The Buddy system and separation problems

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Actually I guess we could have a sign for rototillin' eh? But then the old trusty silt sign would explain that to people in the know and to the rest CF does it well?!

Paul -
a specific set of sign are those used to comuunicate stops during a free ascent deco. there is a sign to move to the next deco stop and one for having reached stop depth. There is also a specific seignal indicating that we are starting an ascent with a ceiling (deco).

Other things would be to indicate computer issues, line issues - navigation etc, etc... all things that are dependent on the dive.

we used standardized signals - the ones used by GUE.
If you need more in depth com, we use the wet notes most of the people I dive with carry. That way we are always able to describe more in depth what is going on.

Big T -
Now I'm really going to go diving - see you all later.
In that case UP -
it is not a signal - it is just "get your lawn chair out and sit down"
If that does not work you can occasionally pour some water on your rig so it looks like you either have been or are onsidering actually putting it to use...

Big T
Sometimes I'm just too circumspect....
And my subtleties to subtle....

There is so much going on below the surface :wink:

Hey... did you have a good dive Terk.... how was the eight legged lady and her eggs?

dive was about as un-eventful as they come - nothing of interest - well, nothing out of the ordinatry anyway.

Didn't go see the octo - buddy was taking out the video housing for a spin and it was plenty of work just keeping track of her - phew.

Leaving for LA tomorrow - be back on Tuesday - most likely out diving Wednesday...

Big T

So has anyone failed to understand or misinterpreted a signal from a buddy underwater? If so how did you resolve the confusion?


Originally posted by Paulb2

So has anyone failed to understand or misinterpreted a signal from a buddy underwater? If so how did you resolve the confusion?



We have relatively few signs that are able to generalize a variety of problems. The rest comes from being familiar with your buddy. Having a complex vocabulary underwater is often counter productive, I think.


So do divers generally go over the hand signs before a dive? I was wondering if I dived abroad with a foreign buddy I teamed up with over their, could it be possible for his/her hand signals to be different (but have the same meaning)?


Paul, sorry to be so late responding. The others have covered specialized hand signals well. Another example of task specific signals involves working with students. We have signals to tell them:
Get closer to your buddy
You are the out of air diver (for OOA drills)
Flood and clear your mask
Drop and recover your regulator
You are ok. (statement used to reassure a nervous student)

All of these signals are reviewed on the surface so everyone knows what is being said. Before every dive divers do (well, they should do) a hand signal review. I have been told that some countries find the signal we use for "ok" to be offensive, kinda like flipping someone the bird. So they would have a different signal for that I guess. Someone else will have to verify this, it's only heresay coming from me.

One time I tried to communicate to my buddies that I was tied up in the line that went from the bow to the stern of the dive boat. They were just below the surface on the descent line waiting while I pulled to them through the current. I managed to get tied up and my hand signals met with blank stares. I finally let go of the rope and thrashed wildly then gave the "come here" signal, they figured that one out, untied me and we started our dive.
Ber :bunny:

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