Taking regs, computer etc...through security at airport

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Seattle, WA
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50 - 99
whats the normal protocol? especially when going through customs. do you declare it so they don't freak out when they see all these hoses and computer equip? it's gotta look pretty suspicious going through a scanner....
I am not sure about the US but travel in south east asia and australia not a problem, just remove any knife that may be attached to your regulator hose.

I regularly take my reg from PNG to Aust and return. I travel with it as hand luggage. The rest of my gear is in my bags which is in the cargo hold. Recently I bought 3 hand spears and one rail gun into the PNG. Not a problem except I must leave the country with them, they have been noted on my passport to be taken out when leaving the country.

Now in regards to customs, if you are travelling with a number of regulators, and they are brand new, because you have purchased them in say Thailand, and you are returning to Australia, you may find they want to check that you have declared the amounts for duty.

Believe me joe, many many people travel with dive gear, and airlines in most countries are very use to seeing them. Try travelling in China with a snow trekking sticks, now that is a different matter and also a very different and funny story.

yea u would think the security people had seen enough of them but nothing shocks me these days. most of the people working in airport security are functionally retarded. i took an xbox 360 through a couple of yrs ago and i swear they thought it was a bag full of C4. they called like 3 supervisors over and they couldnt figure out what it was. im like, it's an Xbox. havent u seen an xbox? this was at the seattle airport, home of Microsoft....
I have taken dive gear thru the Baghdad Airport on a couple R&R's. It wasn't as much of a security incident as you would think. Most of them don't know what scuba diving is when you try and explain it to them. This was their look for real --> :confused:
Have you ever played that game charades?
I've never had a problem, but I have been searched plenty of times. They don't have to understand it to know it isn't dangerous. I have been pulled aside plenty of times bringing a can light through security though. I had five guys checking out my stuff. Two for the can light, one to look at my regs, another checking out my laptop, and the fifth to look through a bag that only had books in it.

I have never had a problem. Not even had my carry on checked. Carry Regs, computer, compass, and mask in it.
I've been to Cozumel a couple of times, no problems really. The security folks look at it pretty closely but not a big deal. Had to open the carry on to get a better look once. Heading to SE Asia this time, hope my luck holds.
Just place your regs/etc in a separate bag within your carry on and send it through on its own. I've been asked once to breathe through my second stage to prove that it wasn't 'pressurized'. Not sure how much pressure they were expecting to find in the first stage, but I think they thought it was a small tank.
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I got flagged at LAX (Terminal 7) last month for having two reg sets in my carry on. I guess the TSA guy looking at the xray didn't like how it looked? No matter, they sent me to a separate area where a TSA woman went through the carry on bag with me and pulled out the regs. She and I chatted about diving Catalina Island while I put my stuff back into the bag and off I went. :) It was probably easier because I have my regs and dive computer in a separate bag inside the carry on, but it really wasn't much of a hassle. In my experience, most of the TSA people know what they are looking at. I'm guessing this guy was just new.
It may depend some on where you're flying from, but generally unless they're brand new they've seen enough dive computers and regs it's not a big deal. And someone will sort out the newbie. If they pause the belt to look closer, mumbling something about scuba gear can help them understand what they're seeing and help things along. Once in awhile they want to see it but no biggie.

My husband has a big UW camera - housing, strobes, all sorts of metal arms and interesting looking hardware. That tends to draw more attention and is more frequently searched but again it's really not a problem.

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