Should I log these dives or not?

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There are really 2 things being discussed --- 1) what to record in your logbook, and 2) what "counts" as a dive for purposes such as meeting the minimum number of dives required for DM or instructor certification.

I agree that your aborted dive shouldn't "count" as a dive towards some minimum required number of dives.

However, the circumstances surrounding a dive that you aborted is probably one of the more useful things you can record in your logbook for future reference.
Yes, you are correct, there are two issues being discussed. I was responding to an earlier comment of "it's my log, I can put what I want in it". My point is that only meaningful dives should be counted. I am way past the point of needing to log dives for anything other than to simply log my dive history and have a reference point to go back to.

We're in agreement. I to have aborted dives and logged them. In times past I've had some very eventful short dives that were logged, just as they should be. The last one was four years ago on the Duane. :palmtree: Bob
Diving in 25 feet of water has it plus and minuses. Just recently read that diving in 25 feet of water should be treateed like and other dive. When surfacing from 25 feet should be done very slowly, your safety stop on a deep dive is 15 feet for three minutes. Coming up from 25 should be done slowly. So, all the above are correct. It's your log book and should be filled out accordingly. It also, should any dive boat operator ask to see you log book, will tell the last time you dive. That is one of the questions on the release form you sign, " when was your last dive?". They can refuse to let you dive if you have not dove for a time period that they consider to long, that is what they call Liability. So you see there is many reasons to log you dives.

I log every dive I do. Some of those dives can be quite shallow too. Now I would never count a pool dive or a dive in an aquarium though.

Hmmmph! My very FIRST dive was at Epcot's Living Seas on December 1st, just last month. I was quite happy that it is my first recorded dive in my brand new log book because DH and I are Disney brats - we love Disney World! Different strokes, I guess. :)
Hmmmph! My very FIRST dive was at Epcot's Living Seas on December 1st, just last month. I was quite happy that it is my first recorded dive in my brand new log book because DH and I are Disney brats - we love Disney World! Different strokes, I guess. :)
Disney Diving??? Shame on you... with all that fantastic cave diving right in your own back yard! :369:
I was told that a dive can be logged, if it is at least 10 minutes and beyond 12 fsw. But I guess it's all personal preference.
Yep, I would log the dive if 20 minutes 20 feet. Good also to log for medical purposes as well if something should happen. Also good to know when you last dove, what equipment and weight you used, what type of tanks used, standard or compact and most of all, what neat things you saw. When I first started diving I also used it to know if I was improving on my air comsumption, and what a particular dive sight was like at a particular time of the year. Also nice if someone asks you about a particular dive sight,,,what were your impressions, current? good vis? what did u see, etc. I also like to know what type of diver I am taking OW diver with 500 dives is different from a Rescue Diver with 40....
Deff log these dives, if you're concerned about other people's opinions (which you shouldn't be) it would say to me that you are someone who takes care to keep his skills up to date.
I wonder what Froid would say.
I doubt it would be meet with a warm reception...
I have a dive in my log. Dive #11, Max depth 8 feet. Time 4 minutes. Vis 3 inches.

Why? Because it was an attempt at navigation that I hadn't tried previously [trying to locate a wreck at high tide that we pinpointed with surface compass bearings at low tide]. We failed, and aborted.

Was it a dive by the Official Scuba Dive Log Book Society rules? Hell if I know, but I could care less. It's my log. I log what I want to log. That one was a dive in my book. [figuratively and literally]

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