Suggestions for exposure suits

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I received disappointing news today. Found out my orders might not let me leave until the middle of August, which means I wouldn't be home for the time my parents booked the campsite. I talked to the guy who cuts me my orders and he informed me that my report no later than date is September 15th, which in my experience means with 30 days leave, I wouldn't be allowed to transfer from Guam until the 15th of August. Once I have my orders in hand I'm going to try and lobby for 45 days of leave. It's also disappointing because it takes away from my bargaining power of missing my last underway onboard the Frank Cable. The ship is expected to be underway until the end of July and I was hoping to miss that underway, so I could get my household pack out completed. It's really going to suck if I can't get back to the States on time, because not only was I looking forward to the time spent in the States, I know my family was as well. Here's to hoping.

To keep this post sort of on topic, I went to my LDS today and the thickest wetsuit the have is a 3mm. Of course that was to be expected considering I'm in Guam, but it would have been better if I could have picked up a 5mm here before I left.

Second side note, who would be interested in diving the Spiegel Grove with me (if I make it back in time) because from what I've read my Mom and Dad wouldn't be allowed to dive it. I could always do it with an "insta buddy" but that's not my #1 choice.

P.S How cool is my avatar?
Spiegle would depend on the dates and if I could schedule it or not but I might be interested. I have to be honest my big goal for this year is to dive the Oriskany. Don't know if I'll make it or not but I'm gonna try like hell.
To stay on topic. I think you would be fine in a 3 mil. i use a 4/3 in the winter around here so I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem. If the stuff is that cheap over there buy 2 and where them both at the same time. That would give you 6. :wink:
Spiegle would depend on the dates and if I could schedule it or not but I might be interested. I have to be honest my big goal for this year is to dive the Oriskany. Don't know if I'll make it or not but I'm gonna try like hell.
To stay on topic. I think you would be fine in a 3 mil. i use a 4/3 in the winter around here so I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem. If the stuff is that cheap over there buy 2 and where them both at the same time. That would give you 6. :wink:

OK, I googled it and than I got lazy. I would be totally interested in diving this carrier. What are the depth ranges? From what I read it said sunk in 212 feet of water, which means it's probably well within recreational means. Fill me in, remember I'll be home on leave and all alone during the week looking for stuff to do. Although Pensacola isn't exactly the closest place in the world.

BTW, that BK education is really starting to work for you. Your math skills seem to be improving. On a serious note, I was thinking about getting a hooded vest and wearing that under a 3mm. That would only be for the springs of course. I'm hoping to be able to do a lot of diving while I'm home on leave.
The hooded vest is a good idea. The Mighty O starts at 80' and goes down to the bottom. I believe that you have to have a redundant air system to dive it but it looks like an awesome dive.
hmm, why do they require that--are there a lot of heavy currents there? (I would assume you have the option of staying near the top of the wreck and doing it as a normal recreational dive, but maybe that's wrong)

... I believe that you have to have a redundant air system to dive it but it looks like an awesome dive.
I think it is because it starts at the Advanced Level and goes into a Tech Level of a dive. There might be other dive charters that do not require it. I only got on to one website about diving it. I haven't checked into it all that much.
oh ok. It's probably not a bad idea to bring a pony bottle on a dive like that, especially if you buddy with a stranger.

I think it is because it starts at the Advanced Level and goes into a Tech Level of a dive. There might be other dive charters that do not require it. I only got on to one website about diving it. I haven't checked into it all that much.
oh ok. It's probably not a bad idea to bring a pony bottle on a dive like that, especially if you buddy with a stranger.

I'm getting in the habit of diving with my pony bottle all the time. Even with dive buddies I know and trust. You never what could happen down there and I would hate to not be able to prevent something because I didn't put the botte on my back.
The deck of the Mighty "O" is just a few feet deeper than 130 feet which is very doable for recreational divers. FWIW, If I was traveling all the way up to the panhandle, then all the way off shore and paying all that money, I'd be doing more than circling the bridge at 60-80 feet. The sand is at 230 from what I've read so that is obviously a bit below recreational limits, but you could swim the deck and see what there is to see there easily.

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