Was it your website?

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The other day, I was looking on here and clicked on someone's site link. It had a bunch of GREAT photos. In particular, it had a link on the site that compiled many other people pics of sharks. I wanted to share this page with my husband but I forgot to make the site. Now I can't seem to find it, was it yours? If not, do you know who's it was? And again... GREAT site!:D
Have you tried looking in your Internet history folder? It saves all the websites you have visited in the past couple of days/weeks

It should be in your toolbar
Only thing is I don't remember which day it was (some time this weekend) and I visited so many of them that it would take forever to revisit them all. I was just wondering someone would see that post and say... Hey thats me! :)
I got a few e-mails saying that I should have had the topic be "was it your site" and not "was it you". So, I tried to change it but it didn't really work. Sorry for the wording. But, I'd still like to know who's site it was, so if you know let me in on the secret! :mean:
I fixed your thread titled...is that what you wanted to say?

Sorry...I can't help you with a link. :(
HIdiver once bubbled...

Oh yes, yes! :bounce: This is the site! It's great! :thumb: I love all the pics of the sharks and rays! Thanks for sharing! :dance:

Who said advertising doesnt work?

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