Why would anyone do this?

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Hello everyone,
I have just completed my confined padi dives and will be flying to fort lauderdale to complete my open water with pro dive. Needless to say, I am hooked on scuba and can't wait to hit the open water. I have spent countless hours online and reading magizines concerning problems wtih scuba and ask myself why would anyone want to do this. There seems to be so many things that could go wrong, but for some reason, I can't wait to try it out. It seems like that as long as you check your gear beforehand, stay close to your buddy, stick with your plan, and don't do anything stupid underwater, you should be ok. I read that pretty much everyone that dives consistantly will have some sort of problem(big or little) at some point. My biggest worry is having some uncontrollable panic attack and shooting for the surface. So I guess my question is, Why do so many people dive?
(1) Because it's a great sport, even tho it appeals to only some.

(2) Because it is relatively safe, based on your description - a good summary.

(3) Because the challenges, altho you may dread them, keep it interesting.

(4) And - because the ultimate risk makes it a little exciting. :D

Enjoy yourself, dive safe, keep back up plans handy. :thumb:
I dive because the enjoyment I get from diving makes it worth the risks, especially since the risks are managable with practice and training.
I was very nervous on my first open water dive. The waves were a little choppy and being on the surface was a little scary. I mentioned to my instructor that I was nervous, and he was right with me the whole descent, helping me to relax. By the time I got to the bottom I was completely in awe of how beautiful and amazing the underwater world is - I completely relaxed. I just finished my 18th dive this weekend, and it gets better and better each time as I learn more, and understand more. Even a stressful night dive was a good learning experience for me.

I think if you are really nervous mention it to the instructor who will be taking you on your dives - I would guess that 99% of people are, and instructors are trained to help you through this. By the time you finish your course you should be more relaxed, and feel confident enough to handle something that could come up - that is what the course is for, to keep you safe. If you don't feel 100% on this, keep taking classes until you do. Diving is really an amazing experience - just take it slow, stay relaxed, keep a clear head (as you mentioned always check your gear and stay with your buddy), know your limits, and have confidence in yourself and you should do just fine.

Enjoy your trip!
It seems like that as long as you check your gear beforehand, stay close to your buddy, stick with your plan, and don't do anything stupid underwater, you should be ok.
You're absolutely right, but I've never seen a new diver do all of that every dive.

Stay close to your buddy. Despite what you learn in class, you should always be able to get your buddy's attention instantly no matter what. If you can't, then you're essentially solo. I see "buddies" that are 15 feet apart. That's not your buddy, it's just another diver in the water.

Check your gear every dive. Period.

If you and your buddy manage to do this, you will be OK.
diving is actually very relaxing once you become familiar with the gear and environemt.

it's normal to be nervous at first. but you'll gain confidence pretty soon.

i love diving for the sensation of floating, for how relaxing it is, for letting me
visit the underwater world and the critters that live there

it's like a trip to a foreign world every time
for the unexpected appearances out of the blue and the meditative moments in between!.....I love the chance to say that.
Because the ocean is a whole new world that's so close to our own, but so many people lack the interest to explore. It's enlightening to witness life in it's purely natural world, in which you are the alien, and in which you otherwise wouldn't belong.

The human spirit atrophies without exploration, and the significane our self-centered lives pales in view of the experiances that can only be seen through exploration.

I agree with Catherine too, check out the pics on her website. They might also help answer your question.

Diving is so many things to me... Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote, I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of small things. This is how I feel about diving.

When I'm below, there is nothing but that instant and the smooth sound of my breathing. It's the closest thing to Satori that I've ever known, and I find it amazing that monks meditate for years and years to attain the feeling that I can have, the instant I slip beneath the surface.

The dizzying diversity of life that inhabits the reefs, the eerie beauty of a wreck, confronting the elements, pushing myself -- my mind and body, the discipline and attention to detail that goes into planning and executing a dive, the comaraderie with other divers, the challenge of rough seas and bad viz... To me, diving is everything. I feel most alive and the greatest reverence I've ever known, when I'm diving. It's like being a dream in the mind of God.

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