TWARS (This Week at Reef Seekers) - Feb. 27 - Mar. 6

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
Cleanup, Ghost Shark, Navigation, and more
(please scroll down for details)
We stand with Ukraine . . .

40th ANNUAL AVALON UNDERWATER CLEANUP - We couldn't have asked for a nicer day. It started out a little brisk (45º) standing in line for the 6AM boat out of Long Beach. But it quickly warmed up once the sun came up and was really a picture-perfect day in Avalon. And it was a record-setting day as well. We had around 600 divers signed up for the event, there were 100+ volunteers manning the different dive areas doing tasks like trash sorting and checking divers exiting the water, and it seems like a good time was had by all. There were a number of fabulous prizes awarded during the awards ceremony, which started out with a moment of silence in memory of Dr. Bill Bushing. Dr. Bill was also posthumously given the Jon Hardy Award, in recognition of his efforts to promote diving in Avalon and specifically in the Underwater Park. The award was accepted by his family, in the person of his sister Nancy and son Kevin (Kevin also dove the event in honor of his dad). When all was said and done, event chair Jill Boivin announced that a total of some $33,000 had been taken in (which I also think is a record), much to the delight of the assembled crowd. We closed, unbeknownst beforehand to Jill, with a special award for her since she is stepping aside after 20+ years of chairing the event. Mark your calendar for next year as the 41st annual will be held on February 25, 2023.​

CHAMBER DAY 2022 IS NEXT UP - Our next big event, and one Reef Seekers has been centrally involved in since the first one (in 1989), is Chamber Day 2022. The date is May 4 and we bill it as the largest single-day scuba charity event, certainly in the U.S., and perhaps even the world. Look for full info in our March newsletter, which should land in your in-box Monday evening.

CHAMBER EVE HEADS UP - Because of COVID protocols, at least as of right now, Chamber Eve will be limited to 250 people instead of our usual 450. This means sponsoring groups, like Reef Seekers, will be limited to one table of 10 per group this year. (Although there will be virtual tables as well.) But the point is that we assume Chamber Eve will fill up rather quickly so don't get left behind. Reservations can be made starting this Tuesday, March 1.

GHOST SHARK FOUND - Don't worry, it's only a baby. And it's in New Zealand, And it lives really deep. But scientists are very excited about this rare find. You can read more about it here: BABY GHOST SHARK.

INDONESIA IS SORT OF OPEN - We had some e-mail exchanges with our friends at Murex in Manado, Indonesia, recently and there's sort of good news. First off, understand that you can enter Indonesia ONLY if you are vaxxed AND have obtained a visa prior to your trip. The visa-on-arrival program is still suspended. When you arrive, you then have to quarantine for 3-7 days (depending on your vax status) but the good news here is that all three of the Murex properties (Manado, Bangka, and Lembeh) have been approved as quarantine "bubble" resorts, which means you can stay on the property and they can take you diving, as long as you return to the property. You'll take a PCR test on Day 1 and then another the day before you're released from quarantine. Assuming both are negative, then you're free to roam. So it's not quite the same as before, but it's a major step in the right direction.

FISH ID CLASS WEDNESDAY - Via Zoom. $30 for those interested. Call us at 310/652-4990 to get signed up.

CARGO FREIGHTER FIRE - You may have heard about the fire aboard the Felicity Ace off of Portugal. The ship was carrying 4,000 luxury vehicles when it caught fire. Although it doesn't say the batteries caused the fire, reports suggest that lithium-ion batteries in the electric vehicles on board may have fueled the fire and prevented it from being extinguished with water. Shades of the Conception disaster. You can read more about it here: CARGO SHIP FIRE FUELED BY BATTERIES.

SOMEONE NEEDS A NAVIGATION COURSE - It was bad enough that 15 of our Green Pier divers ended up on the wrong side of the pier (waaay on the wrong) in a restricted area. But the winners of the Wrong Way Corrigan Award for bad navigation had to be the buddy team that went in at Casino Point and came out at the base of the Green Pier, freely admitting they had no idea where they were. In a straight line, that's a distance of about 600 yards. They announced they were too tired to walk back, so instead, they took a taxi. (And you wonder why sometimes we get nervous when divers say to us, "Thanks but I know what I'm doing and I don't need your help.")

And that'll do it for now. Have a great week and let's go diving soon!!!

- Ken​

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