aim the stick and pull the trigger. Add butter and a little lemon.

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