solo diving as a beginner

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Of course I disagree with the sticky as it makes no sense. I also think I conduct myself in such a way on the board that those who matter know that I disagree from an honest and thoughtful POV (even if they differ in their views).

If I want to know if DIR is for me I feel the proper place to ask is the DIR sub forum.
If I want to know if tech diving is for me I feel the proper place to ask is the tech sub forums.
If I want to know if vintage dive is for me I believe the proper place to ask is the vintage sub forum

I believe that those people who partake in an activity are the ones who will give the more valid opinions.

What is so unique about solo diving that one cannot even ask about it in the forum designated for its purpose? Talk about a taboo subject. Is it that solo divers cannot be trusted to give the safe response? Is it that people who do not solo are in a better position to discuss the topic sensibly?

I also believe that one can get good answers in the general forums but one must separate a lot of wheat from the chaff. For someone who doesn't have experience already, how are they supposed to decide which is which?

Just because the sticky says something we need not blindly obey. If you were into that sort of thing you wouldn't solo dive in the first place... Or did someone in a position of authority tell you it was OK to solo dive?
If I tell a new diver the location that I solo dive, the equipment that I use etc., am I liable for him if he has an accident? Also, I think that if you need to ask if it's a good idea, you're not ready. I'm not sure it IS a good idea but it sure is nice to be alone down there!
Of course I disagree with the sticky as it makes no sense. I also think I conduct myself in such a way on the board that those who matter know that I disagree from an honest and thoughtful POV (even if they differ in their views).

I never said you did not have a thoughtful POV. We disagree, no big deal. But the point remains the solo diving has that rule in its sticky and I agree with it. I am not blindly following a rule: I happen to agree with it for the reasons I have listed.

If I want to know if DIR is for me I feel the proper place to ask is the DIR sub forum.
If I want to know if tech diving is for me I feel the proper place to ask is the tech sub forums.
If I want to know if vintage dive is for me I believe the proper place to ask is the vintage sub forum

DaleC, with the OP's experience, how do you think they will go asking in the tech diving forum "Should I start technical diving now?" :wink: Not a rhetorical question by the way, I want to know what you think will happen?

I believe that those people who partake in an activity are the ones who will give the more valid opinions.

No I disagree. They give biased opinions in general. Nothing wrong with that as everyone is biased, but because of this people should get the opinions of people who do and don't solo dive. I have buddies who will never solo dive and I think their reasoning is just as valid as mine.

What is so unique about solo diving that one cannot even ask about it in the forum designated for its purpose? Talk about a taboo subject. Is it that solo divers cannot be trusted to give the safe response? Is it that people who do not solo are in a better position to discuss the topic sensibly?

Hardly a taboo subject. As far as I see, you seem to think solo diving is some taboo subject and you are in the minority with that thought, imo. It's not, at least where I dive. You really need to get past that and talk about the issues instead of trying to say that anyone who is against solo diving is doing so because it is 'taboo'. There are valid reasons not to solo dive. It is a controversial subject, I'll give you that, but so is fin type and whether one should wear a snorkel. :rofl3:

I also believe that one can get good answers in the general forums but one must separate a lot of wheat from the chaff. For someone who doesn't have experience already, how are they supposed to decide which is which?

Well if they cannot figure out what is a useful answer and what is not, they don't sound like they have the common sense to solo dive :wink: Also there is nonsense posted in every subforum, it is not restricted to the general forums.

Just because the sticky says something we need not blindly obey. If you were into that sort of thing you wouldn't solo dive in the first place... Or did someone in a position of authority tell you it was OK to solo dive?

I don't post in places where I disagree with the ToS and rules. Forums are generally privately owned and therefore the owners can make up whatever rules they want. I have no issue with this. If the solo diving forums rules changed, I would respond by ignoring threads in the solo diving forum about whether one should be solo diving. I don't mind answering threads on this topic outside that area though, where I think they are more appropriate. I do not think it is a good idea to move everything solo related to the solo forum. There are DIR and technical questions asked outside those subforums too, you realise?

Define "position of authority"? I have had plenty of instructors and so on, say they have no issue with solo diving but their opinion is irrelevant to my decision to solo dive actually. About the only person who would have any influence on my decision would be my partner and he is ok with it.

For what it is worth, I have never had anyone tell me it is not ok to solo dive. Never.
For what it is worth, I have never had anyone tell me it is not ok to solo dive. Never.

I have ... one local dive shop owner stated on a public forum that I would never teach for his shop because I solo dive.

Regional perspectives account for much of the differences in opinion on these forums ... solo diving's not as socially acceptable here in the PNW as it is elsewhere in the world.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I have ... one local dive shop owner stated on a public forum that I would never teach for his shop because I solo dive.

Regional perspectives account for much of the differences in opinion on these forums ... solo diving's not as socially acceptable here in the PNW as it is elsewhere in the world.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Yes, I agree there are regional differences. But the assumption here always seems to be that solo diving is taboo. It is not where I come from (as I stated in my last post) and that point so far has not been recognised by DaleC. I do not think it is worthwhile to raise the "taboo" point, as it distracts from other issues and makes solo divers sound defensive, which they should not be. There are plenty of controversial issues in diving and when one responds to a detractor of a concept with 'you are only saying that because it is taboo and not because you have a valid reason for not supporting me' it adds nothing to the discussion imo.
OK Sas, you live in the one corner of the world where the two words SOLO and DIVING are not met with a negative reaction.

I don't think this forum, or this post, is designed for the tangent we are taking so, if you want to follow it, I'll see you in the solo sub forum.
OK Sas, you live in the one corner of the world where the two words SOLO and DIVING are not met with a negative reaction.

I don't think this forum, or this post, is designed for the tangent we are taking so, if you want to follow it, I'll see you in the solo sub forum.

So you have travelled all around the globe and found out how solo diving is treated everywhere? If not, just wondering why you would assume that where I live is the only place where solo diving is accepted.

Sure, start a thread there in response to my comments, if you do not wish to debate them here. I'll watch for it. I made the post as I am interested in debating the points raised.
Although I've been diving solo for some 48 years, I would NEVER recommend to anyone else that they do it. I wouldn't have the knowledge of their diving abilities, or their response to emergencies, to make that decision unless I had been diving with them for some time.

I would definitely NOT recommend it to anyone who has not had sufficient experience.... including several emergency situations to assess how they responded to them. I have seen enough divers with fewer than 25-50 dives go solo to 150 feet... and questioned whether they really knew the risks they were taking.
Ya know....I had the same urge not long after getting certified and short on dive buddies. Then the thoughts went through my head. If something bad did happen, just having a buddy there waiting for me to handle it myself would be all the comforting I need to stay cool. Just to die is bad enough. To die alone, completely helpless, no one knowing really where you are....not a pleasant thought.

Use Web Monkey's scenario. Let's say it's only 16 ft deep but you can't get the line cut/untangled to free yourself. The whole time you're trying to do so, you're wishing you had someone there to help you, someone in a better position to see/do what's needed, someone much calmer than you are. There's no one there. The first person to find you is the search team that will provide the story to your family about how you died and how simple it would have been to prevent. Then there is the parent that sadly outlives his/her own child. Forever wondering if it was really worth it to her baby to dive alone this weekend when a buddy was available next week....or even next month.

If that's the chance you want to take, via con Dios, my friend. I'll take my risks with a little more driving in Southern California. ;-)

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