The Truth about Dive Paradise and the ScubaBoard Invasion

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I couldn't imagine planning an event for 100 people even if they were all mutes.
I think that there will be a good number more than 100. We've capped it at 180 or so. Come meet the peeps that make this place so kewl.
I don't have a problem with how Scubaboard is run. I have learned a great deal from this site for free. There are very few things in life that are free anymore.

I don't have a problem with how the Invasion was put together or if any of the organizers benefited from perks. When you look at the value they provided by putting this together it was just compensation. I couldn't have gotten as good a pricing as they did. Throw in the $1,000s in prizes that were awarded during the various get togethers and it was a great deal. I think everyone walked away from the Invasion with some sort of prize.

I would agree with everything EXCEPT SB is free. It is free to you, but I hate to think how much it costs to run for the year. Someone has to pay that (see my bit about business earlier) and Netdoc found a way that it isn't us. (Well you anyway. I went RED baby....) Not unlike Facebook. Wait. Come to think of it, why isn't there a movie about NetDoc getting filthy rich and he and his friends suing each other?
You can't convince someone with facts if they don't want to be convinced. All facts are irrelevant to them.

Time to get back to planning your fun event. I couldn't imagine planning an event for 100 people even if they were all mutes.

Dude, I aint "them" am I? :shocked2:
I would agree with everything EXCEPT SB is free. It is free to you, but I hate to think how much it costs to run for the year. Someone has to pay that (see my bit about business earlier) and Netdoc found a way that it isn't us. (Well you anyway. I went RED baby....) Not unlike Facebook. Wait. Come to think of it, why isn't there a movie about NetDoc getting filthy rich and he and his friends suing each other?
I must admit I shelled out a year's membership fee once when I liked the way Netdoc dealt with a big whiner (not me, it was a bigger whiner). That was before the "Like" button, nowadays it's a lot cheaper to just click on that.

But thanks for the reminder re: Facebook. I'll make sure to send what's-his-name (Zuckerman? yeah I saw the movie, but Alzheimer's is a bitch) a check too, with whatever's left after Al and Netdoc get theirs.

Then again, I thought to myself (since I'm drinking alone tonight), wait a second Mr. Mossman, who are you to be paying Al Gore for the internet when Al Gore should be paying you for your witticisms. So I figure I should start billing out my content provision by the word. Now, instead of me owing Netdoc, it's the other way around. Look at all the posts I've made to date, I think it's over a thousand. Surely $1 a post is a fair amount to pay, right? So I figure Netdoc pays me $1,000 for all the posts I've donated to his site and we'll call it even, or better yet just give me a freebie for next year's Invasion. Al can go suck a kumquat for all I care.
:shakehead: Please rename this forum to, perhaps all future invasions can be funded through 'Obama Money' from his private stash. Mossman, I don't know if you're just pulling everybodies chain or what here, this last statement from you is really off the wall. Perhaps you're going into work on monday and telling your employer you're working for free for the next month to promote a non-profit club sort of atmosphere where all the people will realize group benefits and savings for your donation of working for free for the company?
Please leave Obama (and therefore politics, which are irrelevant to the issue) out of this. Thank you.
I must admit I shelled out a year's membership fee once when I liked the way Netdoc dealt with a big whiner (not me, it was a bigger whiner). That was before the "Like" button, nowadays it's a lot cheaper to just click on that.

But thanks for the reminder re: Facebook. I'll make sure to send what's-his-name (Zuckerman? yeah I saw the movie, but Alzheimer's is a bitch) a check too, with whatever's left after Al and Netdoc get theirs.

Then again, I thought to myself (since I'm drinking alone tonight), wait a second Mr. Mossman, who are you to be paying Al Gore for the internet when Al Gore should be paying you for your witticisms. So I figure I should start billing out my content provision by the word. Now, instead of me owing Netdoc, it's the other way around. Look at all the posts I've made to date, I think it's over a thousand. Surely $1 a post is a fair amount to pay, right? So I figure Netdoc pays me $1,000 for all the posts I've donated to his site and we'll call it even, or better yet just give me a freebie for next year's Invasion. Al can go suck a kumquat for all I care.

Moss, you keep posting while you are drinking alone, I may have to cut you adrift.:shelli: I'm just saying......
Politics are always relevant. Anybody who can't see the connections is blind:

Exactly. With all the advertising provided, they could have provided wonderful deals, if only they weren't constrained by having to grant freebies to all the principals. Too bad it's not a non-profit club sort of atmosphere where all the people could have realized the benefits of group savings and not just the organizers.

Obama poison word for word. Wealth redistribution to the undeserving simply believing they are deserving because they exist. The Obama promoted "entitlement" mentality of if you make more then me, you should give me some of yours so I can benefit from all your hard work and risk taking. Mossman believes Pete should give everyone some of his, because Pete's got too much.

I think what is irrelevant is when somebody tries to tell a business owner that they can't financially benefit from all their hard work and risk taking and they should pass along those rewards to people who have no rights or claim to them. That unfortunately is where we are in 2011, to the point that somebody can make a statement like Mossman did to Pete and almost nobody is shocked by it.

My father would have read what Mossman said and his comments would have been simple, he would have shaken his head and muttered "My my, the balls on this one."
Politics are always relevant. Anybody who can't see the connections is blind:

Obama poison word for word. Wealth redistribution to the undeserving simply believing they are deserving because they exist. The Obama promoted "entitlement" mentality of if you make more then me, you should give me some of yours so I can benefit from all your hard work and risk taking. Mossman believes Pete should give everyone some of his, because Pete's got too much.

I think what is irrelevant is when somebody tries to tell a business owner that they can't financially benefit from all their hard work and risk taking and they should pass along those rewards to people who have no rights or claim to them. That unfortunately is where we are in 2011, to the point that somebody can make a statement like Mossman did to Pete and almost nobody is shocked by it.

My father would have read what Mossman said and his comments would have been simple, he would have shaken his head and muttered "My my, the balls on this one."
You want some help getting this thread shut down? Well, OK. I am so sick and tired of all this right wing extremist, obstructionist crap we are being inundated with I could just spit. I've got mine so screw you. Are we a nation that helps each other when we need it or are we beasts in the field? Throw the old and the infirm under the bus. We don't need them, let them die. Rick Perry? Pah! Michelle Bachman? Idiot. Sarah Palin? Are you freakin' kidding me? Earthquakes and hurricanes are God trying to get the Democrats to change their ways? The solution to our economic problems is to hold a PRAYER MEETING???? Give me a break!

I don't give a tinker's damn whether the SB gurus get their way paid to Cozumel, or their hotel and diving free or even if they made money on the deal. More power to them for organizing a great event. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the insanity going on in Washington these days, and the Democrats aren't really any better than the Republicans when you get down to it. They are all in in for themselves; they are just pandering to different audiences.

End rant for now, but if you want to rumble, I'm up for it. :D

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