SRP CYD vs CY filter

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50 - 99
What is the difference besides the dome and the price? I would imagine you couldn't put a cap on the CYD, which might be useful. Could you stack macros with the CY?
Performance wise I haven't noticed any real difference between the 2, in theory the dome should get more even colour filtering with the fisheye lens but I really havent noticed this thoug I havent done a proper direct comparison. The regular CY has no outer threads either to minimize the profile but you can thread it outside a macro lens if it has outer threads, can be the same with the dome but I wouldn't recommend it as I had a tough time getting one off my macro filter. It may have just been a very tight fit but I had just about given up on getting it off when I finally managed to, it may vary between other filters and I cant even remember which macro lens it was that I got one stuck in as I have quite a few brands I have tried.

The dome is more prone to scratching though minor scratches won be visible in use underwater and I lost my CYD in the middle of Port Phillip Bay a while ago after putting it in a filter pouch but forgetting to close it before swimming off. I have got another since and will try and do some side by side tests on a pari of blacks using both to see if there is much difference between them. I have intended to do this for a while but keep getting distracted by the sealife and forget about most of my plans unless its a very crappy dive with not much to see which then would make for a boring video and I try and avoid those these days if I can as my better ones are boring enough. :D
In addition to what is mentioned above, the dome is made of plastic while the CY filter is glass. hence the price jump for the CY.
I haven't has much luck with ANY plastic filter. They all quickly develop scratches with moderate use in my environments (wreck and reef) - Despite what some manufacturers might have you believe many of the scratches are very noticeable in the video. I have had no problems whatsoever with the glass filters and it is the only that I can recommend. No matter how careful I tried to be with the plastic I would always scratch it. Stick with glass lenses and filters whenever possible is my advice

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Glass It is.... Seems like suppliers would make there websites easier to compare products.

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