Sidemount choices

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With heavier steel tanks (15l+) I would need less weight not more, so by your own reasoning, that would make for a better profile, not a worse one!
Stu, the 15l are heavier when full but they are actually lighter in the water than 12l when empty or almost empty. When you breath the bigger tanks down you lose more weight than with the 12l tanks, so you actually do need more weight with the bigger tank. Look it up if you don't believe me or try it out.

gearhound, the guy was asking for sm rigs so it's not that far off topic.
If I was married I wouldn't have to lie about what 30 cm are, ey?
I should have said earlier that I have a 'Edd mod' sms, I have actually never used a stock one but I can see why they would stink.
Now that I've seen your video I get what your saying. I never used US hp tanks but I assume they stay negatively buoyant when empty and that's why you don't need the double layer of weight of the large weight system.
Here, in the baltic sea, people need 14kg+ and use that large xdeep weight pocket. So when they need to put a bunch of gas into the wing their profile is worse than that in your video and in that case the modded hollis really does better when you put the weight under the bp.
I guess it depends on what kind of tanks you have access to.

Is that video from somewhere around Calgary?

@tbone, ok, sorry.
Why bother with trying to use any sidemount system for single tank backmount? None of them were really built for it anyway, regardless of what the marketing says (and I dive a Nomad that is marketed the same way). Just go single tank sidemount, it super comfortable and you still have easy access to your valve. I was able to salvage a dive in MX because I went single tank SM instead of BM. The crappy DIN to yoke adapter supplied by the dive op blew, but feathering the valve I was still able to get a decent dive in, couldn't have done that if I had stuck the tank on my back.

Thanks for the comment!

Anyone want to opine along with the OP's question as to SSM with these various devices?
I have a modified SMS 100 which I've been using for steel tank cave diving in FL. I love the rig but it's larger than I like for traveling purposes. On my recent trip to Mexico, I spent a few days test diving an Xdeep Stealth 2.0. We got it trimmed perfectly in no time with aluminum 80s. It packs down really well and I liked it so much I purchased it and made a few other changes (love the flexibility to quickly change it up) My intent is to use the SMS when I know I'll be diving steels, but the XS2 when I'm heading to Mexico or other places that I know I'll be using aluminum.

The only additional mod I'll be making to the XS2 at the moment will be to add velcro to the wing and where I want it placed on the spine so I can affix the two before donning. I did not like the placement of the can lights under my butt so I mounted it parallel to my spine using the weight pocket straps about mid back. I MUCH prefer this location but it makes it a bit more challenging to add the wing after donning the webbing without assistance since I keep getting hung up on the canister and placing the wing too low as a result then having to ask my buddy to lift it up a bit.
Of all the rigs I've taught and used there is only 1 that is a decent SM and a very good BM, that's the UTD alpha/delta wing. Adjustable lift from 20-37 lbs, fits to backplate or SM harness, lots of weighting options, I have several in my fleet for just this reason.

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Of all the rigs I've taught and used there is only 1 that is a decent SM and a very good BM, that's the UTD alpha/delta wing. Adjustable lift from 20-37 lbs, fits to backplate or SM harness, lots of weighting options, I have several in my fleet for just this reason.

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Wow are they proud of that puppy!!!!
Thanks for the comment!

Anyone want to opine along with the OP's question as to SSM with these various devices?

I dive both an SMS100 (with Edd's mods) and a Razor-style harness. STSM is a breeze in either system. I haven't done a backmount dive since I converted to sidemount a couple years ago and have zero intentions of going back.

As to "Big style vs webbing style" debate: I much prefer the big-style harnesses. I've been trying to like the webbing-style but simply can't bring myself to do it. I have yet to find a system I like better than my current one.

One thing guys on the other side of the pond seem to forget, and Benno is alluding to, is that when you're doing dives that require lots of gas you have to start the dive significantly overweighted. There's no way around it. When you're overweighted, the webbing-style rigs look AWFUL. They get much bigger and bulkier than the SMS-style systems. When you're diving with super thick undergarments and light tanks with little gas, it's easy to say otherwise. My last dive, though, I had over 17.5kg of breathing gas on me....meaning I had to be 17.5kg overweight to begin.
bigtex, what didn't you like about butt mounting? Aside from needing a longer cord, I find it much better than any other mounting location

Based on the placements we tried, when I had my arm extended the cord is about 2" too short. I was also feeling like I was having too much going on down there between the canister, the mounting place, and my reels/spools. By moving the canister long my spine, I got the needed extra cord (a bit too much at this point, which I need to sort out) as well as feeling much less cluttered and less distracted on the hind quarters.
where are you mounting everything?

My canister clips under the crotch strap to the bottom of the rails and is completely out of the way. Reels are then stowed in D-rings that are on the waist strap of my Nomad. With the SMS100 you can use a tail plate like this which the 75 is now coming with for that purpose.

Allows you to clip all of your reels there and find them easily.

Extending the cord is a non-issue if you can solder and have a couple of wrenches. Don't use cord length as a reason to mount the light somewhere, the manufacturers use nominal cord lengths because it is "close enough" for most people, but that doesn't mean it's right for you.
where are you mounting everything?

My feedback was specific to the Stealth 2.0 and not my SMS 100. For the Stealth 2.0, my light is down my spine affixed by weight pocket velcro strap under the wing. My cutting devices are on my wrist and my belt. My spools/reels are on a d-ring just north of my coccyx. Cookies and arrows on my right chest d-ring. Inflator on my left chest d-ring. My back up lights are in my left pocket for the time being, may move one to my webbing on my next dive once I get some shock cord.

Extending the cord is a non-issue if you can solder and have a couple of wrenches.

It may be a simple fix, but I'm not inclined to muck around with electronics. My luck I'd do something and totally hose the light up. If I decide to change the length I'll reach out to the mfg to see what they can do.

Don't use cord length as a reason to mount the light somewhere, the manufacturers use nominal cord lengths because it is "close enough" for most people, but that doesn't mean it's right for you.

I actually like where I have it now. Even where it's mounted, I still have a lower profile than with my SMS100. So based on locations I'm diving and conditions I'm allowing myself to get in to I'm comfortable with my placement. My tightest fits so far have been about like the entrance to Hole in the Wall and a wee bit smaller. If I decide to no-mount or wiggle dive, (i gotta wiggle to get my butt thru there) then I will reconsider the light well as everything else on the rig(s).

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