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Cozumelinsider was invited by me, to participate in scuba board. She is an avid diver and has plenty of knowledge that can help divers on our board.
Her offer was very generous.

I'm not sure ggunn, what your beef is, but that was not a very friendly thing to say.
Sherry has just as much right to be here and post, as anyone else, and is not violating any of our TOS. I hope you will apologize to her.

OK, I have reread what I posted with "fresh eyes", and I can see how I may well have come across as harsher than I intended. I still think that her avatar (which, I have been informed, is within the rules) breaks the spirit if not the letter of the advertising ban; if everyone put up an avatar that said "buy my stuff" then this forum would read like the yellow pages. But as I pointed out to the admin who responded to me, it is your board, not mine, and the rules are yours to make and interpret.

FWIW, I never challenged her right to be here and post.

So, I apologize, Sherry, if I offended you with my demeanor; such was not my intention. Attribute it to early morning grumpiness.
OK, I have reread what I posted with "fresh eyes", and I can see how I may well have come across as harsher than I intended. I still think that her avatar (which, I have been informed, is within the rules) breaks the spirit if not the letter of the advertising ban; if everyone put up an avatar that said "buy my stuff" then this forum would read like the yellow pages. But as I pointed out to the admin who responded to me, it is your board, not mine, and the rules are yours to make and interpret.

FWIW, I never challenged her right to be here and post.

So, I apologize, Sherry, if I offended you with my demeanor; such was not my intention. Attribute it to early morning grumpiness.

is some Cozumel diving and some Negra Leon to get rid of that grumpiness. Lucky for you, you'll be there in a few days. :wink:

With that said, any thoughts on the get together?

As Sherri said, I stayed in her place for the first three months of my stay here (while I was in my "trial period" on the island...haha). I cannot tell you what a wealth of information she was to me and still is on many occasions. She was completely supportive of what I was doing and gave me many words of wisdom. Everytime we see each other we promise to get together and stay in touch...but we are both very busy and scheduling that time is difficult.

Sherri's contributions to the island, specifically to the children of the island, to the diving community, to the visitors of the island and to American's living on the island is invaluable. I could make a long list of all of the wonderful things she has contributed, but I think you get the picture.

Anyway, please don't be so hard on her...she has only good intentions and if Sherri can't answer your questions, it is likely that no one can!


Welcome Sherri...we WILL get together soon! :)
is some Cozumel diving and some Negra Leon to get rid of that grumpiness. Lucky for you, you'll be there in a few days. :wink:

With that said, any thoughts on the get together?


Well, my grumpiness is worse, I'm sad to say. I had my eyes lasered last December, which worked out really well, except that now my prescription dive mask (+2.0 diopter) is useless. What I need now is a bifocal lens with 0 diopter for far away and +1.0 diopter for anything less than about 10 feet.

I got my eye doc to order a pair of +1 planoconvex (one side flat) lenses that I could glue on my new mask, and they were supposed to be ready last week. The lab f**ked up the order, though and sent regular (curved on both sides) lenses. No prob, they said, they'd fix it and have the right lenses in today. Pretty tight timing, as I leave tomorrow morning 7 AM.

The lab f**ked it up AGAIN, in exactly the same way.

I know about the little plastic inserts; they are too small. I will not be seeing clearly when I am diving, and that's that.

As to getting together, it was really beginning to look like I was the only one trying to get together en masse (no one responded with any ideas on a specific when and where). I am already the organizer for the 11 folks that will be with my group (arriving and departing on different days from different cities, etc.), so I already sort of have my hands full herding those cats..

Anyway, I will be in room 102 of Caribe Blu from 5/12 until 5/24, and diving with Blue Angel. The hotel number is 987-87-20188, ask for Gordon Gunn. Call or come by; I'll have cold beer, or if several are getting together somewhere, somewhen, please let me know; I'll join you if I can.

Trying not to stress out....
I hope that my not posting a follow up on this thread is not considered a lack of interest on my part. Since I'm involved in alot of different things [business and community service-wise] here on the island I simply hadn't had the time to check the board or this post until some one brought it to my attention that I had been "diss'ed" for participating. These sorts of posts coupled with the indignant private messages I've been sent via this forum really makes me re-think what I'm even doing out here! The nastiness has sorta made me feel like a freshman pledge again trying to be "worthy enough" for the sisters.

If I may point out the following for your consideration ~

1) I registered on this board over a year ago, probably posted some and then lost track of the site entirely as my "Favorites" disappeared last year in a hard drive fiasco. I only recently began posting on this BB again as I was fortunate to meet Natasha here in Cozumel a few weeks ago. Natasha encouraged myself and the other business owner I was with to get involved and participate in the board if we could. I felt a great rapport with Natasha and was honored she "invited" me to participate and decided to begin activitely posting again to help out the forum.
That being said, I also elected to clearly identify myself in my posts instead of hiding behind some "handle" so that folks reading my posts will have some confidence that I know of what I speak. While annonimity serves some folks well, it just isn't my style.

2) I regularly participate in no less than 10 other similar BB forums out there about Cozumel and am well aware of rules/regs related to self promotion ~ all boards operate very similarly. Glory be the day we get a BB up where local business owners can actually speak up and tout their wares while being helpful as well. [hmmmm....maybe something I"m working on now] But until then, if you review my posts thus far I hope you will find them to be generic enough to meet the "non-promotional" criteria. If not, spank me and I'll do better.

3) For those electing not to patronize my businesses due to my AVATAR or signature here's a big little island bustling with entrepreneurs! If you've really visited and studied insider then you know it's a site about MANY businesses...not just mine. So just email me your need and I'm happy to point you toward another great small business owner here on the island that has what you're looking for in Cozumel. While I don't really understand your logic, it doesn't mean I can't live with it. Life is way too short to focus on such negative things ~

4) THANK YOU to those who find insider to be helpful ~ it is my labor of love for an island that I am passionate about and want to share with others. Please notice that there are not any advertising fees collected on insider right now. The site has grown and developed over the past 3 years into one of the top destination guides for Cozumel at MY EXPENSE. Other Cozumel sites go out and get businesses to pay around $200 per year to have a page of information then sit back, collect their money and don't provide any real useful, up to date content other than what their advertisers provide them to post....basically a yellow pages of those who can afford to pay. While this is the norm amongst websites and certainly nothing wrong with it of course ~ insider is different. It does feature and will continue to feature MORE of the small businesses and/or information that you won't find elsewhere. The site is maintained, kept online and current with proceeds generated from selling tours/activities/rentals. If this strategy is not successful, then the alternative is to start slapping up some advertising pages ~ I hope that never has to happen.

My apologizies to any offended by my participation ~ it's certainly not my intent.
I dare say "rush" is not yet over so please allow me the opportunity to show my participation is sincere and earnest. After all, at heart I'm a diver too....just looking and waiting for the next great adventure on the high seas....I hope to develop confidences in the folks on this board so as to have great resources to improve my next great journey into the deep blue.
...since I am on Cozumel now. I solved my mask problem and did my first boat dives of the trip today.

Call or come by Caribe Blu any time, I am in 102 until the 24th.

I had been "diss'ed" for participating. These sorts of posts coupled with the indignant private messages I've been sent via this forum really makes me re-think what I'm even doing out here!


Please continue to post, some of us out here value your insight and help.

As you can see there are a few on this board who need to get lives! Come on people - Lighten Up!

You're only being picked on as you are seen as the "new kid on the block" - even though none of them live there as you do!

Plane lands in Coz in 36 hrs!!!


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