What kind of shark would make you get out of the water?

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I've only seen one type of shark other than a Nurse Shark. I saw a Black Tip off of West Palm several years ago. It was an really thrilling sight. I am sure there are sharks around even though I don't see them. They stay away from the reef and blend in with the gray water in the distance. If I saw sharks getting agressive, I would leave the water.
Possibly a Great White, but I would definitely be in awe. Behavior would, also, play a big role in my decision. Then, again, who knows if I would have a decision! :eek:
Though I would also be in awe at the sight of one of these sharks, I'd probably be forced to exit the water due to sucking out the contents of my tank. I am interested in someday doing a cage dive with Great Whites.

Were the sailors of the Indianapolis also victims of Tiger Sharks?
tampascott once bubbled...
Bull sharks haven't gotten too aggressive with me yet, but I respect them. I especially respect them with dead fish clipped off to my BC. Bulls are unpredictable, and I definitely feel a little vulnerable bobbing on the surface, waiting for my ride to come and get me after I sound the dive alert.

Some poor guy near St. Petersburg, FL was killed about three years ago. He jumped off the dock in his backyard and was attcked my a bull. If you've ever gone to Boca Grande Pass and Tarpon fished, you've likely seen what Bull Sharks and Hammerheads can do to a 150# Tarpon. It's a pretty sobering sight.

Wanna see?? Go to my buddy's web site here: http://www.gianttarpon.com/video.htm Click on "Shark Attack." Look at the way those Bulls lined up on that big Tarpon. You couldn't pay me to dive Boca Grande Pass from April to August.

That was a pretty sobering video! Thanks for sharing the link. I have a friend who just came back from Key Largo and from his second ocean vacation dive experience (AOW cert) and on this trip saw a shark. This friend is an adrenaline junkie and unbeknownst to him it was a bull and he starts swimming towards it for a closer look. I guess he was more disappointed than I realized that our shark dived got cancelled when we were in West Palm! :rolleyes: Thank GOD the rest of his group yanked his ass back to reality before he tried to pet it like his Rottie. Isn't fish ID a part of AOW? I study it on my own because it's a passion and I wanted to be a marine biologist when I grew up. :D
Since we don't have any kind of sharks in the lakes around here, and I haven't gotten to dive in the ocean yet, the only shark I have seen in it's natural state is a land shark. I guess if I found out one of those was in the water where I was diving I would probably get out and leave! LOL!

Seriously, I don't know how I would react. I have always wanted to get a chance to find out though.

Later, Hawk.
I'd say hammer heads the're never alone and fairly agressive, but also grt whites of seal island, there is one of the largest concentration of great white in the world around there and there behaviour is far more aggresive than seen elswhere.:boom:
great white, bull, anything acting aggressive.

The first time I saw a shark was probably about my 6th or 7th dive and I had my buddy (an very experienced diver and spearfisherman) between me and that shark in the blink of an eye. I kept moving my eyes between the shark and the rapidly dropping needle on my SPG.

I love to see them, but I have to admit to being a bit uneasy every time I do.

somebody mentioned not heading straight for the boat. I definitely agree. I'm comfortable at depth with sharks where you can find something to hide behind or blend into if they get aggressive, but my fear has always been looking around while ascending or on my safety stop and seeing sharks nearby. Don't think I could outswim them...

Any shark in the lake would get me out!!! if they can survive fresh water then he must be a bad mamma jamma..


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