Three questions for you semi dry wearers

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Reaction score
Fresno, CA
# of dives
500 - 999
1. What hood do you wear? Do you have a dry suit hood that you wear outside your suit? Or do you wear a hood (with or without vest) and deal with a little water coming in at the neck?

2. What boots do you wear? I cannot find any isotherm boots in my size anywhere (supposedly they "mate" with my ankle seals). My 5 mils bring up tons of water each dive. Can I wear Mobby drysuit boots and have better luck?

3. What do you wear underneath?

Merry Christmas, by the way!
My kids use "semi-dry" suits, one uses a hooded vest underneath, the other just a plain hood (skirt tucked in/under)
They use plain old Scuba Max boots, no problems.
They wear swimming trunks, undies won't keep you any warmer.

Do you have the yukkie weather by you too? There are whitecaps on the pool here in Sacto/Fair Oaks
When I wear my semi-dry, I use a Bare Drysuit hood that I got off E-Bay for $10. It's great. The bibbed hoods compromise the seal on my Isotherm. I stopped wearing my Isotherm boots and just wear the regular wetsuit boots with a thicker sole (better for shore diving anyway) and deal with the water as I come out... but the water's all warm from my body heat anyway. Besides - the water in your boots is good for rinsing off the bottom of the other boot.
Yes, Bob3, it's very blustery out here. I don't think I'll be getting into the pool today! I was hoping thermals would keep me warmer and help make the wrist and ankle seals tighter but hadn't tried that config in the pool yet.

Okay, Boogie711, I guess I need an attitude adjustment in regards to water in the boots.
I use an Akona vest with attached 7mm hood on mine and have not had any problems with water coming through the neck seal. These vest/hoods are also available with a rubber section to mate with the rubber on the neck seal in the suit.

I have used both normal deep see and Scubamax 7mm boots with no problems.
Parkway 2.5 mm
Xcel tri-density 7/8/6 Semi-dry
DUI CLX-450 dry-suit

I wear them in that order of preference based on air/water temperature.

1. My semi-dry suit has a hood attached. I believe this has a big advantage in limiting water flow within the suit.

2. Henderson Gold Core 5 mm. I love them.

3. Shark skin swim suit. Traditional swim wear can result in most uncomfortable squeeze at depth.


P.S. And a happy new year.
I usually ware a hooded vest with the semi-dry suit. I have a Sea Elite 5mil semi-dry and they use a different type of neck seal then the Isotherm suits. Instead of a rubber dry-suit type of seal they use a double layer seal so a vest really doesn't effect it.

I use regular old 5 mil booties, but of course the water temp here probably never gets as low as the high water temp where you're diving.

Under the suit I wear shorts or a swimsuit.
What temperature is a semidry (I've got the Poseidon 7mm sharkskin) good for?
What temperature is a semidry (I've got the Poseidon 7mm sharkskin) good for?
I was comfortable is scubapro 6.5 mm semi-dry at about 56 farenheit.

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