What Women Want... Dork Diver Style!

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Stunning toes, ER!!!!

Will you be at Gilboa this weekend? I'd like to get a good look at them.
Scratch, do the rhinestones rub or hurt from the fins? That's what I'm afraid of happening!! I'd like to try it, but I'm skeered of it hurting....

penny - no they don't hurt or rub - especially if you wear boots, you'll be fine. I've never used ones that big before though - the only thing I can think of is accidentally kicking or banging something with your bare feet and knocking them off. Mine stay on for months but I use the smaller ones. I must admit though the bigger ones look stunning! Might have to get me some of those.
trucker girl:
erparamedic- great toes! I'm totally going to buy a bottle of "I'm not really a waitress." I just like the name! I can tell you took great care- no red dribbles anywhere! I always have red goopy spots if I do red (which is why I don't do red...). And I don't paint my pinky toes. I have such tiny nails there that I have a really, really hard time getting the polish off so I just leave them nekkid.

I can't wait to get home!

Hot tub? Did someone say hot tub? Maybe I need to take a detour!

I'll send you directions TG....wow I wish I were going to Toby now!
trucker girl:
Which would, of course, hurt anyway- rhinestones or no!

I think it would hurt my pride more than anything!

Baracuda like anything shiny... that's it's prudent to be careful what jewelry (if any) you wear while diving.:wink:

Oh... and I'm at work, so posting will be hit/miss.
Okay- change of subject (this is the women's thread... I'm allowed!).

Chick flicks:

Mis Congeniality
Legally Blonde
Mr and Mrs Smith (also a guy flick, but still qualifies IMO)
Little Mermaid (see, it's diving related!)

Ack. All my movie references are at home and I have no reminders. I would say The Notebook, but I really didn't like that one.
Ooh, Titanic too.

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