Warped View of the Dive World Vol 2 - Diving Beyond Your Training

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I realize that you are unable to comprehend the typed word; realized that many of your posts ago. But the fact that you continue to make false accusations against me and continue to misrepresent my posts, even through ignorance, will not stop me from pointing out that your comprehension of typed words seems ignorant!
... and I realize that your attitude makes you incapable of comprehending that you are continuing to demonstrate exactly the behavior I've describe of you ...

I did not tell TSandM to take her How to have a great dive thread anywhere.

I asked questions and stated where I thought the thread belonged, once, and left it at that.
How generous of you ...

How many times are you going to misrepresent this one post of mine in an effort to not post on topic in this thread?
Dude ... you ARE the topic ...

I would really appreciate it if you would contain yourself in this thread and try to stay somewhat on topic, or just bugger off and do not post anymore in this thread.
Had you taken your own advice in Lynne's thread, we wouldn't now be having this little chat ...

You obviously have no valid arguments pertaining to the topic of this thread, not even the added secondary topic that you were the first to request as one of the topics. I say obviously because it has to be obvious to everyone who reads this far into the thread that your only agenda now is to discredit the messenger, because you are unable to discredit the topics of the thread.

Can't attack the message so attack the messenger. That has been your main play in all the Warped threads!
Do you understand what a hypocrite is? I recommend a mirror.

You're obviously too caught up in yourself to comprehend that I'm treating you exactly as you have treated others.

Don't like it? Then don't do it ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Please quote me, other than that one thread that I have not really been bringing up over and over like you, where I have told people where there posts belong? :mooner:


My apologies in advance to everyone else. The next five posts are just me defending myself against misrepresentation and false accusation. The next five posts have absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread so I think it's quite all right to skip the next 5 five posts.

OK *dave*, let's take a close look at your "evidence" that I am telling people where their posts belong;

Dude, you asked for quotes and I gave them to you. You can defend all you want, but it's kinda like arguing with yourself. After all, those were your words, not mine, not Bob's,......

See, this is why you have no credibility. That's too bad, cuz a guy with your experience should have a lot of credible content to contribute.
That's too bad, cuz a guy with your experience should have a lot of credible content to contribute.
Only if the "experience" is credible. Not all "experience" or "experiences" are worth while!
I asked questions and stated where I thought the thread belonged, once, and left it at that. How many times are you going to misrepresent this one post of mine in an effort to not post on topic in this thread?

I would really appreciate it if you would contain yourself in this thread and try to stay somewhat on topic, or just bugger off and do not post anymore in this thread.

Had you taken your own advice in Lynne's thread, we wouldn't now be having this little chat

You really don't like it when someone expresses an opinion you disagree with, do you?

You seem to only be able to attack me, but without any comprehension of even the words YOU type!

In TSandM's thread I made TWO posts! The first one was me typing on the topic of how to have a great dive.

Yesterday I rang in the new year guiding two great dives!

The temps were a bit warmer and the vis likely much better, but there was current.

My guests were 3 under 25 y/o brothers with no dives after last years holiday Caribbean certification and 3 under 30 y/o guys with one boat trip after their 3 years ago certifications. I was also shooting pics of the 3 brothers.

They had never used any of the dive equipment, but one had his own fins and mask. They had never been in a cavern and never been to a Lanai dive site, but the two best divers of the group (different brothers) made all of their 4 lifetime dives at Molokini with B&B. :thumb:

They listened to the briefings, paid attention to the crews instructions and followed direction underwater.

Out of 13 divers on the boat yesterday, only one had most of what TS&M describes above, and he was on his second Fosters when I climbed up the ladder after the second dive. :idk:

Having a boat full of divers with TS&M's listed capacities is not always necessary for a smooth, relaxed and thoroughly enjoyable day of diving, because that's what we didn't have! :D

TSandM asked me a question....

I'm glad you had a great dive. I hope you didn't mean to imply that the things I listed that come with experience aren't useful, or that less experienced divers shouldn't try to acquire them?

I answered TSandM's question....

I am definitely implying that from a Basic Scuba Discussions forum perspective, a boat dive in Puget Sound when the air temps are in the high 20's and the water temps are in the high 40's is not really Basic Scuba.

If we just say that to be basic scuba at least 50% of the divers in the world would have tried it; what percentage of world wide divers have tried BP/W, dry suits, argon, all of the above and more on the same dive?

I am definitely saying that for the vast majority of basic divers on the planet and on this board, many of the things you have listed are not useful.

It really sounds like you are trying to sell something; how much money and time have you spent on dive training, equipment and travel in the last 5 years? Not to mention over 20,000 posts on SB? Does that kind of dive life really have much to do with Basic Scuba?

If we follow the forum format of ScubaBoard, isn't the discussion you are starting more appropriate in the Technical Diving forum? If a PADI Master Diver is the middle of the target range for the Advanced Scuba Discussions forum I still think this thread would be in the wrong forum.

Either the general section of the Technical Diving Specialties or your local Sub Forum; you do have a local sub forum, don't you?

I have a lot of basic scuba experience; some of those things you listed are not things basic scuba divers ever experience or need to experience so I question their usefulness. I do not think basic scuba divers should worry about acquiring some of those things.

Then I "buggered off" and did not post in that thread again!

I posted my dissenting opinion, on the topic of the thread, ONCE, and then left the thread alone. I have allowed you to attack me with dissenting BS that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread, over and over.

In TSandM's thread I more than followed the request I made of you to...

....contain yourself in this thread and try to stay somewhat on topic, or just bugger off and do not post anymore in this thread. :mooner:

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