Trip report Utila...#1 a little intro

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Reaction score
Eleanor WV
# of dives
500 - 999
Wow it was a long trip it seemed…but im here and what a here it is.
Utila is very third worldian in a weird kind of way because alot of convienences exist that are not present in a real third world country. It at time appears like someone meant to build a town and ran out of money. The few streets are very narrow and you are constantly buzzed by motorcycles, scooters, golf carts, 4 wheelers and the occasional vehicle. I get a very 1960-70s third world carribean vibe here. You pick a path on the street and u walk a straight line LOL!!, because these guys (tourist and local) don’t slow down!.. but generally people are good about honking so that you know they are coming up on you. I was up early this morning (thanks to the roosters next door) and the local crew was out working hard, cleaning the streets and removing the trash… unfortunately there are several vacant lots in town and those are kinda littered up.. which is too bad because if they were clean it would go a long way toward making the place a tad neater in appearance. The people have all been friendly and nicer than i could ask for!
Its HOT! OH umm and HUMID!!! Its so humid I think you could slice a piece of the air off with a knife as a souvenir! There is a nice breeze at some of the hot spots on the water like COCO LOCO and TRANQUILA. Almost all business here is conducted in Lempira but I haven’t had any issues with spending USD. Though I kept the cash I brought to small bills, 20s and 10s and of course change is given in Lempira, so u either have to be up on ur conversion rates or carry a conversion calculater. My dive instructer for my advanced course is Kevin from Idaho, though I may be doing a course with Nico as well and he is from Columbia…both very nice, super friendly guys who work at Cross Creek Dive Center!
My room at Cross Creek is very small and an experiment in minimalism. Bed, mirror, cold water shower and a crappy air conditioner but to be honest I love the place though I am going to try to move into a larger cabana as soon as one becomes available. I also plan on inquiring about any deals at Laguna beach Resort and hope to spend at least a week staying and diving with them, just to try some different places etc…My first advanced class is Monday at 7am and im looking forward to it. Lots of Euros and some Americans in town with a mixed crowd in age. So far I’m enjoying it and I haven’t even started diving yet!
Ill post more as it happens BUT...To anyone considering coming to the Bay Islands and putting it off because of the political situation..just be AWARE....THERE IS NO SITUATION ON THE ISLANDS!!!!...Im here..sitting at mermaids using up their internet...u would think nothing had happened at is business as are is flowing..people are one even mentions Zelaya except for the american guy who runs Captain Morgans and that was just cause he wanted to know how we seen the situation in the states...So relax and COME TO UTILA! THE WEATHER IS BEAUTIFUL

2 things i have seen that i wouldnt have seen in the states...

2 ladies and a 3 month old baby on a motorcycle flying by me
a guy in full scuba gear including tank....riding a bicycle

OH YEAH....and a guy who looked like antonio banderas tried to sell me marijuana!
2 things i have seen that i wouldnt have seen in the states...

2 ladies and a 3 month old baby on a motorcycle flying by me
a guy in full scuba gear including tank....riding a bicycle

After my first trip to Cozumel I remember telling people that a motorcycle is a family vehicle there. I once saw dad driving, 2 little children in the middle, and mom in the far back holding a baby!

Not as unusual as a guy riding a bicycle with full scuba gear, but for some reason out here in CA and also in Florida I always think it's funny when I see kids riding their bike to the beach carrying a big surfboard in one arm.

Enjoy you dives and beer, write more later so the rest of us can see what it's like.
Now that was a great report! Thanks

This is excellent. The kind of report that puts me there and reminds me why I work. I work so I can play! Playtime is coming I don't know if it will be soon enough but tidbits like this help a lot! Thanks again!
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Hi Robert, thanks for the great report. We are leaving for Utila on Friday, so I'm packing and getting very excited and wondering:

?have you used any Amex traveler's checks, lonely planet says they're accepted "everywhere" but would hate to get stuck with 'em.

and of course the eternal question for newbies--the bug situation! Do we actually need to wear long pants at night as some guides suggest, or is it overkill?

Enjoy the great diving and thanks again for taking the time to report back!
Amex checks are taken in alot of places. You can always get them cashed at the banks or at the guy who sells propane and cigaretts (yes, its quite a combination). He's located right next to Munchies. Coming from the ferry dock hang a left and he's on the right about 1/2 a block down.

Do take some cash with you to get you started and an ATM card is a good backup.
Oh, and the bug situations is totally dependent on the breezes and your tolerance. High breeze = much less buggy. Others like cactus juice, I tend to be a deet guy when they are out. They can be bad, or not. Just depends. Sorry that's not much help. If you are really bugged by bugs, take a set of long pants (very light fabric), but generally enough repellant solves your problem.

Have fun!
Ive only been bitten a few times when it wasnt very breezy...only had to use deet once...always in shorts t shirt or proba as there is a nice breeze right now!
I would add a little extra to the other reports - August and September are the buggiest months of the year so if you are bug sensitive pack accordingly. I never had success with anything but deet based products. The easiest and most available is Off! there is a orange and green packaging variety green being stronger around 30% deet but I find the orange one is usually adequate.
Been here in Utila since Saturday, and I count a total of 4 bug bites, my husband has none...using Ultrathon deet only in the evenings. So no need for long pants and it's too hot for them anyway!

The main thing I wanted to share with the forum is that while diving the Halliburton wreck yesterday I got stung by a jelly on the knee and had a bad allergic reaction. I had bad headache, body pains, scratchy throat and fever. Went to la doctora and was prescribed a bunch of stuff that turned out to be just tylenol, claritin, cough syrup and antibiotic (Cipro, which we had with us anyway). A shotgun approach, but at least she covered all bases and ruled out DCI. But I can't dive for another day because of the effects of the meds which is quite a bummer as we are only here for a week and there is not much else to do!

I share this not to wallow in my bad luck but to say that I would recommend wearing a full exposure suit even though the water is quite warm. I was wearing a shorty and was stung on the knee. If I'd worn my usual full suit I would be in the water right now instead of on the computer!!

Also, there are spiders the size of crabs hanging from netlike webs outside my cabin. They are red and black striped and amazing--I did a painting of one. Oh, and we have 2 geckos in our cabin that chirp, it's adorable. Cucarachas in the bathroom and under the bed--not so adorable.

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