Very strange thread -- would you dive with me?

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'Sup JeffG... :)

Actually, no, I haven't. I was busy fighting cancer.

Since recovery I have built a commercial dive operation, which has already done some pretty amazing stuff. Three weeks ago we returned from doing a huge job at the Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, and before that we did a whole bunch of work for Embarq - our local phone company.

Rest assured ('cause I know you really care) that while we were at the GA Aquarium I was continuing to look for a facility that would allow me to finish that dream.

...But thanks for asking. :D

Man, I'd love the opportunity to dive at that aquarium ... I've only seen videos, but it looks like a marvelous place to play ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Inquiring minds would like to know the history behind the avitar.

Lynne was not only happily assimilated into the DIR collective ... but was working hard to assimilate her husband ... Jean-Peter Picard (aka Nocutus). The term "resistance is futile" played well into the notion of her as the Borg Queen ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Lynne (and Bob),

As my wife and I have talked about coming up there to dive, can you recommend a good time (weather and dive conditions). We don't have any definite trips set for this year yet so it might be possible this year.

I'd always wanted to meet both of you since before I joined SB (see my first SB post).

I've been interested in DIR or UTD for a while but things have gotten in the way (like no job) and I would like to sit down and talk about our best options. I did get a BP/W this last year and just about have my wife talked into one too.

By the way the offer of dinner also applies to Bob.

Hoping to get up your way soon,

I'd dive with you...but only if you come to Florida...and we stay out of the caves..and we don't talk about whaling vs SS
If I lived near by I would definitely dive with you based on 1 your skilled diving quote 2 some of your posts and your experience 3 and by assuming that you are pretty under pressure being an ER doc.
Based on your postings, they see a perceived level of expectations or excellence that they don't feel they can live up to. ...

They are afraid that you will see them as less than perfect and no one wants to feel less than perfect in front of someone they look up to and respect.

It's the avatar, that's all :)

Sure, I'd dive with you. But I suspect we'd have some up-front negotiation related to s-drills and the like. Perhaps perception of your style of diving intimidates.

2) you're highly critical of dive skills, take diving very seriously and it is much more than a mere hobby for you, and have little tolerance with imperfection -- at least as those apply to yourself so it is easy to assume that this extends to those you dive with.

3) you value GUE/UTD/DIR training and think little of recreational training. You didn't think you were much of diver without the tech training. Again, easy to assume you apply that same line of thinking to others.

7) You seem to be very high on team diving and being familiar with diving buddies, and I would have no idea who the third person I'd assume you'd bring along for the team would be. And my limited in person experiences with DIR people have not been positive.


As I have already said in the past, I would be very happy to dive with you.

Many people made a lot of interesting and thoughtful comments, many of which were repeated with some frequency. I highlighted some above. I think there is validity in all of them.

Last year I put out some feelers in the Hawai'i O'hana forum asking if anyone would be willing to do some shore dives with me while I was on the big island. I got an offer from a gentleman I had never met and whose posts I had never before noticed. He didn't know a thing about me, either, I believe. He turned out to be a very nice guy, and we had a great day together. However, when we first talked on the phone to set up the meeting, he gave me a warning. He said something like, "I'm DIR trained, but don't worry, I dive with anyone." (I don't remember exactly how he phrased it, but please be assured he was not being the least bit arrogant.)

The key point is that his past experiences led him to expect me to be intimidated by his DIR approach to the point that he felt compelled to try to put me at ease before he ever met me or before he knew that I was training in the same agency as he (UTD).

Like it or not, there is an unfair perception that DIR divers will look down upon someone who does not conform perfectly to some ideal. I think you will always have to deal with that perception.

And your avatar does give me the willies.
Lynne as a somewhat n00b, just getting back into diving after a long layoff, I would welcome the opportunity to dive with you. The best part of diving with a buddy from outside of my circle of regular divers is the opportunity to learn. I love to learn something new on every dive that will make my next dives much more rich. Whether it is a different way of setting up gear or a whole different approach to diving. I enjoy seeing how others do it and "assimilate" it into my diving. I like the mentor approach and have learned much more through that than has been taught in any class I have taken. If you ever make it to the NC coast consider this an open invitation.
Lynne as a somewhat n00b, just getting back into diving after a long layoff, I would welcome the opportunity to dive with you. The best part of diving with a buddy from outside of my circle of regular divers is the opportunity to learn. I love to learn something new on every dive that will make my next dives much more rich. Whether it is a different way of setting up gear or a whole different approach to diving. I enjoy seeing how others do it and "assimilate" it into my diving. I like the mentor approach and have learned much more through that than has been taught in any class I have taken. If you ever make it to the NC coast consider this an open invitation.

Lynne, that makes two invites to NC you now have, come on over. I think Big John dives primarily out of Morehead as do I.

My bad, that would be three, I just read Marci's post.
Based on your postings, they see a perceived level of expectations or excellence that they don't feel they can live up to. Many of them may not have been here when you joined, watched your struggle to get a grip on this whole diving thing, and make the progress that you've done.

They are afraid that you will see them as less than perfect and no one wants to feel less than perfect in front of someone they look up to and respect.

Like it or not Lynne, you have a pretty big following here that feels that way about you and don't want to disappoint you. Just because they have that fear doesn't mean that it's warranted.

I'm not going to read all of the responses but I think CD hit on it perfectly. I think you might make fun of my split fins and my Air2, and you would hate my buddy skills since I'm one of those u/w photographers, but I'd love to meet you one day and dive with you. I'm totally amazed that someone so tiny can use doubles!!

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