Underwater housing annual service for Sea&Sea Dx-1G

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The manual for the underwater housing recommends annual service for the o-rings. I innocently sent the housing in to Sea & Sea, not realizing that they only handle warranty issues. They referred me to service centers that charge $295 to $300 for a full annual service and a $125 to $200 for a limited annual service (replacement of 9 major o-rings). This seems inordinately expensive to be done on an annual basis. Since the camera & housing are sold as a kit and the housing is not sold separately, I don't know how much the housing costs by itself, but it seems really expensive.

Does anyone know if the annual service is really necessary? I've had the camera & housing for 2 years and it's had what I would say is "light" use during two summers. I'd appreciate any input you may have.
Hmmm, I have owned the DX-1G for3 years and only replace the main o-ring every year (and I don't necessarily think that has to be replaced every year but I do it for peace of mind). The cost of that o-ring is about $20. Eventually I will need to have the o-rings for the buttons replaced but not for another couple of years. So far I have not had any problems. I suggest you look into flood insurance that will replace the camera and housing if it should flood while on a dive.


I have the DX1200HD - I just returned from Cozumel and besides having a lot of fogging problems my macro button stopped functioning. The camera is 18 months old and out of warranty. I just sent it in (along with the housing) and told them to fix the button and service the housing. Now you're telling me that they won't service the housing??? I'm starting to get a case of the burns.
I don't think the housing needs any servicing unless the button on the housing either could not be pushed in or when pushed in did not pop back out. Does the macro button work on the camera when out of the housing?


The button doesn't work with the camera out of the housing so it's definitely a camera problem. I used to have a Light & Motion housing that I had serviced every year so I just assumed I should do the same with the Sea & Sea. My next trip is to Palau and I really, really, really don't want to have gear problems.
I don't believe the housing needs servicing other than replacing the main o-ring. I haven't heard of anyone having a housing failure because of the buttons. The only housing leaks on point and shoot cameras that I am aware of is because of a failure of the main o-ring. I would replace that o-ring and carefully check it after opening the housing before closing the housing.


Thanks for the input - I was going to send it tomorrow but I guess I'll pass on the housing. I appreciate you saving me some $$$$.


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